Friday 25 August 2023

Blockade Australia August 2023: climate crisis activists court appearances update


BLOCKADE AUSTRALIA, media release, 23 August 2023:

Emma Dorge appeared before Magistrate Breton at Penrith Local Court today. Emma was found guilty to resisting arrest by plain clothes officers at Springwood train station.

The Magistrate did question why the initial arrest was even made for breaching bail, as police were unable to specify the breach or provide any evidence, and did not lay this charge. Police prosecution claimed that police were acting in good faith, despite concurrent bail breach accusations against Emma of not being allowed in NSW and not residing at a NSW address. In response to this, the Magistrate stated, "I suggest otherwise, it seems there was no breach of bail, meaning there would have been no power to arrest her at all".

"Despite the obvious lack of reason for my arrest, the magistrate still decided that me turning to get out my phone to contact help constitutes resisting arrest. The judicial system has once again protected police mis-use of power; over the rights of people affected by it."

"As we see increasing over-reach by the police and courts, we also see increasing extreme climate events around the world. We must match this with resistance." Emma Dorge

Blockade Australia is a growing network of people commitment to targeting the economic pinch points that materially disrupt the exportation and exploitation that this political system relies on. This was demonstrated in a simultaneous week of actions at Brisbane, Newcastle and Melbourne ports in June.

Blockade Australia acknowledges First Nations Peoples as the custodians and true owners of this land

Earlier Blockade Australia media news announcement, 23 August 2023:

Emma Dorge, who was arrested in June 2022 in a spree of arrests made by police to repress Blockade Australia's planned mobilisation in Sydney last year, is facing court today [Wednesday 23rd] at Penrith Local Court. Several other Blockade Australia activists have faced court or had charges dropped by police this past week - details below. Two of these people - Daniel Heggie and Emma Dorge will be available for comment at court today.

Emma Dorge is pleading not guilty to resisting arrest when being apprehended by two undercover officers at a train station in June last year. The police attempted and failed to bring a detention order on Emma. Emma has been living with `bail conditions for 14 months, including: not to associate with 25 others, including their partner, had to move house and leave NSW. These conditions, whilst extensive, have been used against various activists arrested in the period in association with Blockade Australia.

At the same time in June last year, Max Curmi and Daniel Heggie were being held in custody after the bungled Colo surveillance operation which led to the large scale raid. Both were given a significant list of charges each. Daniel was facing charges of aid and abet in the commission of a crime, for unloading a trailer at Colo, was subsequently on bail for over a year, only for all charges to be dropped the day before the court date. Max was charged with conspiracy and affray, for which he was held on remand for over 3 weeks, along with Tim Neville who was also arrested during the raid.

On these police tactics, Max wrote from prison in June last year, "I'm a political prisoner, I'm being held on prefabricated charges because I refuse to let this system continue destroying this continent, the climate and our right to a livable future".

Aunty Caroline Kirk, Ngemba Elder and Lily Bett were in Paramatta court last week for charges of obstruct and intimidate the police during the Colo raids in June last year. The intimidation and obstruct charges were laid on them for yelling at or standing in the path of, what they identified as armed intruders at a private residence.

Aunty Caroline was given $400 in fine and Lily a 6 month CRO. Both had no conviction recorded.

At the time of the charges in question, police were dressed in camouflage and black clothes, refused to identify themselves and hit several people in the process of leaving in a car. It was not until 100+ police, with dogs and helicopters made their way down the valley, smashing up the camp and holding everyone for hours, that it became clear it was a police operation.

"Over the past 18 months we have seen harsh bail conditions, surveillance and incarceration of climate activists, even when no legitimate charges end up being laid. These underhanded police tactics go hand in hand with the anti protest laws introduced early last year. Australia uses these repressive mechanisms to uphold this destructive profit-growth system and block meaningful climate action." - Emma Dorge

Thursday 24 August 2023

More than $847.25 million in wages are estimated to be underpaid each year, affecting 1.38 million workers - in June 2022 that included approx. 16,045 NSW Northern Rivers employees believed to be owed stolen wages of est. $4.8 million


Australian workers are dealing with the rising cost

of living, housing market pressures, a rental crisis,

and stagnant wage growth.

