Showing posts with label Tony Abbott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tony Abbott. Show all posts

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Has Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott re-mortgaged the family home yet again?

Most of Tony Abbott's official declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest are lost in the mists of time.

Hansard reveals that in 1995 he admitted to Parliament that he was the beneficiary of one, possibly two, family trusts - with Etonwest Pty Ltd as trustee for one at least of these trusts. 

This company, owned by his parents, was registered in 1970 when he was twelve years old and deregistered in 2004 when he was the Federal Minister for Health and Ageing.

Media reports inform us that his 1998 declaration showed his involvement as one of three trustees for the Australians for Honest Politics Trust (created on 24 August 1998).

However, little else is now readily available before 2008, when the details of his home finance becomes of interest.

In his official Statement of Registerable Interests (22 February 2008) then Shadow Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Tony Abbott listed an unspecified joint mortgage with his wife with what is probably the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

In 2010 it came to the attention of Australian voters that as then Opposition Leader Tony Abbott had failed to declare a $710,000 mortgage on his Forestville NSW home entered into sometime in 2008 or 2009.

This mortgage was added to his official declaration of interests sometime in June 2010 and appeared to be a shared equity arrangement with the Adelaide Bank and Rismark:

On 9 December 2013 as Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott once more declared a joint mortgage with his wife on the family home, this time with the National Australia Banking Group:

For a man who earns an est. $539,338 in combined salary and allowances and who virtually lives for free as Prime Minister of Australia, with a wife who is a paid company director/manager and no dependent children, this continuous level of debt on a house purchased in 1994 is rather curious to say the least.

One has to wonder what the Prime Minister does with his money? Do they burn $100 bills just for fun in the Abbott household with little thought for tomorrow?

Monday 2 March 2015

Abbott's march to the sea about to wreak havoc on Australian society

For Australian nationals, we are examining suspending some of the privileges of citizenship for individuals involved in terrorism.
Those could include restricting the ability to leave or return to Australia, and access to consular services overseas, as well as access to welfare payments.
[Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, National Security Statement, 23 February 2015]

Read this quote carefully. Think about it long and hard. Because Tony Abbott is talking about you. The Australian citizens descended from circa 60,000 years of blood connection with country, the heirs of those convicts and soldiers who stumbled off British ships onto Botany Bay soil in 1788, all the people at the end of a 227 year long migration stream who were born in this country and call it home.

What Tony Abbott is describing is a deliberate move to curtail your existing human and political rights under common law and the Australian Constitution.

Don’t for one moment comfort yourself with the thought that only violent terrorists, those plotting terrorism and supporters of terrorists will be subject to whatever legislation he cloaks this move with.

Coalition Governments have abused their powers in the past.

Abbott comes from the same political party which:
attempted to confiscate the passport of the wife of a Lieut. Governor & Chief Justice of NSW;
treated members of one legal political party as criminals and traitors in the 1950s;
fined or gaoled conscientious objectors in the 1960s & early 1970s;
in the 1960's began tapping the phone of a teenage Australian-born citizen, whose family first arrived in Terra Australis in 1788 and who had broken no domestic or international laws, at the behest of a foreign power that was alleged to have committed war crimes;
from 1955 to 1970 refused to register the children of an Australian national (whose family had been in the country since 1854) as Australian citizens on the basis of their parents' political beliefs; and 
on 3 November 2014 made it legal for the Australian Federal Police to enter and search our homes by stealth and if or when we eventually find out silences our objections with the threat of 2 years imprisonment.

This is not an exhaustive list of Coalition government abuses over the years.

Abbott's march to the sea in his ideological war on the populace may be as devastating for Australia as General Sherman’s was for those members of the American civilian population unfortunate enough to be in his path in 1864.

Saturday 28 February 2015

Headline of the Week

WAtoday 27 February 2015

Tony Abbott fails to understand the nature of violence against women according to campaigner

Excerpt from The Age article Tony Abbott fundamentally misunderstands the violence against women epidemic by Phil Cleary on 16 February 2014:

Political life might look profoundly different for Tony Abbott had he not stood smiling in front of those misogynist banners "Ditch the Witch" and "Julia – Bob Browns (sic) Bitch" during his push to become Australia's 28th prime minister. Imagine if he'd shown genuine leadership and courage and torn asunder the hatred of women that bristled in those banners. Instead, he and Bronwyn Bishop revelled in the attention while campaigners against the epidemic of violence wondered how he could not grasp the deeper significance of his complicity in the banners.
Had Abbott not lent his name to words that mimicked the tawdry courtroom depictions of murdered wives as bitches and witches, maybe his creation of an advisory panel on family violence would have looked like the actions of a genuine prime minister. Instead, in the absence of a documented passion for the anti-violence cause, his announcement of such a panel reeks of opportunism in the face of the opprobrium that flowed from his knighting of Prince Philip. Without as much as talking to the campaigners, the Prime Minister created a panel then offered not an original thought about the extent of the violence against women, its origins, or how we as a society might begin to deal with it.
Don't get me wrong. The former Victoria chief commissioner of police, Ken Lay, is a passionate and admired campaigner against the violence. And the symbolism of Rosie Batty's appointment, along with her experience with the institutions entrusted with the task of protecting women and children, will be invaluable.
But what's the point of an advisory panel if you're up to your neck in cuts to the funding of frontline services crucial to the safety of women? If only Abbott had committed funds to fortify and extend those services, rather than promise an unpopular, hugely expensive paid parental leave policy (now thankfully shelved). If only he'd promised to sweep away the platitudes and address the inconvenient truth that it is violence against women by men that is our problem, and that the murder of Luke Batty was an act of male revenge against a woman, as was Robert Farquharson driving his three sons into a dam in 2005 and Arthur Freeman throwing his 4-year-old daughter, Darcey, off the Westgate Bridge in 2009……
The sad truth is that we don't regard the life of a murdered wife as being as valuable as that of a child. When a child is murdered by their father, it is invariably described as an inexplicable act and the source of unimaginable pain, as if the loss of a woman to a man who claims to love her isn't equally as painful for her parents. Children are always innocent, whereas too often a murdered wife must run the gauntlet of guilt.
Faced with the opportunity to expose these contradictions and the hypocrisy, and to stare down the attitudes that have fostered the killing of women, Tony Abbott has failed to deliver the appropriate leadership. After 25 years of campaigning, I'm not interested – nor are the campaigners I speak with – in politicians or commentators who camouflage the origins of the violence, disregard the lessons of the campaign, or won't say that the problem is men. Rather than inspiring me, Abbott's decision to create an advisory panel on family violence left me believing he didn't understand the nature of the violence stalking modern women. It is just one more reason his leadership of the country is under threat.
We've come a long way since the days when violence against women was regarded as secret men's business. So far have we come that it is now politically acceptable to select the mother of a boy killed by his father as Australian of the Year. Unfortunately, like so many times in his recent political career, Tony Abbott did not seize the moment. How different it might have looked had he said he would not and could not entertain those who blame the Family Court, or mothers, for the violence of a vengeful father. If only he'd stated that it is "un-Australian" to kill your wife. If only he'd posed for a photo with the parents or siblings of women murdered by an estranged man, especially those devastated by the misogynist provocation law or the failed defensive homicide law in Victoria.
Like so many campaigners, I long for the day when the murder of 60 women a year by intimate partners, estranged or current, produces the same sorrow and outrage from a prime minister and his opposition counterpart as does the killing of a child – and inspires a condolence motion in Parliament of the kind moved for the victims in the Martin Place siege. For that day will truly mark the beginning of the end for the wife killers and bashers.

Friday 27 February 2015

MUUUM! He's doing that thing with the hair again!

Tony Abbott's changing hairline is not just a reflection of male vanity but may also be a barometer for his level of personal insecurity.

This is Tony Abbott in I don't give a damn mode:

This is Tony Abbott putting his best foot forward during a bad week in Canberra. The tonsorial comb over was on both sides of his part on 26 February 2015 and the 'hair product' he admits to occasionally using appears to have darkened his bald patch again:

Australia’s international standing sinks to a new low under Prime Minister Tony Abbott

The United Nations reacts.

International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (ICC) letter to Prime Minister Tony Abbott concerning his government's treatment of the President of the Australian Human Right Commission, Prof. Gillian Triggs.

This letter was copied to the United Nations Commissioner of Human Rights.

On 26 February 2015 the ICC Chairperson spoke to ABC News Radio about his letter to Prime Minister Abbott and expressed his concerns about the federal government's treatment of the President of the Australian Human Rights Commission. 

