Showing posts with label Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Show all posts

Tuesday 22 March 2022

So Scott Morrison is unhappy that flood ravaged Northern NSW is not servilely grateful for the announcements he had made so far in March 2022?


The situation in Northern NSW, March 2022

A group of seven women, who drove 700km from Lismore, set up stall outside Kirribilli House on Monday morning IMAGE: Daily Mail Australia, 21 March 2022

ABC News, 21 March 2022:

Angry Lismore residents have dumped wreckage from their flooded houses outside Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s official Sydney residence to call for climate action.

The protesters brought pieces of their homes, toys and other belongings which were destroyed by the deluge that devastated the Northern Rivers region, and dumped them outside the gates of Kirribilli House.

They held signs including: “Morrison your climate mega flood destroyed our homes”; “Lismore now, where next?”; and “Your climate inaction killed my neighbour”.

Lismore resident Kate Stroud said she wanted Mr Morrison to "understand the level of loss our community has been through".

Imagine piles 50 times this size outside every house,” she said.

The truck was prevented from entering Kirribilli House premises.(ABC News: Phoebe Bowden)

Lismore resident Melveena Martin said people were angry Mr Morrison did not hold a public appearance where residents could share their stories.

The Prime Minister, who was in Queensland when the protest took place, travelled to Lismore after the floods but kept to a schedule of private appearances.

To think that our Prime Minister came to our town and wouldn't even speak to us and hid from us is absolutely deplorable,” Ms Martin said.

Another resident, Koudra Falla, said: “I had to swim under my house at 3am in the morning in hectic rapids because we could hear our neighbours calling for help.”

In the hard-hit region of northern NSW, it is estimated that more than 3,000 homes in the Lismore local government area have been assessed as "not habitable".

At the height of the crisis, many residents waited for hours on roofs, surrounded by floodwaters, due to a lack of emergency personnel and equipment…..

The Guardian, 20 March 2022:

Residents in Lismore have been left with no choice but to move back into their houses that have been deemed uninhabitable, with some sleeping on swags in mouldy rooms without electricity, as they are unable to find safe accommodation three weeks after floods devastated the town.

Empty mobile homes wait to accommodate Lismore residents whose houses were damaged or destroyed in this month’s floods in the NSW northern rivers

In South Lismore – a low-lying part of the town that bore the brunt of historic flooding this year and an area well known for attracting residents seeking affordable housing – Guardian Australia spoke with multiple residents who had evacuated town following the floods but had returned to their homes in recent days.

The State Emergency Service had deemed more than 3,600 homes across the New South Wales northern rivers region as uninhabitable and on Friday some residents were living in homes that had been as assessed as such.

In one case, a homeowner had returned to their property which had been condemned for demolition after being assessed as structurally unsound, and had warning tape erected at its entrance, however they did not want to be interviewed.

Some homes in South Lismore were swept off their foundations, but they remained intact, despite needing renovations and structural repairs.

Residents in Lismore have been left with no choice but to move back into their houses that have been deemed uninhabitable, with some sleeping on swags in mouldy rooms without electricity, as they are unable to find safe accommodation three weeks after floods devastated the town.

In South Lismore – a low-lying part of the town that bore the brunt of historic flooding this year and an area well known for attracting residents seeking affordable housing – Guardian Australia spoke with multiple residents who had evacuated town following the floods but had returned to their homes in recent days.

The State Emergency Service had deemed more than 3,600 homes across the New South Wales northern rivers region as uninhabitable and on Friday some residents were living in homes that had been as assessed as such.

In one case, a homeowner had returned to their property which had been condemned for demolition after being assessed as structurally unsound, and had warning tape erected at its entrance, however they did not want to be interviewed.

Some homes in South Lismore were swept off their foundations, but they remained intact, despite needing renovations and structural repairs.

Stories of residents living in unsafe housing follow revelations in Guardian Australia that motor homes intended for Lismore residents whose houses were inundated in the floods were lying empty because linen and water sources had not been organised, while housing “pods” promised by the NSW government were yet to materialise.