Unpaid earnings harm people who worked in good faith for their pay packet and - right now - people are having to carefully count every dollar…

More than $847.25 million in wages are estimated to be underpaid each year, affecting 1.38 million workers, or

about 11.5 per cent of the employed Australian workforce”

[McKell Institute, “Unfinished Business: The Ongoing Battle Against Wage Theft”, August 2023]

Smart Company, 22 August 2023:

Wage theft is costing Australian workers $850 million a year, demonstrating an “ingrained culture” of deliberate underpayment and the need for criminalisation at the federal level, according to a damning new report from the McKell Institute.

A fresh analysis of Fair Work Ombudsman audits stretching back to 2009 shows more than a quarter of audited businesses failed to observe the monetary obligations set out by industry awards or enterprise agreements, according to the think tank.

Its calculations show nearly 27,000 businesses were found to have underpaid approximately 1.3 million Australian workers over that time frame.

The real level of wage underpayment is likely higher, McKell Institute CEO Ed Cavanough said, as the analysis did not cover the underpayment of penalty rates, or circumstances where payment under a different award would have been more appropriate.

This is an extraordinary amount of money being stolen and it’s unacceptable,” Cavanough said in a statement.

Wage underpayment hits businesses big and small

The report arrives against a backdrop of high-profile wage underpayments claims, with Coles, Target, and Bunnings just a few of the major brands to have revealed significant wage underpayments in recent years.

Wage underpayment also stretches deep into the small business sector, with the Fair Work Ombudsman on Tuesday revealing it has levelled nearly $85,000 in penalties against two Victorian businesses accused of underpaying young workers, as a result of its latest investigation.

The Ombudsman recently launched a spate of undercover campaigns targeting small restaurants and food court vendors deemed to offer suspiciously low-cost fare.

The McKell Institute argues laws criminalising wage theft across the board are necessary to discourage employers from deliberately withholding earnings and entitlements.

The report throws its weight behind the federal government’s upcoming industrial relations reform package, which is expected to contain legislation making wage theft a criminal offence across the board….

Read the full article here.

In the NSW Northern Rivers region there are two federal electorates, Page and Richmond.

According to the McKell Institute 29-page analysis of the economic impact of wage theft in Australia, as of June 2022:

  • In the electorate of Page there were est. 1,366 non-compliant business which between them were believed to have stolen wages from 7,023 employees with a total minimum value of $4,289,664.

  • In the electorate of Richmond there were est. 1,754 non-compliant businesses which between them were believed to have stolen wages from 9,022 employees with a total minimum value of $5,510,65.

Friday 18 August 2023

Personally, I find a UK gaoler/overseer supplying convict labour for outdoor work in Australia has an uncomfortable historical resonance even when dressed up as ‘work experience’


Clarence Correctional Centre is a 1,700 bed maximum- and minimum-security correctional centre for male and female offenders, which includes 400 minimum security beds. The centre is located at Lavidia 12km south east of Grafton in the Clarence Valley.

This prison opened in July 2020 is managed on a twenty-year contract by Serco Asia Pacific on behalf of the NSW Government. This contract was initially worth UK £1.5 billion to the Serco Group.

The Serco Group Plc is a UK-based, publicly listed, multinational corporation which in the first half of 2023 had revenue of UK £2.4 billion and is expected to end the year with revenue of at least UK £4.8 billion (AUS $9.4 billion).

Apparently Serco appears to be anticipating that Clarence Valley Council will assist it in meeting this revenue target – presumably by way of a program grant from government directly to Serco.

Personally, I find a UK gaoler/overseer supplying convict labour for outdoor work in Australia has an uncomfortable historical resonance even when dressed up as ‘work experience’.

