Saturday 24 September 2011

I'm drunk, angry and I can tweet!

This is the Twitter account of one Mark Davidson @markdavidson Orange County, CA at 7.30pm AEST on 23rd September 2011.

According to Mark he is an Internet sales & marketing professional. I write a lot of things to amuse myself and others. On occasion, I even have deep thoughts. p://
The posts he woke to that morning show that he doesn’t know zip about IT security…………………..

markdavidsonMark Davidson
Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances, the previously scheduled blog post, "How To Tweet Like a Boss" will not be posted today.

markdavidsonMark Davidson
WANTED: Social Media Account Ghost Writer. We've recently had an opening at!/markdavidson. (Serious inquiries only.)

markdavidsonMark Davidson
Oh. I am so not dealing with this **** today. My only responsibility on this account is to respond to *all* @replies and @mentions. I quit.

markdavidsonMark Davidson
Good morning, Twitter! What's happening?
5 hours ago

markdavidsonMark Davidson
And change your freakin' password!

markdavidsonMark Davidson
And yes, as @markdavidson's former Twitter ghostwriter of 4 years; I am drunk. Drunk and angry. (You should have changed your password!)

markdavidsonMark Davidson
So let me mow tell you the truth about @markdavidson. He can barely type social media much less know what it is.

markdavidsonMark Davidson
And all the funny stuff that @markdavidson wrote, that was all me. The other 2 ghostwriters are really boring. Good luck, bro...

markdavidsonMark Davidson
Foxconn pays its employees better than @markdavidson paid his ghostwriters on Twitter for the past 4 years.

markdavidsonMark Davidson
Right now @markdavidson is probably asleep... He isn't that nice and he is cheap. I regret not quitting. So now he has 2 ghostwriters.

markdavidsonMark Davidson
Well yesterday, @markdavidson fired 1 of his 3 ghostwriters of the last 4 years and forgot to change his Twitter password.

markdavidsonMark Davidson
Hi. I'm one of three people who have been ghostwriting @markdavidson's tweets for the last 4 years while he is out playing golf.

Friday 23 September 2011

'Will he' or 'Won't he' Williamson

It's been a big day for the Nats in Clarence.

Following hot on the heels of news about Stuart George and Chris Gulaptis,  The Daily Examiner reports:
Richie Williamson
Richie Williamson still hasn't confirmed that he will compete in next week's preselection ballot to become the National's local leader, despite news circulating in the party that he had done just that.
Information supplied on Friday morning to the Nationals Duty MLC Rick Colless, who is the stand-in representative for the Clarence electorate, seemed to confirm that Clarence Valley Mayor Richie Williamson had made the decision to run for preselection to represent the Nationals at the up coming by-election.
 But this apparent certainty was quashed by the man himself yesterday afternoon. Mr Williamson was adamant that no such commitment had been made. A decision would not be finalised until he had time to consider "all the pieces of information" over the weekend he said.
Mr Williamson met officials from the Nationals on Thursday to discuss the potential of him joining the party.
As of yesterday he still hadn't joined the Nationals. "I will make a decision on that sooner rather than later," he said.

Read the Examiner's report here.

It's now a Melbourne Cup field looking for Nats' preselection

After reporting on Stuart George's nomination for National Party pre-selection for the by-election in Clarence and thinking all's quiet on the local front, a ghost from the past has suddenly sprung up and lodged a nomination for Nats' pre-selection in Clarence.

Chris Gulaptis

Chris Gulaptis has returned to the local scene and announced he's going to do a big favour for locals in the Clarence valley and offer his services as a prospective local member.

To say that Gulaptis has form would be something of an understatement.

When another cousin, Tweedie Rivers, heard about Gulaptis's plans she asked, "Is Murray Lees part of Gulaptis's band of helpers?"

Who's Murray Lees?

Read The Daily Examiner's coverage of Gulaptis's nomination here.

It's official, Thomas George's son to seek Nationals' endorsement in Clarence

The northern division of the electorate of Clarence has an official runner in the Nationals' pre-selection contest.

Stuart George, son of Thomas George, the MP for Lismore and Deputy Speaker in the Legislative Assembly, has signed on the dotted line and is now in the running for endorsement as the party's candidate in the by-election that's expected to be held in November.
Earlier this week George spoke on ABC Local Radio about scandal-ridden Steve Cansdell's sudden exit from the political scene. George paid tribute to Cansdell's performance as the local member but, in true poker-style form, kept his cards close to his chest and, although admitting to having an interest in a political career somewhere down the track, didn't give too much away.
George's intentions were confirmed on NBN TV's news tonight and will feature in tomorrow's edition of The Daily Examiner.
Political pundits reckon George, or at least his father, has been well schooled by the Nats' party machine and been doing the numbers game and shoring up support for his candidacy while the johnny-come-latelies (aka babes in the woods)  is the south have been too busy playing useless "pick me" personality  exercises.
As my cousin, Richie Rivers says, "Come D-Day, the result will be a Mason-Dixon line decision."
Not knowing what Richie was on about, I asked to be put me in the picture.
Richie, who is a very punny fella, said, "Stuart's aunty married a Mason and while the family's roots are around the Casino area, he spent a good deal of time with his aunty's family pouring beers at a well known pub they owned in Grafton.
This student of history has to admit that the Dixon part of the equation still remains a mystery.  Perhaps there's an amateur detective who knows more details about that!

New Nats' candidate - a farmer with experience in renovations

Another National party candidate for pre-selection in Clarence arrived on the scene yesterday and her background suggests she could be just what the doctor ordered for the party to get its local act into gear.

Fiona Leviny

Fiona Leviny, a farmer from Southgate and a contestant on TEN's show The Renovators, stepped up to the plate with her nomination but has her hands tied to the TV show in the immediate future so will be missing from the local scene while the serious business of lobbying for support for pre-selection takes place in the days leading up to the party's D-Day on Saturday, October 1.

Leviny told The Daily Examiner that in the middle of her bid to get National Party endorsement to run for the seat of Clarence she has to travel to Sydney for four days for filming of the final episodes of The Renovators.

Leviny's commitment to the cause is indeed most admirable. She's prepared to do the hard yards, not settling for a second-rate effort like those who say they'll make just a 110% effort.

Leviny, who has a solid background in agriculture and tourism across Australia and overseas, said she would be there to work 150%.

Read the Examiner's report on Leviny's nomination here.