On Crown Street, the Lee family’s home was deemed uninhabitable after flooding rose to about chest height on its elevated top floor. The family of four hosted four neighbours on the Sunday that waters rose, and all eight had to be rescued by a friend who had a boat on Monday 28 February.

After evacuating, brothers Ryan and Evan have slept at a variety of places, including at their grandparents’ home and on friends’ couches. Their parents also leaned on family and friends for accommodation.

While they were able to rely on people who opened their homes to them, countless other residents also required temporary accommodation.

The Lee family home on Crown Street, South Lismore. Photograph: David Maurice Smith/Oculi

And so on Monday, after weeks of living in cramped conditions with other flood evacuees, the Lee family made the difficult decision to return to their home, despite its status as uninhabitable.

There was nowhere else left to go, that is the only reason why we’re back here,” said Evan, a 20-year-old student, who was sleeping on an old fold-out camping bed made of steel, less than a metre from his mother, who was sleeping on a blow-up mattress.

Ryan, a 21-year-old labourer, was sleeping on a swag in the next room, while their father, Andy, was sleeping at his brother’s house due to a back problem.

While water was running, the Lees were unsure if it was safe, so were drinking bottled water. The house relied on a portable generator for electricity, and its mountain of flood-ruined possessions in the front yard was yet to be collected.

I’ve got no idea when it will be collected, but hopefully it’s within the next week because it’s starting to smell pretty bad,” Ryan said.

Outside, the smell of dried dirt and sewage lingered. Inside, water damage and mould was evident. It was hot inside the rooms, and flood damage left it largely unprotected from the elements.

The family had been told it would take more than six months for their home to be rebuilt and safe for them to move back in…... [my yellow highlighting], 21 March 2022:

More than 65 per cent of renters living in a coastal Northern NSW electorate are experiencing rental stress and that was before unprecedented floods tore through communities.

Almost 3400 homes have been declared uninhabitable and a further 6708 were inundated by floodwaters during the floods, State Emergency Services Commissioner, Carlene York confirmed earlier this week.

More than 1000 people are still living in emergency accommodation and 134 remain in evacuation centres, while thousands take refuge in the homes in families and friends.

In the electorate of Page – inclusive of Lismore and Woodburn – 68 per cent of renters already had difficulty meeting their rental costs. While in the neighbouring electorate of Richmond – including Ballina, Mullumbimby and Tweed Heads – 44 per cent of renters are experiencing housing stress.

A surge in regional rental prices – in part driven by tree changes during coronavirus lockdowns – as well as stagnant wage growth are creating a housing affordability crisis.

Tony Davies, CEO of Social Futures has been working on the ground with north coast NSW communities in the aftermath of the flood crisis.

Sleeping rough is the tip of the homelessness iceberg,” Mr Davies said of the region with an average income twenty per cent less than the rest of the state. “Rental stress has been very bad and worsening for some time”.

Just three per cent of housing stock in the Northern Rivers region can be categorised as community or affordable housing.

We had people camped in camp grounds and getting evicted during the holiday season,” Mr Davies said of the situation before floods hit.

In the towns of Lismore and Murwillumbah, entire businesses that employ a number of locals have now been decimated by floodwaters.

All of these people that have lost houses and jobs,” Mr Davies said. “There are people who may have been lucky to live on a hill but their employment is gone”.

He described people in their 80s living in cars and cancer patients without a roof over their head.

A group of 150 organisations – including corporates, unions, community and faith organisations – have written a joint letter to Treasurer Josh Frydenberg calling on him to allocate social housing investment into the upcoming budget…… [my yellow highlighting]

The 'new normal' Northern Rivers road travel experience for many.

Australian Prime Minister & Liberal MP for Cook Scott Morrison’s Response, March 2022

Sky News, 21 March 2022:

Scott Morrison has defended the federal government's support measures in the wake of catastrophic flooding as he described the politicisation of natural disasters as unhelpful.

Mr Morrison's comments on Monday came amid protests outside Kirribilli House, the Prime Minister's official Sydney residence, over the government's slow response to the flood crisis in northern New South Wales.

"I think the politicisation of natural disasters is very unfortunate. Everyone is just working together to do the best they probably can to support people who are in terrible need," he said.

"My government's doing that, the state governments are doing that. Local councils are doing that. We're all working together to help people. And I don't think the politicisation of that is a helpful theme." …. [my yellow highlighting]

This "politicisation" response - from a politician whose personal income (over $10,000 per week plus free prime ministerial accommodation at two residential addresses, staff, car & subsidized travel) and net worth places him in the top 20% of Australian income earners - was apparently aimed at residents in a flood ravaged regional city which on a relative social-economic disadvantage decile scale would rank as a 4 (disadvantaged) out of 10 (least disadvantaged)In a flood ravaged region where an est. 25% of all people have an income between $0-$450 a week and another est. 30% would likely have been earning somewhere between $451-$800 a week pre-pandemic and pre-mega flood.

This is a man who clearly has no idea of what it is like to deal with trauma, loss, grief, homelessness, uncertainty and yes, fear. All the while knowing that there is a possibility that the major coastal rivers will flood again this year (perhaps more than once) and that an intransigent prime minister and federal government have no real understanding of this risk.

Sunday 20 March 2022

Northern NSW Floods February-March 2022: first the Prime Minister failed us, is he now setting out to betray us as well?

The crisis was also the first true test of newly legislated powers introduced by the Commonwealth in response to royal commission recommendations following the unprecedented Black Summer bushfires – powers expressly designed for immediate and unilateral action by the federal government. These were not invoked until the 10th day of the flood event, when Morrison was able to get out of Covid-19 isolation and appear in Lismore personally for the announcement…..

There were three ADF helicopters in the air when conditions allowed on Monday, February 28, performing rescues of residents from their roofs and from churning floodwater. Clearly, any bureaucratic requirement for the ADF to become involved had already been triggered.

On March 4, the federal government offered NSW fewer than 300 Defence personnel for the flood crisis……

On March 5, almost a week after the Northern Rivers’ historic floods, the number of ADF personnel supposedly available for the response had more than doubled to 5000, although authorities could not explain where these troops were.

[Senior journalist and author Rick Morton, writing in The Saturday Paper, 19 March 2022]

Motorists trapped on Woodburn bridge cut off by floodwaters rescued.
IMAGE: ABC News, 1 March 2022

Cattle seek high ground in flood-hit Ballina, northern NSW. Farmers report ‘devastating impacts’. Photograph: Australian defence force/AFP/Getty Images, The Guardian, 2 March 2022.

The Saturday Paper, 19 March 2022:

Last week, New South Wales Premier Dominic Perrottet secured a “handshake agreement” with Prime Minister Scott Morrison that they would do “whatever is required” to support residents devastated by floods in the Northern Rivers region.

Over the weekend, NSW ministers and departmental officials worked to develop and test a recovery funding package. The details were finalised on Tuesday, before being signed off by the premier and passed through an out-of-session expenditure review committee.

At time of press, however, there had been no response from the federal government. Morrison’s office has gone silent.

I’m not sure what the hold-up is,” a senior NSW government source told The Saturday Paper. “We’ve signed our package, is my point. And the prime minister’s office or the treasurer’s office has not come back to us to say ‘Hey, we have a question about this.’ ”

On Thursday morning, the source consulted another person while on the phone, to see if there had been any movement on the package.

Still nothing. We are still waiting on the prime minister,” they said, and then, to the other person: “Do we know what the hold-up is? He’s campaigning in Perth? Is that the actual answer?” The second person clarified they had been told simply that Morrison is “unavailable”.

Well, is he unavailable to review the package? Or unavailable to sign it off? Or unavailable to do the media announce?”

There was a pause. “Okay. So he’s not engaging on it.”

This is a story about the politicisation of a national catastrophe, and the lengths Scott Morrison will go to in order to deflect blame while manoeuvring to collect credit for doing the bare minimum….. [my yellow highlighting]

Read the full story here.