It should be noted that Serco has a long history of contract breaches when it comes to correctional and immigration detention facilities, for overcharging government for its services, poor security and human rights abuse.

The Daily Telegraph, 15 August 2023:

The United Services Union states Clarence Valley Council wants to use prison inmates for repair and maintenance work in parks and reserves such as Market Square in Grafton.

But the council has hit back in a statement accusing the union of embarking on a campaign “built on misinformation and scaremongering”.

Northern regional organiser John Hickson said the main issue which upset the union was the lack of communication from the council.

The way we found out was a phone call from our delegate that two supervisors had been summoned to a meeting about areas where prisoners could work around Grafton,” he said.

We were upset because we weren’t informed or consulted about it … we even sent a letter to the council asking them to respond to the issue, which they’ve failed to do.

What’s happening is so wrong because it should be council work for council employees — not for prisoners.”

In response, Mr Hickson started a campaign on Tuesday – including flyers and a placard on a bus – to make Grafton aware of the council’s proposal.

The community response so far has been absolute shock and outrage — they knew nothing about it too,” he said….

The council stated key outdoor staff have been asked to provide feedback on the pilot program, which, if it goes ahead, would provide work experience to inmates.

The ideas floated at a meeting with Serco executives early in August include repair and maintenance of park and recreational spaces,” the council stated.

The pilot program is at the inception end of development and no details have been finalised or agreed.

Council management is disappointed in the response by the United Services Union, which is built on misinformation and scaremongering.”

The statement declared the program “is not intended to replace council staff”.

(Council is even) preparing to increase its Open Space workforce by up to six employees to accommodate increased workloads due to recent upgrades and the influx of tourists to the area,” it read.

Later in the afternoon, council issued another statement, which welcomed a decision to discontinue a matter that was being heard in the Industrial Relations Commission today.

(The ruling gives) council clear direction to progress discussions with staff and the union about partnering with Serco to establish a day release work program, noting any activities should not be those that are contained within current staff work program,” the statement read.

Clarence Valley Council has been contacted for further comment.

Thursday 17 August 2023

Ray White Yamba is to be congratulated for deciding to not use the Ailo app in its rental business model


Ailo app 1.0 was released in or about April 2020 and has had nine iterations up to 25 July 2023.

From the beginning this app appears to have had stability issues – eg., app crashing, failure to load (Loading Error, Server Timeout Error, Connection Reset Error, Connection Failed Error) and raised some general concerns about security of personal information due to potential third-party data sharing, possibly including photographs of occupied rental interiors.

This post in a Reddit thread appears to encapsulates renter unhappiness:

I've had nothing but problems since being forced to use this god awful app. Incorrect due dates for rent, incorrect amounts being charged for rent, receiving repeated emails stating my rent is $5 overdue ( this one lasted for months). Not to mention the annoyance of trying to pay rent without being charged a fee.

While a Whirpool forum show tenants are fighting back:

I successfully complained to the Dept of Fair Trading NSW and Ailo have now offered a 'fee-waiver form' as a way to stop fees being charged for direct debit rent payments.

It does sound like you only avoid paying fees if you know about the fee-waver form.

In my view the wording of the current legislation is too open to abuse, which is what Ailo have done (see Residential Tenancies Act 2010, Sect 35.) Fair Trading and others are putting pressure on Ailo and it seems to be working; make your voice heard if this is affecting you.

Fair Trading recommended contacting policy, who review legislation reforms, and Tenants Advice or Advocacy Services (TAAS) at

Hope this helps.

So Ray White Yamba is to be congratulated for deciding to not use the Ailo app in its rental business model.

Clarence Valley Independent, 16 August 2020

Increasing cost-of-living pressures have led Ray White Yamba to elect not to use the Ailo mobile app, introduced by the company across its network of agents as a property management system, for tenants to pay and landlords to collect rental payments.

