Thursday 17 November 2011

Three days out from polling day and Gulaptis gets well and truly told

No-one's sitting on the fence in this DEX poll on 16th November 2011

About this time in the 2007 federal election campaign Nats candidate Chris Gulaptis was receiving similar negative feedback. Pause for thought?

One comments section under The Daily Examiner article Disgraced MP in candidate's adverts:

By MHSMOTHER from Maclean on 16/11/2011 at 5:21AM
What were you thinking Mr Gulaptis!
I nearly choked in my cornflakes when I saw Steve Cansdell spruiking Chris Gulaptis on television. This has left a bad taste in my mouth and I personally feel that Mr Gulaptis has done himself a great disservice going down this track in his campaign.
I, for one, will certainly be re-considering my vote, particularly taking into account the latest info coming out regarding Mr Gulaptis' past support for coal seam gas. This latest advertising campaign from Mr Cansdell, on top of the CSG evidence coming to light is definitely not good for Mr Gulaptis.

By Machiavelli from Armidale on 16/11/2011 at 6:38AM
The Notional Party backroom unelected political hacks are treating the Clarence electorate with their usual contempt by having a confessed crook on their political advertising.
But then, in other times at other places the Notional Party have often believed that they are above the law by using the local Notional Party MP to get out of parking & driving fines.
The Notional Party lapdog for the Barrier OFallacy LIberal government will represent the party's financial sponsors in Clarence to protect his pre-selection for the 2015 NSW election.
Independent MPs get things done for their electorates.

By willbewatching from Grafton on 16/11/2011 at 6:46AM
To get the person who caused tax dollars to be spent on the by-election to do an advert saying we cannot afford to have a rep in opposition is strange. To use him in an advert to get the people who think " steve is a good bloke" vote shows contempt for the intelligence of voters in Clarence. Certainly did not encourage me to vote Nats. In fact it had the opposite effect.

By Dreyfuss from Maclean on 16/11/2011 at 7:05AM
Cansdell broke the law, he lied and deceived for his own personal gain and now we have to waste our time and tax payer money to vote for another candidate. Asking for an endorsement from an ex member of parliament who is facing possible criminal charges and a jail sentence shows that Gulaptis defines himself as a self serving man with no principals and no moral compass, just like his predecessor and thinks that the voters in Clarence are idiots. If he is prepared to overlook his colleagues behaviour he obviously is prepared to make an exception for a mate and that is not what makes a good political representative.

By msmith24 from Ramornie on 16/11/2011 at 7:38AM
Mr Cansdell ,should have no place on Television, taking part in, advertising campaign's for the Nationals.He resigned in disgrace after making a false Stat Declaration. Which in all fairness makes his character rather shady ,untenable ,and just plain wrong to be doing these add's on tv.Mr Cansdell has lost all credibility in the eyes of most decent voters. Shame on him.

By EmmaB from Yamba on 16/11/2011 at 7:40AM
Anyone living in the Lower Clarence at the turn of the century would recall that the Nats and Gulaptis can't even spell ethics - much less act ethically when it goes against their political self-interest.

By Tellmeanything from Yamba on 16/11/2011 at 7:41AM
Has anyone asked Mr Gulaptis any hard questions yet? Is it true he stormed out of the area vowing never to return when he lost in his election bid in 2007? Is it true he left while still a Clarence Valley Councillor with 10 months still to serve, then being an absentee councillor? Is it true he has sought ALP pre-selection in the past? Would have thought these important questions to ask him to establish whether he is an political opportunist or someone who will work and lobby hard for the Clarence Electorate.

By Fedup from Junction Hill on 16/11/2011 at 7:54AM
I am at a loss as to who to vote for on Saturday. I voted National in the last election but can no longer offer that same support this time and the other parties have done little to eran my vote either. So a conumdrum I have.

By Dessyp from Grafton on 16/11/2011 at 8:03AM
willbewatching from Grafton on 16/11/2011 at 6:46AM said
To get the person who caused tax dollars to be spent on the by-election to do an advert saying we cannot afford to have a rep in opposition is strange. To use him in an advert to get the people who think " steve is a good bloke" vote shows contempt for the intelligence of voters in Clarence. Certainly did not encourage me to vote Nats. In fact it had the opposite effect.
same here, when i first heard labor was running a candidate against the "nats" i thought they'd be no chance!, I'm not so sure now.

By UrsulaTunks from Grafton on 16/11/2011 at 8:16AM
Does the National Party really hold the electorate in this much contempt? Do they really believe that we are that stupid and lacking in integrity that we would fall for this disgusting campaign strategy? It's been a long time since I've felt so insulted and so outraged. This is simply horrendous and unforgivable. The people in the Clarence Electorate deserve so much better. My integrity is NOT negotiable. The National Party is telling the people of the electorate that they believe that they will forgo their ethics in order to have a sitting member who is not in opposition. My vote is NOT for sale.