Refresh your memory about the scale of this catastrophic flooding.....

Posted by A Current Affair on 2 March 2022.

On 18 March 2022 both Scott Morrison & Damian Perrottet separately released details of a joint funding arrangement - some parts of which à la Morrison were re-announcements rather than new provisions along with unspecified assurances. Neither made mention of the proposed $10,000 grant to flood victims in NSW Northern Rivers region returning to their own homes or of $5,000 to renting flood victims.

BACKGROUND, 17 March 2022, excerpt: revealed on Wednesday night that residents of flood-ravaged towns in NSW would be offered $10,000 “back home” grants to rebuild their homes as thousands face months living in tents and caravans.

The grants are up to $10,000 if you own your own home and it is your principal place of residence. Renters will be eligible a $5,000 grant.

Landlords will also secure a $5,000 grant to clean up properties they rent out to tenants.

The package is also looking at further grants to primary producers of up to $25,000.

But a bitter war of words breaks over frustrations the Prime Minister is holding up the announcement, amid claims he refused to announce it on Wednesday because he was campaigning in Western Australia.

Saturday 19 March 2022

One Quote, One YouTube Video & four Tweets of the Week

I’m still wearing the same glasses, and the same suits,” Morrison said, in reference to Albanese’s new look. I’m happy in my own skin … When you’re prime minister you can’t pretend to be someone else.” [Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, quoted in The Guardian, March 2022]


Friday 18 March 2022

If Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison thought his partisan funding decision in the middle of a national emergency would go unnoticed, he has been daily disabused of that notion

ABC News, 17 March 2022:

NSW Liberal MLC Catherine Cusack says she is 'outraged' by Scott Morrison's announcement only some LGAs will be eligible for disaster payments.(ABC News)

A Liberal upper house MP is resigning and a Northern Rivers mayor has gone to the Governor-General over concerns about perceived favouritism in the allocation of federal flood assistance.

The neighbouring flood-affected LGAs of Ballina, Byron and Tweed – all in the Labor-held seat of Richmond – have not received the extra $2,000 per person support.

Ballina Mayor Sharon Cadwallader said she supported the need for targeted funding, but the delay in emergency funding to hundreds of people in her region was not good enough.

"Why can't our people be supported now when they need it?" she said.

Ms Cadwallader met Governor-General David Hurley last week when he visited the flood-ravaged Northern Rivers region, including parts of the Ballina shire.

She decided to phone Governor-General Hurley again on Wednesday after "getting the run around" between ministers and government officials over the past week over the funding.

"He said: 'Haven't you got it yet?' And I said: 'No, we haven't your Excellency.'

"I've been doing lots of lobbying and getting nowhere."

In a statement, a spokesman from the Governor-General's office said General Hurley "is not involved in and does not intervene in operational or policy decisions" but noted he was "struck by the scale of the devastation and inspired by the grit, determination and generosity of the response".

Liberal MLC intends to quit

This issue of additional emergency disaster funding has been the catalyst for North Coast-based Liberal MLC Catherine Cusack to announce she will leave Parliament.

"The idea that being a flood victim in a National Party-held seat makes you more worthy than a flood victim who is in the Richmond electorate ... is probably the most unethical approach I have ever seen," she said.

Ms Cusack has been a vocal critic of her party before, crossing the floor on koala policy.

She said she has informed the Premier and Liberal Party state director of her decision and understood there would be a preselection process to follow.

"I can't defend it and I'm outraged by it."…..

"The whole Northern Rivers should have been given funding according to their need, not according to their LGA, it's unprecedented."

Ms Cusack was elected to the upper house in 2019, with her term due to end in 2027…... 

The Guardian, 17 March 2022:

Cusack, an outspoken upper house MP who represents the north coast, said she had informed the party’s state director of her intention to resign as soon as the party was able to hold a preselection for her position.

I am so tired of it,” she said. “I don’t want to spend all day attacking and sounding bitter. I am not bitter – I just don’t fit into the new Liberal party culture and it drained all my energy trying.