The next ICC Bureau Meeting will take place on 11 March 2015 at the United Nations Palais de Nations in Geneva and, I suspect that the Australian Government will be discussed at some point.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

The truth about Tony Abbott's war on terror? Part Two

Alan Moir political cartoon

From time to time snippets of truth concerning Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s expensive war on terror appear in the media. 

This is another example....... 21 February 2015:

TONY Abbott suggested a unilateral invasion of Iraq, with 3500 Australian ground troops to confront the Islamic State terrorist group.

Flanked by his chief of staff, Peta Credlin, in a meeting in Canberra on November 25, the Prime Minister said the move would help halt the surge of Islamic State in northern Iraq.

After receiving no resistance from Ms Credlin or his other staff in the room, Mr Abbott then raised the idea with Australia’s leading military planners. The military officials were stunned, telling Mr Abbott that sending 3500 Australian soldiers without any US or NATO cover would be disastrous for the Australians.

They argued that even the US was not prepared to put ground troops into Iraq and it would make Australia the only Western country with troops on the ground…..

The Iraq idea was not the first time Mr Abbott had suggested a military intervention by Australia’s armed forces. The Australian reported in August that in the week following the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 over Ukraine by Russian-backed militia, Mr Abbott suggested sending 1000 Australian soldiers to secure the site of the crash….

Australia’s leading military planners also argued against that proposal, telling Mr Abbott there were serious problems with the plan: Australian soldiers would not be able to speak either Ukrainian or Russian, and the Australian troops would have difficulty distinguishing between Ukrainians and Russian militia.

The truth about Tony Abbott's war on terror? Part One

Note: Mr. Abbott has since denied  that he had raised the idea of Australia unilaterally intervening in Iraq. This denial appears to hinge on whether he had made a 'formal' request for advice on this matter - presumably as opposed to any informal discussion. However, since Mr. Abbott is a self-admitted purveyor of untruths it will be up to the reader to decide if he denial is believeable.

Saturday 21 February 2015

Day 12 of Good Government in Australia

During a press conference on 9 February Prime Minister Tony Abbott declared to the world that good government starts today in Australia.

On Day 12 of his new leaf The Australian reported:

Abbott sits for much of the day in his office in Parliament House pondering national security, Islamic State and reading Winston Churchill. He has 50 staff in his office but he insists on writing many of his speeches as Credlin, sitting in the office next door, works the phones, managing the detail.
She is, as Abbott himself has said, “the fiercest political warrior” he has ever worked with.
This is the Australian duumvirate, a new form of government in which Abbott and Credlin run the country. They are, in reality, co-prime ministers.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Surviving the leadership challenge and Day One of Good Government didn't give more than a dead cat bounce in Coalition polling numbers?

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s ability to find the numbers to quash the 9 February 2015 leadership spill motion may not have translated into anything more than a dead cat bounce in polling for the Coalition.

It picked up one percentage point, Labor held its ground, the Green gained one percentage point and, the two-party preferred vote remained the same.

Which means that Labor would have won government if an election had been held between 13-16 February 2015.

This were the voting intentions of poll respondents between 4-8 February in the Essential Report of 10 February 2015:

These are the voting intentions of poll respondents between 13-16 February in the Essential Report of 17 February 2015:

Not a good look for NSW Premier Baird a little over five weeks out from a state election

"Tony and I are mates.”
[NSW Liberal Premier Mike Baird, speaking about Prime Minister Abbott on 6 February 2015]

Hamming it up for the Fairfax media on 13 February 2015

The Daily Telegraph 15 February 2015

Found at Country Labor candidate Trent Gilbert's Facebook page 16 February 2014

Undated photo opportunity

The real difference between these two Liberal leaders?
One has more hair.

Premier Mike Baird (left) in  advertisement for Tony Abbott's fan club, News Corp
October 2014

Sunday 15 February 2015

The unprecedented attack on the independent Australian Human Rights Commission by Prime Minister Abbott provoked a response from the Australian Bar Association and the Law Council of Australia

According to the Australian Human Rights Commission in November 2014; Australia currently holds about 800 children in mandatory closed immigration detention for indefinite periods, with no pathway to protection or settlement. This includes 186 children detained on Nauru. Children and their families have been held on the mainland and on Christmas Island for, on average, one year and two months. Over 167 babies have been born in detention within the last 24 months.

In November 2014 it completed its The Forgotten Children: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention report which it states; provides compelling first-hand evidence of the negative impact that prolonged immigration detention is having on their mental and physical health. The evidence given by the children and their families is fully supported by psychiatrists, paediatricians and academic research. The evidence shows that immigration detention is a dangerous place for children. Data from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection describes numerous incidents of assault, sexual assault and self-harm in detention environments. 