Recently, some Ray White agents, along with other real estate brands, across Australia emailed tenants and landlords inviting them to use Ailo, a third-party property management app to pay their rent, which was founded by former Ray White Director Ben White.

Ray White Yamba Managing Director, Daniel Kelly said after piloting and testing the Ailo property management system they decided against implementing it for their clients.

The Ailo technology is not exclusive to Ray White, there’s other brands around the country that are using it as well,” he said.

Based on our experience in using it, we feel as though it is not the right fit for us.”

The Ailo app charges 0.25 per-cent for an automated direct debit from a bank account, 0.95 per-cent for debit card payments and 1.5 per-cent for credit card payments, while also offering a fee-free method of payment as required.

In NSW, a law was passed in 2011 that every real estate agent must offer a fee free means of paying rent.

Mr Kelly said convenience and increasing cost-of-living pressures were reasons why Ray White Yamba chose not to use the Ailo app.

Predominantly one reason was convenience for our clients, tenants in particular, because it’s a system that largely would have been accepted, I believe by landlords, but, from a tenancy perspective the feedback that we have had is that it removed a level of convenience for them in paying the rent,” he said.

The decision we came to was, obviously cost-of-living is a big issue at the moment, and we don’t want to be inflicting further pain on people, so it wasn’t the right fit for us.”

Wednesday 16 August 2023

A GST fraud wave costing Treasury at least $4.6 billion has been perpetrated by thousands of greedy people falsely asserting they own & trade as a business


Financial Review, 14 August 2023:

An explosive wave of fraud that has shaken the Tax Office’s GST system had been building for months before accountants began to notice early last year. By then it was everywhere and no one wanted to talk about it.

I started seeing it through the office about March of 2022, a few people came in with business files with the ATO – these really large credits going out, big, big credits, unusual credits,” a western Sydney accountant told The Australian Financial Review.

It didn’t prick my attention. Then I saw a few more, and a few more, and a few more. It kept growing. Tax time came [from July 2022] and it was rampant, absolutely rampant.”

By then, accountants around Australia were realising that the country was in the thick of a multibillion-dollar explosion of GST fraud that had gone viral. It’s the crime wave the Tax Office didn’t see coming.

How big a crime wave? “The inside word among tax officers is $4.6 billion – that is insane,” says the accountant, who like others spoke to the Financial Review on condition of anonymity. “Everyone’s too scared to go up against the ATO.”

The Tax Office has confirmed the $4.6 billion figure, which seems likely to be an underestimate.

It was “the biggest tax revenue fraud against the community in the history of the ATO”, deputy commissioner John Ford said in a speech in May.

The fraud is a simple one that involves individuals using their MyGov account to claim refunds on GST payments that were never made.

While the fraud may be simple, piecing together this invisible crime wave raises questions about why the Tax Office took so long to catch on.

And now it’s tax time again. While the Tax Office insists it has the fraud under control, accountants in western Sydney are painting a darker picture.

They keep changing [the scam],” an accountant says. “I saw more clients today that [the ATO] didn’t pick up. One guy got $50,000, then another $35,000, then another $25,000.

He hasn’t had to pay it back. He got this at the end of 2022. This isn’t being picked up as fraudulent activity.

I’ve seen two more already this morning. One has a debt of $18,000. He tried to get more but was stopped eventually by the ATO.”

A client received $130,000 from fraudulent claims in July 2022 and was not picked up until December. Another client was paid $60,000 last September. How did it get to this?

Banks had been warning the Tax Office about a rising pattern of GST fraud – and freezing suspect accounts – from late 2020. They became increasingly frustrated by the apparent lack of action by the ATO, as they were faced with the decision of what to do with the frozen accounts…..

By mid-2021 the fraud was exploding as social media – in particular TikTok – was full of explainers how to get a “loan” from the government.

In one example cited to the Financial Review a man claimed a $50,000 GST refund in August 2021, then raised another $50,000 several months later. It was only when he tried it again last May that the Tax Office caught up with him.