It’s an enormous relief to step away from it.”

While initial reports suggested Cusack would immediately quit, she told Guardian Australia she would wait until local branch members were able to vote for her replacement, both out of respect for her colleagues and to ensure “a constitutional preselection”.

You may have noticed the Liberal Party finding it difficult to have aconstitutional preselection even for federal seats,” she said.

The NSW Nationals MP for Tweed, Geoff Provest, told local ABC radio he had lost faith in Morrison, saying he was “disgusted with the prime minister”.

I just think the federal government has really messed this up … I can put it no other way, they’ve lost the faith of the people,” he said.

Whether in the caravan parks or one of the little villages, there’s a real venom out there directed at the prime minister that he doesn’t understand what’s occurring on the ground. This is like a remake of the bushfires some two years ago.”

He said the decision to exclude residents in his seat and neighbouring Ballina was “deplorable”.

You just have to drive around the area to talk to the people to see they’ve lost everything,” he said.

The federal government is disconnected with the good people of Australia and we’re paying the price for it here … I think they should hang their heads in shame.”…..

NOTE: My yellow highlighting throughout.

In which Scott Morrison backpedals furiously in the face of Northern NSW anger – finally realising that it can be politically dangerous to test the patience of this region

Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Senator Bridget McKenzie, Ministerial Media Release

Release Date

17 March 2022

Additional Commonwealth financial assistance made available for flood victims in Ballina, Byron, Kyogle and Tweed

More support is now available for families, farms and businesses affected by the catastrophic flooding disaster in northern NSW as part of an additional package of support from the Commonwealth Government.

The National Recovery and Resilience Agency (NRRA) and Emergency Management Australia have further assessed the flood extent area, the proportion of the populations affected, the latest residential impact assessments and the proportion of population seeking assistance for Disaster Recovery Payments to declare the Ballina, Byron, Kyogle and Tweed Local Government Areas (LGAs) impacted areas in need of additional support.

This next phase of support includes:

  • An additional two weekly disaster payments - known as Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment (AGDRP) Special Supplement - for affected residents in Ballina, Byron, Kyogle and Tweed will be automatically paid to those who have already claimed and received the Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment, at the current rate of $1,000 per adult and $400 per child. These payments will be made from 22 March.

Minister for Emergency Management and National Recovery and Resilience Senator the Hon Bridget McKenzie said the NRRA has undertaken assessments of the affected areas and as a result the government had agreed to extend the AGDRP in the Northern Rivers Region.

As the full scale and impact to these areas in northern NSW is being realised, the Liberal and Nationals Government is implementing this extra support as quickly as possible,” Minister McKenzie said…..

Full media release here.

Funding announcement delayed to meet election campaigning needs of Prime Minister 'Scotty The Announcer'  Morrison and time required to compare proposed grants with Minister for Emergency Management Bridget McKenzie's Coalition electorates white board?, 16 March 2022:

Flood-ravaged families in NSW will be offered $10,000 “back home” grants to rebuild their homes as thousands face months living in tents and caravans.

But a bitter war of words has broken out between the NSW Government and the Morrison Government over the announcement, with state MPs accusing the Prime Minister of holding up the cash relief as he campaigns in Western Australia.

The $1 billion plan is being finalised in a 50:50 split with the Morrison Government ahead of the May budget…..

The $1 billion “back home” program was signed off on by the NSW government in the last 24 hours at an extraordinary meeting of the expenditure review committee.

According to federal sources, it was sent to the Morrison Government on Wednesday morning.

Late last night, the Prime Minister’s office confirmed the $10,000 grants were under “urgent” consideration.

The NSW Government’s proposal documentation was received this morning by the National Recovery and Resilience Agency and is under urgent consideration by the Commonwealth Government to ensure it meets both governments’ objectives to deliver immediate and longer term relief and support,” a spokesperson said.

The Commonwealth Government hopes to finalise the details of the additional support very shortly.”

Somehow I don't think Scotty has heard the last of his monumentally inadequate Flood Feb-Mar 2022 National Emergency response....