By swingingvoter from Palmers Channel on 16/11/2011 at 8:19AM
It is hard to imagine greater arrogance or greater contempt for our political system....just disgraceful. Shame on you Steve Cansdell for what you did. Shame on you Chris Gulaptis for what you are doing. I'm ashamed that I voted for Chris Gulaptis when he ran for the federal seat of Page.

By Tellmeanything from Yamba on 16/11/2011 at 9:25AM
Fedup from Junction Hill on 16/11/2011 at 7:54AM said
I am at a loss as to who to vote for on Saturday. I voted National in the last election but can no longer offer that same support this time and the other parties have done little to eran my vote either. So a conumdrum I have.
Know how you feel Fedup but at the end of the day we are voting for someone who will work hard, be accessable to the Electorate and have the best interests of the Clarence people at heart..not a Party.

By yambaman from Yamba on 16/11/2011 at 9:29AM
Now Mr Gulaptis, I love the ad with your son but Steve Cansdell is yesterdays man and should have been consigned to political history! Keep him on and you risk losing the unloseable, what he personally did was disgraceful. I'd suggest you change your advertising company and your advisers, both are completely out of touch with public opinion re Cansdell!

By Smally from Palmers Island on 16/11/2011 at 11:11AM
Chris Gulaptis has first experience not being in control of his electorate from Head office . The Legacy of Cansdell is bad enough without using him as a tombstone around the neck of Gulaptis . Ben Franklin should be on sidelene with Cansdell. Dumb & Dumber

By bertson from Yamba on 16/11/2011 at 11:45AM
Why would Gulaptis seek the endorsement of somebody who deliberately and wilfully broke the law? What integrity does Cansdell have left? He signed a statement which said
"A person who intentionally makes a false statement in a statutory declaration is guilty of an offence, the punishment for which is imprisonment for a term of four years."
Cansdell's illegal and immoral action caused this by-election in the first place. He is not to be trusted, and neither is his endorsement.

By zinger from Brooms Head on 16/11/2011 at 12:11PM
MHSMOTHER from Maclean on 16/11/2011 at 5:21AM said
What were you thinking Mr Gulaptis! I nearly choked in my cornflakes when I saw Steve Cansdell spruiking Chris Gulaptis on television. This has left a bad taste in my mouth and I personally feel that Mr Gulaptis has done himself a great disservice going down this track in his campaign. I, for one, will certainly be re-considering my vote, particularly taking into account the latest info coming out regarding Mr Gulaptis' past support for coal seam gas. This latest advertising campaign from Mr Cansdell, on top of the CSG evidence coming to light is definitely not good for Mr Gulaptis.
I think the whole of the Lower Clarence who once strongly supported Gulaptis would and should be thinking along the same lines as you. If he loses this unlosable(?) by election, he has only himself to blame.

By zinger from Brooms Head on 16/11/2011 at 12:22PM
Tellmeanything from Yamba on 16/11/2011 at 9:25AM said
Know how you feel Fedup but at the end of the day we are voting for someone who will work hard, be accessable to the Electorate and have the best interests of the Clarence people at heart..not a Party.
I agree. I can't vote Labour back in, and now I cannot vote Nats after this Cansdell/Gulattis/coal seam gas fiasco. It's not in me to vote Greens. What can I do Fedup? So, I'm going to vote for the man Peter Ellem. When he was the editor of DEX he was totally behind the Clarence Valley - and I'm sure he will continue to do so now.

By Tellmeanything from Yamba on 16/11/2011 at 3:19PM
Noticed Mr Gulaptis has his NATS website already under thats CONFIDENCE for yuh!!!

By thunda from Australia on 16/11/2011 at 3:20PM
Most pollies suffer from 'foot in mouth disease' and their egos won't allow them to see the bleeding obvious. On every paper there should be a box for a vote headed 'none of the above' so that those who cannot support those standing have a choice that makes their vote count as opposed to an informal vote that is merely put down to an error is casting the vote. This method would truly reflect voter preference.

By JohnHancocks from Maclean on 16/11/2011 at 3:36PM
No, I can’t vote National, of course not – in all conscience who can? Not in this electorate anyway. From the moment scandal broke the Nationals have done everything possible to downplay Cansdell’s actions: “mistake” “error of judgment” and no one in that party has been game to come out and say “Yes, our local member had to admit to a criminal act”. It’s as if not one of them can see that what Cansdell did was not just illegal but that he let us his constituents down, badly – people who position themselves as leaders in the community and who seek elected office have to present as squeaky clean and conduct themselves accordingly. So, seemingly Gulaptis as our prospective representative sees nothing wrong with Cansdell’s actions either? God help us, are we in for more of the same? Judging by the culture manifest among the local Nationals we have every reason to fear the worst, so what now? Dodgy land deals, cronyism, back handers...all the things we’ve witnessed elsewhere suddenly flourishing in the Clarence? Here we are afflicted with a party seemingly bereft of values pushing a candidate that frankly represents the scrapings of the electoral field. Thank you National Party....who the hell CAN I vote for out of this sorry lot? It won’t be your offering that’s for sure.

