Showing posts with label political promises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label political promises. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Less than twelve months out from the next federal election and Peter Dutton's 'when I am prime minister' promises are beginning to mount

IMAGE: The Guardian 11.06.24
Photograph: Lukas Coch/AAP
It would appear that Leader of the Opposition & Liberal MP for Dickson, Peter Dutton(left), has decided that his style of leadership less than twelve months out from the next federal general election is to commence a sustained presidential-style campaign to win back government.

The 'when I am prime minister' comments and promises have increased recently.

To add context and keep track of what Dutton has been promising since becoming opposition leader, here is a list of promises made so far. Not all of which have stood the test of time.

Dutton’s super promise

The Mercury, 2 March 2023:

The Opposition Leader said the Coalition would not support the changes given Labor had declared it would not tinker with superannuation during the election campaign. “We’re dead against it, and we will repeal it. We’re not going to stand by and watch Australians attacked,” Mr Dutton said. Treasurer Jim Chalmers defended the changes on Wednesday morning, arguing while there would be some “political cost” to the move, overall it was a “modest” reform.

Dutton promises improved facilities for female sports participants during shire visit

St. George and Sutherland Shire Leader, 18 August 2023:

Mr Dutton, accompanied by the MP for Hughes and shadow sports minister, made an early election promise that a Coalition government would help sporting clubs improve facilities to help increase female participation.

He said $250 million would be provided over four years for community sporting infrastructure across the country.

Dutton promises another vote if Indigenous Voice fails

Brisbane Times, 2 September 2023:

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has promised to hold a referendum on constitutional recognition for Indigenous Australians if the Voice is defeated at the ballot box next month, and he wins power at the next election.

Setting out some of his alternatives to a Voice that is written into the Constitution, the opposition leader said he supported “regional voices” and the recognition of First Australians.

Cook returns fire over Dutton defund pledge

The Australian, 31 January 2024:

The federal Opposition Leader on Tuesday used an address to the WA Chamber of Minerals and Energy to promise to withdraw financial support for the EDO [Environmental Defenders Office]...

Dutton railroads PM in byelection: Campaign on Track

Sydney Morning Herald, 02 Feb 2024:

Dutton will travel to Melbourne's bayside today to pledge $900 million towards extending Melbourne's rail network to the booming suburbs south of the electorate.

The electrification of the Frankston-Baxter line, along which a diesel V/line service runs, would include new stations at Langwarrin and Frankston East, both of which sit within Dunkley.

Dutton promises more tax cuts under Coalition

The Sydney Morning Herald, 07 February 2024:

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton emerged from a Coalition party room meeting yesterday to admit he could not block the Labor tax cuts and would not roll them back if he won power, but he vowed to add to them with further measures announced before the election.

Dutton: 'I'll wind back regulation'

The Australian Financial Review, 3 April 2024:

Peter Dutton will promise business leaders cheaper energy prices and less government interference under the Coalition, pledging to stay out of the way of employment and profit growth through a simplified industrial relations system...

Invoking the vision of Liberal Party founder Robert Menzies in an address to the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia, Mr Dutton will pledge to better represent workers and business operators if the Coalition wins the next election, delivering a "back-to-basics economic agenda"....

A year out from the next election, Mr Dutton will to call for sustainable wage growth delivered through productivity enhancements....

He will tell attendees the Coalition is developing plans for a dramatic ramp-up in domestic gas production and will present policies for deployment of nuclear power technologies.

Campbell: Dutton’s migration promises a year too late to seize political initiative

The Daily Telegraph (Online),19 May 2024:

On Thursday night, in his budget-in-reply, speech Peter Dutton finally grabbed the political opportunity this represents by promising to cut permanent migration for two years from 185,000 to 140,000 – or by 25 per cent – and to work with universities to set a cap on foreign students.

He will also ban foreign investors and temporary residents from buying existing homes in Australia.

I’ll kick out any foreigner who commits serious crime: Dutton

The Australian, 7 June 2024:

Peter Dutton says no non-citizen who commits a dangerous crime in Australia should be allowed to stay in the country as a matter of principle, arguing they should be deported “immediately”

Dutton vows to ‘make Victoria great again’

Herald Sun, 8 June 2024:

Peter Dutton wants Victoria to return to its “manufacturing powerhouse” glory days — and he says with his strong economic leadership skills, he can get us there.

Dutton to pull Australia out of Paris Agreement if elected

The Sydney Morning Herald, 8 June 2024:

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has signalled he will scrap the nation’s legally binding 2030 climate target and risk Australia’s membership of the Paris Agreement on climate change, following his vow to deploy nuclear energy to reach net zero by 2050.

Dutton declared on Saturday that a Coalition government would not pursue Australia’s legally binding climate target to cut emissions by 43 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030.

To be continued.....