A Nathan Rees leadership musing: A mutt, who knows a mutt, who knows a moggy I know well, sez that a leadership spill is definitely happening in the NSW Labor Government on Tuesday 1 September 2009. Yet another mutt says that NSW Planning Minister Kristina Keneally is a member of Opus Dei - which would make her the first high profile female I've heard of apparently belonging to this particular kozy kaffee klatch.
*On 1 September 2009 an advisor to Minister Keneally sent an email to Boy which stated in part:
"The Minister is not, and has never been, a member of Opus Dei. This is absolutely untrue.
This allegation has been made before by news publications, and in all cases it has been retracted or a denial has been published."
*Perhaps the Rees Government should have a training day for staffers as that bit of gossip started life in the Labor stable.
A loyalty musing: Malcolm Turnbull's dogs are privately telling their friends that it doesn't matter a jot to them that their master might suffer from narcissistic personality disorder. Jojo, as spokesdog for the Liberal leader's canine pack, says that having a top dog with tickets on himself did no harm in any tree watering contest. A Fourth Estate musing: My little canine friend, Veronica Lake, tells me that when her friends gather round the fire hydrant they are discussing the rumour that a certain North Coast newspaper editor is said to have threatened a shire councillor with negative press, because this councillor wasn't voting the way the editor wanted with regard to one of his pet projects. A cats rule the stars musing:
I hijacked the PC keyboard in time for the August 2009 National Science Week and along with thousands of others sent a message to our nearest Earth-like planet; I am a domesticated cat and my kind is one of the most sucessful modern mammals living on Earth. Higher species like humans are our willing slaves. :-D Fred Mason from Roberts Creek, Australia sent this message:
Hi There: Sorry about the Outer Limits; hope you enjoyed I Love Lucy. Have you got all our missing socks? Love, Earth