By UrsulaTunks from Grafton on 16/11/2011 at 4:23PM
It also concerns me that they're happy to 'ignore' the situation in relation to the false swearing of a Statutory Declaration. I think people are forgetting that if you are aware of a 'corrupt act' and fail to report that 'act' then you are also guilty of an offence under the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988. If the police, or ICAC, are in fact conducting an investigation and they uncover 'other' corrupt acts then anyone else involved who's failed to report these acts will also be subjected to criminal charges. On the bright side though, those that do come forward with their knowledge of any alleged acts before they are brought to light by an investigation, will covered by the strengthened whistle blower provisions in that same Act. I wonder if this possibility is even relevant? I'm so glad I never worked for him.

By wade2460 from Grafton on 16/11/2011 at 8:56PM
I would be keeping the lowest profile ever if i had pending criminal charges... out of sight out of mind...not a high profile image !!! Chris seems to think he has it won.. I think the Nats have made a wrong choice .....

Lock the Gate Alliance endorses Greens and commends Labor in 2011 Clarence by-election

As the Clarence by-election campaign enters its final days, the candidate endorsements begin to emerge…………………

Lock the Gate Alliance president Drew Hutton said his organisation had no political affiliation but would recommend a vote based on candidates' record on coal and coal seam gas.

Mr Hutton said he had studied the records of all eight candidates and was pleased that one of the independents and the Labor candidate had supported a moratorium on coal seam gas until all social and environmental issues had been addressed.

However, Ms Cavanaugh's strong advocacy on this issue over a long period made her the best candidate for voters to express their opposition to coal seam gas moving into their region.

The New South Wales Greens had also done a great deal to keep this industry under control, especially through the work of mining spokesperson Jeremy Buckingham.

"The people of Clarence have companies like Metgasco, Red Sky and Arrow looking to cover much of the region with gas wells, pipelines and other infrastructure turning this beautiful region into a bleak industrial zone," Mr Hutton said.

"The tourism and agricultural industries will be at risk and underground water will be threatened.
"Coal seam gas is the biggest issue facing the voters of Clarence and the best way to send a clear message to Premier Barry O'Farrell that it is not wanted here is to give a vote to the Greens."

Nationals extremely comfortable with Clarence by-election adverts featuring law-breaking former MP

Once again the North Coast Nationals and Chris Gulaptis demonstrate their lack of understanding when it comes to Ethics 101. One shudders to think how the Clarence electorate will fare under this particular stewardship.

The Daily Examiner 16 November 2011:

A POLITICAL row has developed over the National Party's use of disgraced MP Steve Cansdell in advertisements endorsing Clarence by-election candidate Chris Gulaptis, three days out from the polls.
Despite resigning from parliament on September 16 after admitting he falsified a statutory declaration to avoid losing his driver's licence over a 2005 speeding fine, the National Party saw fit to include Mr Cansdell in Mr Gulaptis' advertising campaign.
As well as appearing in Mr Gulaptis' campaign television advertisement, a photo of Mr Gulaptis with Mr Cansdell features in a campaign leaflet delivered across the Clarence electorate.
While supporting County Labor candidate in the by-election, Peter Ellem, opposition leader John Robertson yesterday accused the National Party of not understanding the seriousness of Mr Cansdell's offence.
"The thing that I am amazed by is that it is quite a serious offence, but the National Party is treating it as something that isn't significant," he said.
"Marcus Einfeld went to jail for a similar thing but they are treating this like a joke."
Mr Robertson also questioned why Grafton police were yet to lay any charges against Mr Cansdell.
"Three days out from an election, it has been eight weeks (since this became public), and still there is nothing," he said.
"Frankly people will have a right to be sceptical if they make some sort of announcement next week."
The Nationals' State director Ben Franklin said he didn't think Mr Cansdell appearing in the advertisements would negatively affect Chris Gulaptis's campaign.
"I am extremely comfortable about Steve appearing in a television ad," he said.
"I, for one, as the state director of the party, was extremely pleased that he wanted to do a television ad to make it clear what his views were about in the by-election."

NSW Noxious and Environmental Weed Control Handbook (5th edition) now available

The NSW Department of Primary Industries has just released its latest update of a ‘weed bible’ in the hope of encouraging landowners to responsibly manage personal and business responses to weed infestations:

This handbook has been compiled as a guide for noxious and environmental weed control in non-crop, aquatic and bushland situations.
Contents include:
·         Integrated weed management
·         Managing your legal responsibilities when applying pesticides
·         Reducing herbicide spray drift
·         Using adjuvants with herbicides
·         Cleaning and decontaminating boom sprays and spot sprayers
·         Withholding periods
·         Herbicide resistance
·         Control techniques using herbicides
·         Weeds declared noxious in New South Wales
·         Pesticide permits
·         Noxious and environmental weed control
·         Gas gun/splatter gun application
·         Appendix 1: Spray calibration methods

The bloke's as thick as a brick

TONY Abbott says he revels in the nickname of "Dr No"