The evidence presented within this report spans the period 1 January 2013 to 30 September 2014, during which time there was both the former Labor and current Liberal-Nationals federal governments directing the detention of asylum seekers.

The Abbott Government did not make this report public until 11 February 2015. Prior to tabling this report, the Attorney-General unsuccessfully sought the voluntary resignation of the Commission’s president, Professor Gillian Triggs.

On 12 February 2015 the Prime Minister rose to his feet in the House of Representatives and uttered these words:

It would be a lot easier to respect the Human Rights Commission if it did not engage in what are transparent stitch-ups like the one that was released the other day. I say to the Human Rights Commission: if you are concerned about real human rights, real human decency, real compassion for people, you should be writing congratulatory letters to the former Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, who has stopped the boats, who has saved lives and who has got children out of detention.

In an earlier pre-recorded interview with Neil Mitchell of Radio 3AW he had also said this:

"Where was the Human Rights Commission during the life of the former government when hundreds of people were drowning at sea?"
"This is a blatantly partisan politicised exercise.
"The Human Rights Commission should be ashamed of itself."

Finally, the legal community reached the limit of its tolerance:

The real Tony Abbott is never far from the surface.....

The Australian 12 February 2015:

On Sunday, May 25, last year Queensland backbencher Wyatt Roy was part of a group of about 30 marginal seat-holders invited to dine privately with the Prime Minister in the cabinet anteroom. Abbott’s practice at these dinners is to go around the room, asking each member to say their piece.

Roy, trying to be helpful, stood at the table to tell the Prime Minister that broken promises were the fundamental cause of the government’s problems. It might be a good idea, Roy suggested, to apologise to people a la Peter Beattie and move on.

Abbott was furious. He rounded on Roy, yelled at him, then directed his remarks to all of them that there were no effing broken promises and no one should concede there had been. The incident stuck in the mind of MPs, first because of Roy’s bravery in broaching it, then because of the Prime Minister’s use of the F-bomb.

Many months later Abbott was forced to concede the bleeding obvious, but only after accusations of lying about lying trashed his credibility. If he had taken the advice of his youngest MP last May, he would have spared himself considerable pain.

Thursday 12 February 2015

NSW State Election 2015: the Member for Clarence is whistling in the wind

Gulaptis playing dress ups for the media

As the NSW Premier has publicly backed failing Prime Minister Tony Abbott, this from the sitting Nationals Member for Clarence is pure wishful thinking as he seeks to distance himself from both the Liberal Party and Abbott:

THE Tony Abbott effect that has trimmed more than 10% off the conservative vote in NSW won't be a factor in the Clarence electorate says sitting National Party member Chris Gulaptis.
Yesterday Prime Minister Abbott fought off a move to force a leadership spill in his party room 61 votes to 39, but commentators are saying his worries are not over.
However, Mr Gulaptis said the instability in Canberra will not overly affect voters in Clarence who will go to the polls next month in the State Election.
"I've seen those polls that show the effect of the leadership issue on the state vote, but it doesn't really apply in Clarence," Mr Gulaptis said.
"There's no Liberal candidate here and the Nationals are distinct from the Libs and have different values….

Read the rest of The Daily Examiner article here.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

February 2015 progress report on the 'Prime Minister for Indigenous Australia'

In 2008, led by the first Rudd Federal Labor Government, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) committed to six targets to reduce and/or eliminate the disadvantage faced by Indigenous Australians in life expectancy, child mortality, education and employment.

These were:

Prime Minister Tony Abbott entered the Australian Parliament in a 1994 by-election -becoming the Member for Warringah, an affluent electorate on Sydney’s North Shore. By 1996 he was part of the first Howard Government and by 1998 he was a minister.

In December 2007 he became an Opposition MP when the Coalition lost government. Two years after that he became Leader of the Opposition and in 2013 he returned to the government benches as prime minister.

To his credit he probably has had more contact with remote area indigenous communities than many other metropolitan-based parliamentarians.

However, despite his political self-promotion on the subject, his time ‘living’ in these remote communities by his own admission barely makes 42 days in 21 years.

Four out of five of these short living and working in community experiences occurred during the six years he spent on the Opposition benches between 2007 and 2013.

Once Abbott became prime minister he declared himself to be “Prime Minister for Indigenous Australia”.

On 12 February 2014 he released his first Closing The Gap: Prime Minister’s Report and stood in the House of Representatives and pledged a fair go for Aboriginal people during his first Closing The  Gap Statement.

The Australian Human Rights Commission’s own Progress and priorities report 2014: Closing The Gap ended with a clear call to the Abbott Government in this Conclusion:

The commitment to close the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and life expectancy gap by 2030 was a watershed moment for the nation. Politicians, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous health sector, and human rights organisations, made a public stand in committing to this agenda. As did the Australian public. To date almost 200,000 Australians have signed the close the gap pledge and approximately 140,000 Australians participated in last year’s National Close the Gap Day. This is the generation who has taken on the responsibility to end Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health inequality.

Because of this leadership, and the willingness to ‘draw a line in the sand’, we are seeing reductions in smoking rates and improvements in maternal and childhood health that will eventually flow into significant increases in life expectancy. This provides early positive signs that people on the ground are responding to the initiatives and demonstrates that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are taking responsibility for their health as they are being provided with increasing opportunities to do so.

Achieving health equality by 2030 is an ambitious yet achievable task. It is an agreed national priority and it is clear that the Australian public demand that government, in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their representatives, build on the close the gap platform to meet this challenge.

For this reason, the Close the Gap Campaign has stressed the need for the new Australian Government to stay the course, to ensure policy continuity and to strengthen the national effort. This term of government will be critical to achieving the 2030 goal and we call on the new Australian Government to not only ensure policy continuity in critical areas of the national effort to close the gap, but to take further steps in building on and strengthening the existing platform.

Since Tony Abbott's first report and statement a marked change has occurred and, thus far, he has overseen a $534 million funding cut to indigenous programs administered by the Prime Minister and Cabinet and Health portfolios budgeted over five years; more than $160 million of the cuts will come out of Indigenous health programs. The health savings will be redirected to the Medical Research Future Fund.

The Human Rights Commission Progress and priorities report 2015: Closing The Gap states:

The Campaign Steering Committee is also concerned that hard won Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health gains could be negatively impacted by proposed measures contained in the 2014–15 Budget. Potential cuts to the Tackling Indigenous Smoking programme are of particular concern and could hinder the significant progress made in reducing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander smoking rates in recent years. Investment in early prevention activities saves on the provision of complex care into the future. These programmes also address and have started to make inroads into primary prevention, particularly in healthy eating, nutrition and physical activity.

This report recommended:

1. That the findings of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Measures Survey (NATSIHMS) are used to better target chronic conditions that are undetected in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. In particular, access to appropriate primary health care services to detect, treat and manage these conditions should be increased.
Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services should be the preferred services for this enhanced, targeted response.

2. That the Australian Government should continue to lead the COAG Closing the Gap Strategy.

3. That the Australian Government revisit its decision to discontinue the National Indigenous Drug and Alcohol Committee.

4. That connections between the Indigenous Advancement Strategy and the Closing the Gap Strategy are clearly articulated and developed in recognition of their capacity to mutually support the other’s priorities, including closing the health and life expectancy gap.

5. That the Tackling Indigenous Smoking programme is retained and funding is increased above current levels to enable consolidation, improvement and expansion of activities until the gap in the rates of smoking between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous people closes.

6. That proxy indicators are developed to provide insights into the use and availability of health services on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and life expectancy outcomes.

7. The National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Mental Health and Social and Emotional Wellbeing provides the basis for a dedicated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and social and emotional wellbeing plan. This is developed and implemented with the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan, the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Strategy 2013 and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Drug Strategy implementation processes in order to avoid duplication, be more efficient, and maximise opportunities in this critical field.

8. That Closing the Gap Targets to reduce imprisonment and violence rates are developed, and activity towards reaching the Targets is funded through justice reinvestment measures.

9. That the Implementation Plan for the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan include the essential elements:
* Set targets to measure progress and outcomes;
* Develop a model of comprehensive core services across a person’s whole of life;
* Develop workforce, infrastructure, information management and funding strategies based on the core services model;
* A mapping of regions with relatively poor health outcomes and inadequate services. This will enable the identification of services gaps and the development of capacity building plans;
* Identify and eradicate systemic racism within the health system and improve access to and outcomes across primary, secondary and tertiary health care;
*Ensure that culture is reflected in practical ways throughout Implementation Plan actions as it is central to the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people;
* Include a comprehensive address of the social and cultural determinants of health; and
* Establish partnership arrangements between the Australian Government and state and territory governments and between ACCHS and mainstream services providers at the regional level for the delivery of appropriate health services.

