Thursday 7 June 2012

Let's hear it for the chickens! Greens urge Stoner to show leadership for free-range egg farmers

Media Alert: 5 June 2012

Greens NSW MP John Kaye will be joining local community members in Bellingen this Saturday to urge local member and Deputy Premier Andrew Stoner to stop the large industrial producers exploiting the label "free-range."

John will be distributing action kits designed to help community members outraged by the misuse of free-range label to lobby Mr Stoner to assert some leadership within the O'Farrell government to safeguard the future of genuine free-range egg farmers.

With the Egg Corporation pushing ahead with their plans to increase the free-range stocking density from 1,500 to 20,000 birds per hectare, the only way to ensure "free-range" means free-range is through legislation.

When: Saturday, 9 June 2012, 9am

Where: Bellingen Growers Markets, The Bellingen Showground Corner of Hammond and Black Streets

Who: Greens NSW MP John Kaye

For more information: John Kaye 0407 195 455

Photograph from Free Range Eggs


freeranger said...

We need to ensure that the NSW Government, as well as Governments in Victoria, and WA stop sitting on their hands. Queensland regulated stocking densities years ago and Tassie and SA are addressing the issues.

freeranger said...

Because of the huge volume of requests for information being received by the Free Range Farmers Association, aspecial page has been set up onthe website to provide background info on the Egg Corp standards. See it at: