Sunday 9 October 2011

Are the boys in blue dragging their feet in sympathy with the former NSW Parliamentary Secretary to the Police Minister?

Soon after Steve Cansdell was forced by circumstances to admit to the NSW Nats leader and Grafton police that in 2005 he had signed a false statutory declaration to avoid losing his driving license, speculation began to surface that police in the Coffs-Clarence Area Command would be reluctant to pursue the matter because of their prior contact with him as the MP for Clarence and parliamentary secretary to the NSW Police Minister.
Three weeks after his resignation became public knowledge police have still not interviewed his alleged co-conspirator according to The Daily Examiner on 8th October 2011:

Pic from The Daily Examiner

Saturday 8 October 2011

If he can't run a car yard at a profit, how does he expect to help run a state?

Pictured here on the left is Stuart George, one of the NSW Nationals pre-selection candidates hoping to be chosen to contest the Clarence by-election and then go on represent the people of that electorate as a member of the O’Farrell Government.

He was (and still probably is) owner or part-owner of Capital Car Sales in Casino, as he was proud to attest in 2001 and 2005:

However, Stuart and the North Coast Nationals have a problem which may yet cause concern and, it is found on the Australian Securities and Investments Commission website:

ACN    100 385 377
ABN    64 100 385 377
Type Australian Proprietary Company, Limited By Shares
Registration Date 30/04/2002
Next Review Date 30/04/2012
Locality of Registered Office Casino NSW 2470
Jurisdiction Australian Securities & Investments Commission

On 10 November 2011 there was a Creditors' meeting for Voluntary Creditors' Liquidations scheduled.

Now the rumour is that this company owes many tens of thousands of dollars, so perhaps Mr. George might like to explain the part he played in this business difficulty?


SCANDAL has hit the NSW Nationals for the second time in a month with the revelation that a company owned by pre-selection candidate for Clarence Stuart George is in liquidation owing nine creditors more than $250,000.
The $267,620 in debts owed to creditors relate to monies owed by Mr George's former business Capital Car Sales (Casino) Pty Ltd - a figure he disputes.
The debts have the potential to derail his tilt at the seat for Clarence.
Both Mr George and his wife Margaret are listed as directors of the company.
On October 27 last year Mr George acknowledged the debt when he signed off on an Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) statement verifying report as director.
Mr George's creditors include the Australian Taxation Office, North Coast Petroleum, Allianz, Sensis, and his father Member for Lismore Thomas George, to whom he owes the bulk of the debt.
When The Daily Examiner contacted Mr George at a National Party conference at Port Macquarie yesterday he said he had never hidden the fact that his company was in liquidation.....

The rest of The Daily Examiner article by journalist Rodney Stevens here.

Look over there, Look over there! Don't delve deeper! cries Clarence Valley Council

There would be many in the Clarence Valley laughing cynically at the initial Clarence Valley Shire Council response to finding that the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) had it on the list of councils being investigated during Operation Jarek.

Coyly admitting to one recent $50 gift voucher and studiously avoiding making eye contact with the senior management elephant in the room.

All those alleged failures to disclose a non-pecuniary/
pecuniary interest, undocumented meetings with developers, boozy free lunches, favours done and cost over runs.

Tweed Heads Says NO To Coal Seam Gas, Sunday 16 October 2011

Friday 7 October 2011

Westboro weirdness

Westboro Baptist Church in the United States of America has long been known for its strange view of the world - as evidenced by its GodHatesFags website.

Here is the latest example:
According to Wikipedia; Phelps and his family picket approximately six locations every day, including many in Topeka and some events farther afield. On Sundays, up to 15 churches may receive pickets. By their own count, WBC has conducted over 30,000 pickets, in all 50 states, in over 500 cities and towns.