Abbott’s second prime ministerial report and statement to the Parliament will be of considerable interest and this morning (11 February 2015) The Australian published an article in which he attempts to soften the public reaction to this year’s report which covers his term as prime minister to date:

TONY Abbott will today declare “profound” disappointment with the nation’s efforts to lift indige­nous Australians out of disadvantage as his centrepiece Closing the Gap report shows stalled progress on half its indicators.

This article also reported:

Gap steering committee co-chair Mick Gooda will hand his own report to the Prime Minister…. It implores the government to maintain momentum on health targets.

Mr Gooda said ­budget decisions — such as cutting smoking programs and a possible GP co-payment — threatened hard-won gains. He also said discussions about federation reform were ­ominous and “could potentially signal a break with the spirit of the 1967 referendum” that had ­addressed the unsuitability of state and territory efforts to reduce indigenous disadvantage.

“It is right that these targets have a long timetable because they won’t be achieved in a year. But we risk going backward if programs that work are sent packing,” he said.

Health targets, he argued, were the base from which all other improvements sprang. They were also linked to the large prevalence of disability in the community.

“Alice Springs Hospital is like a war hospital with the number of amputations they are doing,” he said. “That comes from diabetes and chronic disease. You fix that, you stop contributing to another problem as well.”


Progress against the targets Key findings:

* While there has been a small improvement in Indigenous life expectancy, progress will need to accelerate considerably if the gap is to be closed by 2031.
*  The target to halve the gap in child mortality within a decade is on track to be met.
*  In 2012, 88 per cent of Indigenous children in remote areas were enrolled in a pre-school programme. Data for 2013, to show whether the 95 per cent benchmark for this target has been met, will be available later this year.
*New data on whether enrolled children are actually attending school should also be available later this year.
* Progress against the target to halve the gap in reading, writing and numeracy within a decade has been disappointing. Only two out of eight areas have shown a significant improvement since 2008.
* The target to halve the gap for Indigenous people aged 20–24 in Year 12 or equivalent attainment rates by 2020 is on track to be met.
* No progress has been made against the target to halve the employment gap within a decade.

Based on the last three Closing The Gap prime minister’s reports the following is evident:

Between 1998 and 2013 the gap between mortality rates indigenous children under five and non-indigenous children in this same peer group has narrowed by 35 per cent. Unfortunately there is no data for 2014 in Abbott’s second prime minister’s report.

Indigenous mortality rates dropped by 12% between 1998 and 2011 with the gap between indigenous and non- indigenous mortality staying the same by 2011. Indigenous life expectancy data is drawn from the national census and is only published every five years by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, so the 2013, 2014, and 2015 prime minister’s reports appear to all rely on the same figures.
Reliable up-to-date data on population numbers and life expectancy will not be available until around 2018. 
However, the rate at which indigenous life expectancy is growing is stated to be very slow. National indigenous mortality rates are not included in Abbott’s first prime minister’s report and only go up to 2006 in his second, even though more recent mortality rates are available at Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet : There were 2,620 deaths in Australia in 2012 where the deceased person was identified as Indigenous [4]. For NSW, Qld, WA, SA and the NT, the only jurisdictions with adequate identification of Indigenous status, the age-standardised death rate of 1,128 per 100,000 population for Indigenous people was 2.0 times the rate for their non-Indigenous counterparts.
More detailed information about death rates is available for the five-year period 2006-2010 for people living in NSW, Vic, Qld, WA, SA and the NT [5]. After age-adjustment, the death rate for Indigenous people living in those jurisdictions was 1.9 times the rate for non-Indigenous people (Table 1) [5]. The rates for Indigenous people were highest in the NT (1,541 per 100,000) and WA (1,431 per 100,000).

Pre-school enrolment in 2011 was 91%. Preschool enrolment had fallen by 2% since 2012 and was at 85% in 2013. 
It appears to have remained stagnant at that rate since Tony Abbott became prime minister and moved Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander focused programs into the Dept. of Prime Minister and Cabinet. The enrolment target is not being met and, the overall government strategy appears to be failing.

