Sunday 4 November 2007

The Prime Minister is looking tired

Well it had to happen. With the blogosphere taking note of John Howard's every shoulder twitch or eye shift and occasionally commenting on his obvious ill health, someone was bound to come up with a diagnosis.
Possible TIA or small stroke has now firmed into early Parkinson's Disease.
The Prime Minister's health status is the real elephant in the room during this federal election campaign and it is an animal that mainstream media is trying its best to ignore.
This issue may be one of the reasons why opinion polls are stubbornly refusing to significantly shift in the Coalition's favour - Howard is considered a health risk. Voters have been watching the Prime Minister's pronounced variability in cognitive function and may be quietly deciding that he is no longer up to the job.
The Daily Telegraph on polls and campaign:

Campaign Day 21

Still recovering from the rude shock delivered by ABC TV last night.
Just before 8.30pm I was abducted by a ponderous Liberal Party election advert and cruelly waterboarded with alternating doses of JoHo and Capt'n Smirk.
Come on Aunty, be fair - if I'd been in the mood for advertising I would've been watching one of the commercial channels.
If John Howard wants more air time he should have accepted the offer of another televised debate.

Effects of a marathon election campaign

It seems that it is not only tempers that are fraying in Howard's marathon election campaign.
Nor is it only in the Liberal Party camp that unhappy mutterings are heard regarding the Prime Minister's fixation on his own needs and desires.
Small business is also expecting a negative reaction.
According to QBR on Friday:
"Queensland businesses are conscious that a possible change in Federal Government and extended campaign could take its toll on business activity during the December quarter, according to the latest Commerce Queensland — St.George September quarter Pulse Survey of Business Conditions.
The survey found Queensland businesses are expecting business conditions to soften in the December quarter, with the General Business Conditions Index (GBCI) expected to drop to its lowest level since June 2002.
The extended election campaign has had a negative impact on business activity. This can be attributed to reluctance on the part of consumers to make major purchasing decisions in an uncertain political environment."

Saturday 3 November 2007

Things in the electorate of Page ain't what they used to be

On Friday 2 November ABC radio carried a report about the electorate of Page. The incumbent Local Member, a National Party MP, is retiring and not contesting the election.

The report states:

This is a seat that would not normally be regarded as marginal. The National party holds it by a margin of more than 5 per cent. But Labor is strongly contesting it, hoping to capitalise on a changing demographic in the area.

Read the full report at

Interestingly, the National Party candidate Chris Gulaptis doesn't reside in the electorate. How then, can he describe himself as a "local"?

Skinner Street latest front in Page battle - is anybody listening?

"About half way down the street a truck was parked by the kerb. On it were retiring Page MP Ian Causley, the Nationals candidate for Page Chris Gulaptis and Cowper Nationals candidate Luke Hartsuyker. All were busy spruiking on a loud hailer.
About 50 metres away was former Labor leader and Opposition trade and regional development spokesman Simon Crean, Labor candidate for Page Janelle Saffin and Clarence mayor Ian Tiley.
Apart from a small entourage with each group, there was hardly another soul.
It wouldn't have surprised if tumbleweed blew down the street."
Full story in The Daily Examiner today:
Well what do they expect. It's Jacaranda time and everyone deserves a break from this oh so long election campaign.
The only brightspot was the announcement of Federal Labor's pledge of $1 million to revamp South Grafton's Skinner Street which, along with its big money promise to revitalise Casino, is good news for North Coast residents.
It's Jacaranda Grand Float Parade this afternoon - hopefully the candidates won't turn up in their princess costumes.

Campaign Day 20 - halfway madness

We are now in the halfway phase of the federal election campaign and I'm wondering just how many more impossible things we're supposed to believe before breakfast each day.  
I've come to the conclusion that there is a special place in Hell for prime ministers who call six-week election campaigns.
Even the commitariat are feeling the strain. I hear that Janet Albrechtsen is crouched in a darkened room whimpering in the middle of a nest of shredded articles, an unkempt David Flint can be found living in a Rushcutters Bay stormwater drain frightening passers-by by declaiming from Liberal Party press releases in a hollow voice, Sol L. was detained after he was discovered with pith helmet and blunderbuss openly hunting suburban streets for undecided voters, and the normally staid Alan Ramsey is planning to elope with Bill Heffernan.