Monday 29 October 2007

Twister leaves trail of destruction - Lismore declared natural disaster zone

ABC North Coast radio has announced the declaration of a natural disaster area in the Lismore district due to severe storm damage.

Twister as it approaches Dunoon on the NSW North Coast.

The Northern Star describes twister:

YouTubers a real worry for Lib campaign

In The Australian this morning one view is that the Coalition is casting about for someone to blame.
"Still trailing in the opinion polls, some Liberals are blaming the Prime Minister's fixation with the past and the Coalition's conflicting messages for neutralising some good days for the Government's campaign. 
Liberal insiders are concerned that voters are being confused by "enthusiastic amateurs" putting their own guerilla campaign advertising and messages on YouTube and other websites." 
Psst, Mr. Liberal Insider. I don't think many voters are confused. Amused maybe. Watching the political debate being taken out of your hands and those of your main rivals is the only refreshing aspect of this long election campaign.

The Australian on YouTube, polls and disquieting campaigns:,25197,22663800-601,00.html

A little gratuitous gay bashing by Liberal candidate

I won't dignify this nonsense with a quote. Go look at the ill-founded and misinformed words of the Liberal candidate for Lalor for yourself.
The Age article yesterday:

Campaign Day 15

Noticed what John Howard is not mentioning this election? His grand plan for a national identity card masquerading as the Access smart card.
Not one word. Rather similar to the situation at the last election when Work Choices conveniently slipped his mind.

Sunday 28 October 2007

Has Australia stopped listening to Howard & Co?

According to Possum Comitatus the current four poll average sees Labor at 55.25% against a Coalition at 44.75%. With the posited current uniform swing resulting in a Parliament composed of 94 Labor seats and 56 non-Labor seats.
Yesterday The Australian observed that: "The mood has simply shifted: a hard political decision was needed and is being made without rancour or sentimentality. Politicians have to make hard decisions and at other times voters do."
Smart money is also now being laid on a Labor victory.
In light of the lack of significant poll bounce from Howard's election cash giveaway, the question has to be asked - is Australia no longer listening to the Prime Minister?
Have we all been asked to swallow one Coalition political lie too many and have therefore grown distrusting or resentful?
Or is it that we are simply seeking change for change sake?
I'm sure that Howard & Co. are attempting to comfort themselves with the latter explanation, but I suspect that many Australians are uncomfortable with the increasingly rigid, right-wing Australia that eleven years of John Howard has produced and are quietly wishing the man away.
The latest from Possum Polytics:
The Australian full article:

Campaign Day 14

Well blow me down with a feather.
John Howard finally admits the "keep interest rates at record lows" ad from his last election campaign was dishonest and had to be taken off air.
Then Joe Hockey blurts out that the current Coalition campaign against Labor's industrial relations policy is actually a fear campaign.
But what is truly amazing is that either bloke would think for a minute that we didn't already know this. Rabbits, both of them.