The new baseline for the 2018 indigenous school attendance target appears to be based on data released in December 2014 which shows that; the Indigenous attendance rate was already 90 per cent or above in 2,046 (44 per cent) of the 4,605 schools for which an Indigenous attendance rate was published. The proportion of schools achieving the 90 per cent benchmark for Indigenous attendance in 2014 varies sharply by remoteness: 48 per cent of schools in metropolitan areas, 44 per cent in provincial; 21 per cent in remote and only 14 per cent in very remote areas.

There is still no progress in raising indigenous literacy and numeracy levels above those recorded in 1988 according to Abbott’s 2015 prime minister’s report.
The last three prime minister’s reports rely on NAPLAN data. For example, in the 2014 NAPLAN national report the gap between indigenous and non-indigenous Year 3 students achieving at or above minimum national standards in reading was 20 per cent, for persuasive writing the gap was 19.1 per cent and, the numeracy gap for this same student group was 17.5 per cent. 
However, between 2009 and 2013 across all student bands included in NAPLAN data there have been literacy and numeracy gains for indigenous students.

The Gillard 2013 prime minister’s report stated that; In 2011, the proportion of Indigenous 20-to-24-year-olds with at least Year 12 or Certificate II was 53.9% which was a 6.5 percentage point increase on 2006 figures. 
According to the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (AATSIHS) quoted in Abbott’s first prime minister’s report; 59.1 per cent of Indigenous 20–24 year olds had a Year 12 or equivalent qualification in 2012–13, which represents a rise of 13.7 percentage points from 45.4 per cent in 2008
His second report indicates that the gap narrowed to 28 percentage points in 2012-13. There appears to be no data for his term in office.

Comparing both of Abbott’s prime minister’s reports it appears that his 2015 report contains no new data for the 2013-14 financial year, so the decline in the indigenous employment rate may possibly have deepened since September 2013.

Looking for the chastened and transformed Tony Abbott

Word cloud created from Tony Abbott’s public utterances on 9 February 2015

On Monday 9 February 2014 Anthony John ‘Tony’ Abbott declared he had become a new version of himself – a chastened and transformed Australian prime minister.

In the space of a day he made a statement, called a press conference and took part in a televised interview.

I looked for this changed man in the many hundreds of words he spoke, but there was no true self-awareness on display, no empathy or understanding shown, no genuine acceptance of responsibility and no indication of a real intention to change.

The one positive was that, after years of fiscal scaremongering, he finally admitted that in essence, we are a strong economy.

However, his punitive and unfairly targeted first budget he repeatedly described as bold and ambitious.

Abbott continued to blame Labor for the entire budget black hole. The billions that have been added to the public debt bottom line, and the growing cash deficit,  since he took the reins of government apparently don’t exist for him.

He told us all that I've never been a skite as a preface to his favourite mantra; we said we'd get rid of the carbon tax. It's gone. We said we'd stop the boats. They've stopped. We've said we'd build the roads… the roads are going ahead.

He was silent on what might happen concerning the higher education ‘reforms’, new unemployment regulations and cash transfer payment cuts contained in the 2014-15 Budget.

He has not forsaken the latest version of Medicare co-payments for visiting a GP – all he promises is that there will be no new Medicare policies without the broad backing of the medical profession. Not a mention of seeking a mandate from the electorate.

In a strange turn of phrase, Abbott promised that we will socialise decisions before we finalise them and that way we're more likely to take the people with us.

There was little mention of other government policy except for a couple of sentences on small business tax cuts and child care payments. Instead, the ‘old’ Abbott (who appears to believe that political pugilism trumps policy development every time) was in full view as he boasted; I am a fighter. I know how to beat Labor Party leaders. I beat Kevin Rudd, I beat Julia Gillard, I can beat Bill Shorten as well.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

So 59.80% of the federal parliamentary Liberal Party decided to fall in behind the Fool on the Hill?

Apparently federal Liberal Party of Australia members of parliament and senators are so divorced from political reality, that they voted not to bring on a leadership spill on 9 February 2015. A spill which would have declared the leader position vacant and opened the way for the installation of a new prime minister.

For the rest of Australia, who will have to wear this folly, as Tony Abbott goes into eighteen months of continuous election campaigning sans policy (intending to shaft voters a second time around if he is re-elected in late 2016), here is a quick pictorial brushstroke, drawn from that source of all 'electronic graffitti', revealing how the Fool on the Hill progressed towards and through #libspill.

* Apologies to those cartoonists whose names may not be included in these images