Read the full article here.

Tuesday 15 August 2023

There were more income averaging schemes than just Robodebt robbing welfare recipients and the rot appears to have started under Prime Minister John Howard, Minister Amanda Vanstone & Department Secretary Mark Sullivan


In March 1996, by virtue of being Parliamentary Leader of the Liberal Party, John Winston Howard became Prime Minister of Australia. In January 2021 Howard made Senator Amanda Vanstone Minster for Family and Community Services, while he appointed Mark Sullivan as Secretary of the Family and Community Services in January 2002.

It would appear that sometime in the seven years between the start of1996 and the end of 2002, a virulent political, policy and bureaucratic rot began to to grow…..

In July 2002 the Department of Family and Community Services (FaCS) had introduced changes to quality control and quality assurance processes and had in place

comprehensive Centrelink processes to ensure

Quality control, service profiling, national validations.

  • Awareness: newsletter, regular reviews, debt prevention strategy, life events products

  • Deterrence measures: regular reviews, prosecutions, warning letters, raising and recovering debts

  • Compliance initiatives: Accelerated Claimant Matching (ACM), ACM Rent Assistance, ATO tip-offs, Data-Matching Program [ATO, Australian Valuation Office (AVO) & Centrelink], Corrective Services Matching, DIMIA matching, Registrar-General’s Office death matching, Defence Housing matching, Com Super matching, ATO investment property matching, TDF matching, Tip-offs, T&Cs (ATO & ASIC matching), ID fraud detection, Optical surveillance, outposted Australian Federal Police agents, inter-agency Cash Economy Field Teams.

The Department of Family and Community Services, Annual Report 2002–03 Volume I & 2, (pp.14,16, 77, 216) revealed how this rot began to be seen as healthy:

[my yellow highlights throughout this post]

There was a $162.1 million decrease in the write down of assets, primarily the result of a decrease in the provision for doubtful debts for the Student Financial Supplement Scheme ($386.6 million). This was offset by an increase in the provision for doubtful debts for other personal benefits ($224.5 million) due to a change in methodology for calculating the provision for doubtful debts.”…..

To tackle the upward debt trend, we developed a national collection strategy that is already making an impact on collections and stemming debt growth. This ensures more parents support their children according to their capacity to do so. The strategy also provides a basis for implementing the 2003-04 Budget measures to target recalcitrant debt.”….

Service profiling was introduced gradually in 2002–03.”

Other methods to identify possible incorrect payments include:….

  • risk-based review selections generated from statistical analysis of client characteristics

  • duration reviews that examine client entitlements at specific intervals from payment commencement

Centrelink has contracted mercantile agents to recover some client debts when the debtor’s whereabouts are unknown or when pursuit of the debts through standard debt recovery processes is not cost effective.”

By February 2023 it had become clear that Services Australia and the Department of Social Services had been withholding information from the Commonwealth Ombudsman and possibly from the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme.

According to Rick Morton writing in The Saturday Paper on 12 August 2023:

Centrelink used the same bad mathematics as the illegal robo-debt scheme to raise debts estimated in the hundreds of millions of dollars from more than 100,000 welfare recipients – some of whom have faced prosecution.

The revelation shatters any illusion that defective administration was contained to a single program. If all inaccurate debts are ever found, the cost to fix the mess could top $1 billion…..

Services Australia chose not to tell the Commonwealth ombudsman in early 2021, when the ombudsman raised individual cases of inaccurate debts with the department. The integrity agency was only briefed on the issue in February this year, at which time it launched an own motion investigation into the matter.

At the start of this month, the Commonwealth ombudsman published a report titled “Lessons in Lawfulness” about this debt calculation technique, known as “income apportionment”, which Centrelink used for almost two decades until December 7, 2020, to effectively fit the reported income of welfare recipients into the rigid eligibility fortnights defined under the legislation.

The agencies are still determining how much the known and potential debts are affected – that is, how much payment rates went up or down because of unlawful or inaccurate income apportionment calculations,” the report says.

It is unknown how many other customers may have been impacted by unlawful or inaccurate debts or underpayments.”

The Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions told The Saturday Paper that Services Australia had “identified prosecutions before the courts affected by income apportionment which may affect the amount of financial advantage alleged”.

At this stage, the CDPP is considering the circumstances of each prosecution with a view to allowing the income apportionment issue to be addressed,” a spokesperson said in a statement. “The CDPP has taken or is taking steps in relation to these matters to ensure these defendants/courts are advised. As a result a number of matters have been adjourned.”

What will happen to the historic cases dating back to 2003 is unclear.

Prosecutions are just the pointy end of the compliance system, however. The vast majority of Centrelink clients affected were simply slapped with a debt.

Scholars such as the University of Sydney’s health and welfare law lecturer, Dr Chris Rudge, as well as insiders who have spoken with The Saturday Paper, suggest the number of people affected could be higher than 500,000.

The bureaucrats “never worked out how to make a mathematical… a lawful mathematical approach”, Rudge says.

Centrelink could have changed the legislation to allow its accounting practice, he says, but this did not happen. “If the law had said you can just do it across different periods, then this wouldn’t have happened.”

At issue is an obscure provision of the Social Security Act, section 1073B, which purports to give officials the power to take the self-reported earnings of a benefit recipient and squeeze it into a Centrelink fortnight by dividing the lump sum income by 14 days. The practice is called “income apportioning”. It was considered necessary because the reporting periods did not neatly match the Centrelink assessment fortnights, and often overlapped. However, the section of the social security law immediately following is clear that this method can only be used within a single fortnight.

In training they actively told us to never ever go to the legislation. Because they thought – and frankly they would be right – that the level of staff member that did that sort of work would not be able to accurately interpret it.”

The use of income apportioning to assess eligibility for welfare payments is discrete from robo-debt, which was a specific program of debt-hunting using annual tax office data, and created illegally in 2015 when it received cabinet approval. Under this administrative practice, bureaucrats used payment amounts accumulated over, for example, several months’ work, and attempted to fit them into fortnightly blocks. However, it is the same mathematical concept – averaging – that was deployed under the robo-debt scheme. Neither had a legislative basis. The earnings apportionment tool used by Centrelink employees actually did this averaging automatically. Robo-debt used the same tool, but with annual data, and with a deliberate strategy to raise debt.

Centrelink public servants were using the dodgy mathematics to uniformly populate successive assessment fortnights which, had a person been receiving benefit payments, could have retrospectively rendered them ineligible for those payments, creating a debt.

It’s so artificial,” Rudge says. “If it goes beyond one entitlement period, it’s unlawful.”

As a former debt team worker tells this newspaper, cultural problems at the agencies meant these assumptions were never tested.

In training they actively told us to never ever go to the legislation,” the source says. “Because they thought – and frankly they would be right – that the level of staff member that did that sort of work would not be able to accurately interpret it.

Their view was go to the operational blueprint because we’ve got this wonderful team of people that are always reviewing the legislation and AAT [Administrative Appeals Tribunal] decisions and making sure it’s adjusted so it’s always right.

In hindsight, that wasn’t correct.”

The robo-debt royal commission uncovered a political and administrative conspiracy spanning six years in which the debt-raising scheme was conceived, delivered and continued despite legal advice from the beginning that stated it was against the law.

Despite robo-debt’s effective end, in late 2019, and the use of income apportionment to determine payment rates being aborted in December the following year, it is clear sections of the vast social security bureaucracy either did not know what they were permitted to do, did not seek to find out or, worse, knew and continued anyway.

In the course of normal business, Centrelink has raised almost $12 billion in debts from mid-2018 to March this year, and waived $180 million of that due to “administrative error”. Income apportionment, which goes beyond simple error, dates back “at least” to 2003, according to the ombudsman…..

When Senator Patrick first raised individual cases related to the use of income apportionment, he spoke with two key figures found to have been intimately involved in robo-debt: Kathryn Campbell and former DHS chief counsel and chief operating officer Annette Musolino.

Campbell, then secretary of Social Services, said there had been “challenges” in administering the social security system because of a timing issue: whether income was assessed at the time it was earned or at the time it was received. She flagged the December legislation change as a way to end this impasse.

The cases Patrick’s staffers had been chaperoning through internal review, the AAT, senate estimates and finally put in writing to the then Social Services minister Anne Ruston in the Coalition government were all significant. There were 15 cases with an average debt of $3853.

Campbell’s explanation – that there were challenges in administering the scheme – failed to take account of the fact it was a policy choice made by bureaucrats to use the date income was earned as the trigger for benefit assessment, rather than when it was paid or received. They believed other approaches would create an inequity: some people could defer payments, rendering them eligible for social security benefits in fortnights where they would otherwise have been ineligible.

In doing so, senior bureaucrats read the law wrongly, for two decades.

When the legislation was changed in December 2020, the bills digest gave a hint of the scale of “overpayments” that would otherwise go on to become debts.

The changes … are expected to provide savings of $2.1 billion over five years from 2018-19. The savings will be derived from reduced overpayments arising from inaccurate income reporting.”….

Although the Commonwealth ombudsman notes there is “an unresolved and significant difference of opinion between some of the legal advices”, its investigation statement leaves no room for interpretation.

Our investigation found Services Australia and its predecessor the Department of Human Services had been spreading employment income evenly over two or more Centrelink instalment periods (Centrelink fortnights), in circumstances where this was not permitted by social security law,” the ombudsman says.

This approach, known as ‘income apportionment’, could result in customers’ employment income being assessed in the wrong Centrelink fortnight, which could in turn result in their fortnightly Centrelink payment being over- or under-paid.”

A former Centrelink employee says the ombudsman’s certainty on unlawfulness and the competing legal interpretations of the departmental advice suggests the disagreement is not over the legality of using income apportionment but how to remedy a roughly two-decade overreach…..

Once the legal issues are resolved, the Secretary of DSS will finalise a remediation strategy for historic cases and the General Instructions will be refreshed, as required, to reflect this strategy. We acknowledge this has taken longer than we would have wanted but we are determined to get it right.”

These general instructions were created by DSS to guide Services Australia in “how to process and review potential debts … which were potentially miscalculated due to unlawful application of income apportionment provisions”.

The ombudsman says they contain a glaring omission.

General Instructions represent the policy position for how to calculate income apportionment debt-raising processes,” it says. “Currently, they do not cover any potential underpayments which may have been caused by income apportionment practices.”

These same instructions suggest the DSS secretary will only review historical decisions where a person requests a review and it is “not expected that the Secretary will initiate administrative reviews of historical debt decisions”.

The ombudsman disagrees.

We consider the position adopted by DSS and Services Australia in the General Instructions is not appropriate,” the report says. “This is inconsistent with the principle of discretionary power and may lead to unfair outcomes for customers.”…..

Centrelink public servants were using the dodgy mathematics to uniformly populate successive assessment fortnights which, had a person been receiving benefit payments, could have retrospectively rendered them ineligible for those payments, creating a debt.

It’s so artificial,” Rudge says. “If it goes beyond one entitlement period, it’s unlawful.”

As a former debt team worker tells this newspaper, cultural problems at the agencies meant these assumptions were never tested.

In training they actively told us to never ever go to the legislation,” the source says. “Because they thought – and frankly they would be right – that the level of staff member that did that sort of work would not be able to accurately interpret it.

Their view was go to the operational blueprint because we’ve got this wonderful team of people that are always reviewing the legislation and AAT [Administrative Appeals Tribunal] decisions and making sure it’s adjusted so it’s always right.

In hindsight, that wasn’t correct.”….


Lessons in lawfulness: Own motion investigation into Services Australia’s and the Department of Social Services’ response to the question of the lawfulness of income apportionment before 7 December 2020, 1 August 2023, excerpts.

Highlights, p.1:

[my yellow highlights throughout this post]


In February 2023, Services Australia and the Department of Social Services (DSS) told our Office

there was an issue with how Services Australia had been apportioning income to calculate social

security payment rates before 7 December 2020, when the law changed.

  • Income apportionment’ is different to ‘income averaging’ that was at the heart of Robodebt.

  • The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) sent some debts back to Services Australia to be

recalculated. This raised concerns about whether income had been lawfully calculated.

  • Services Australia advised it paused approximately 13,000 debt reviews while the agencies sought

legal advice. Another 87,000 files which may become debts were also potentially affected by

unlawful or incorrect income apportionment calculations.

  • Given the scale, significance and potential impact, the Ombudsman decided to conduct two

investigations into income apportionment:

Investigation 1 – lawfulness of the    agencies approach to income apportionment.

      Investigation 2 – examining the agencies’  administration of income apportionment  decisions, communication with customers, and  handling of complaints, internal reviews and AAT  or Federal Court appeals.

  • This statement relates to Investigation 1. Investigation 2 is ongoing.


  • Since at least 2003, Services Australia (and its precursor the Department of Human Services), was

unlawfully apportioning customers’ income across two or more Centrelink instalment periods. This

in turn likely affected social security payment rates and may have lead to unfair debts against


  • Since becoming aware of the issue in October 2020, the agencies took steps to seek legal advice,

but could have acted quicker to finalise advice.

  • There is an unresolved and significant difference of opinion between some of the legal advices.

  • The General Instructions that DSS developed to guide how decision-makers should recalculate the

approximately 100,000 actual and potential debts need further development.

  • The agencies could have acted quicker to inform us of this issue, particularly since Services

Australia knew our Office had investigated some of the affected complaints.

  • The agencies are still determining how much the known and potential debts are affected – that is,

how much payment rates went up or down because of unlawful or inaccurate income

apportionment calculations. It is unknown how many other customers may have been impacted

by unlawful or inaccurate debts or underpayments.

Background to the investigation, p.2:

On 29 October 2020, at Senate Estimates, then-Senator Rex Patrick raised concerns with Services

Australia about the lawfulness of its approach to apportioning income when calculating Centrelink

payment rates. The Guardian Australia reported on the Senator’s questions and AAT reviews of

debts in November 20201 and March 20212, respectively.

In February 2021, the AAT made two decisions requiring Services Australia to recalculate debts that

related to income apportionment. The AAT identified issues in how Services Australia was applying

section 1073B of the Social Security Act 1991 (the Social Security Act) to apportion income. Section

1073B was in force between 2003 and 7 December 2020.

Around March 2021, the Office began receiving complaints about delays in Services Australia

reviews. Between then and January 2023, we investigated or made preliminary inquiries about these

individual complaints. Services Australia did not inform us, as part of these investigations, that these

review delays were affected by this underlying legal issue.

In January 2023, Services Australia approached the Office to offer a briefing on income apportionment. At that briefing, on 17 February 2023, Services Australia and DSS told us that, in the period between becoming aware of the issue and advising our Office, they:

obtained several draft and final advices from multiple legal providers

identified approximately 13,000 requests for reviews of debts that may be impacted by

income apportionment – they placed these reviews on hold while the agencies considered

how best to approach them, and

identified another approximately 87,000 potential debts which may be affected by income


Due to the scale of the issue and the significant number of potentially affected customers, on 14 March 2023 the Ombudsman initiated this investigation using his own motion powers. The Ombudsman used section 9 of the Ombudsman Act 1976 (Ombudsman Act) to require information from Services Australia and DSS about income apportionment. Under the Ombudsman Act, it is an offence to fail or refuse to respond to a section 9 notice without a reasonable excuse.