Only eight of the following nine opinions might be said to have been offered in good faith. I leave it to the reader to decide which one is lacking that element ......
FIRST - Leader of the Opposition & Liberal MP for Dickson Peter Dutton, interview transcript excerpt & Twitter post, 10 May 2023:
Well, Tom, I think you’re better off to look to the independent commentary that’s taken place. Chris Richardson, for argument’s sake, a highly respected economist, he said that he thought the Reserve Bank Governor was done with the baseball bat, and he thinks that this budget will incline the Reserve Bank to increase interest rates again.
So, under this budget, at the very least, we know that interest rates will be higher and for longer, which is going to be a double whammy for Australian families. They’re already $25,000 worse off under this government. There was nothing for them in the budget last night.
This energy crisis, and this cost of living crisis, that’s been created by Mr Albanese and the Labor Party they, you know, it’s ok for the Prime Minister – he doesn’t feel the impact of this – but for families, they are struggling at the moment big time and there’s nothing at all for them in this budget.

SECOND - Prime Minister & Labor MP for Grayndler Anthony Albanese, media release excerpt, 10 May 2023:
This budget builds stronger foundations for a better future. It does three things: provides cost-of-living relief, makes our society fairer, and secures our economy for the future.
That’s why it:
Gives up to $500 of energy bill relief to more than 5 million households,
Helps more than 11 million Australians see the doctor for free,
Increases Jobseeker, Austudy and Youth Allowance by $40 a fortnight,
Makes unprecedented investments in renewables, manufacturing and training,
And delivers the first surplus in 15 years.
After a decade of waste and mismanagement under the Liberals, we’re making responsible and disciplined choices that will put our economy and society on a stronger footing.
Our approach to this has been all about helping Australians under pressure right now, while building for the long term.
THIRD - Dr Remy Davison, Jean Monnet Chair in Politics and Economics, Faculty of Arts, Monash University media release,10 May 2023:
“The 2023-24 budget’s centrepiece is a $15 billion cost-of-living package and a return to surplus for the first time since 2007.
“But this is not the kitchen-sink, big-spending budgets of yore. Budgets now must be lean, mean, with much less green.
“But the core reason why spending has been wound back is due to the “I” word. Yes, inflation.
“This is a high-wire balancing act. On the one hand, the Treasurer was compelled to ameliorate the cost-of-living crisis, particularly for precarious, low-income earners. On the other hand, Jim Chalmers could not resort to the direct fiscal injections that characterised the Rudd and Morrison governments during the global financial crisis (GFC) and the COVID-19 pandemic, respectively.
“Instead, the Treasurer has been compelled to implement a degree of austerity. An expansive budget would run counter to the monetary discipline the RBA has enforced, with 11 interest rate increases in the past 12 months.
“The modest $4 billion surplus is a flash in the pan; a nod to inflationary pressures. A deficit of $13 billion is already forecast for 2024-25, although deficits will be lower for the next several years.
“Despite the surplus, there’s still an underlying structural deficit. In other words, in the absence of windfall revenues from high resources prices and virtually full employment, recurrent budgetary outlays will exceed revenues going forward, unless explicit cuts are made.”
FOURTH - Dr Blair Williams, lecturer in Politics & International Relations, Monash University, media release,10 May 2023:
“The Albanese government has framed the 2023-24 budget as one that leaves no one behind, which includes a $14.6bn cost-of-living package. However, for many struggling Australians, who are forced to choose between paying the bills, rent or putting food on the table, this may not be enough.
“Welfare has been increased by a minimum of $40 a fortnight, with more for those aged over 55. While it is particularly welcome to see an increase to the Youth Allowance - the largest since 1998 - this will still leave many young Australians trying to make do with less than $50 a day.
“This budget marks a clear departure from the ‘blokey’ Coalition budgets of previous years, with the focus instead moving to the care economy and women’s economic participation.
“Expanding access to the Single Parenting Payment is a welcome move, which will predominantly benefit single mothers. Likewise, the 15 per cent pay rise for aged care workers is a much-needed move, as the pandemic has made quite clear. However, while the government has made early childhood education more affordable and accessible, early childhood educators are still largely earning minimum wage.”
FIFTH - Associate Professor Johnson George, Centre for Medicine Use and Safety, Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, media release, 10 May 2023:
“The government is investing into clamping down on the black market for vapes, which is fantastic. It’s important to ensure funding is also channelled toward helping those who have become dependent on vapes.
“Vaping addiction has become prevalent, especially among young people, so efforts need to be directed toward improving access to subsidised evidence-based treatments for vaping cessation with management support from healthcare professionals.
“When it comes to smoking, evidence-based treatment approaches and behavioural counselling have to be promoted as first line - there is no place for vaping as an evidence-based smoking cessation strategy in the management of nicotine dependence.”
SIXTH - Professor Ariel Liebman, Director Monash Energy Institute, media release, 10 may 2023:
“The refocusing of the government’s efforts on important climate change mitigation and emission reductions is heartening and very welcome. As is the recognition that consumers need relief from the exorbitantly high energy prices from recent times.
“However, much more should be invested in the emissions reduction space and that could be funded by a fully revamped Resource Rent Tax.
"The investment towards clean hydrogen is a great first step as part of an acceleration towards a ‘Net Zero’ economy. But we shouldn’t be complacent that the electricity sector transformation is simple and a lot more should be done to address complex new grid operational challenges. This requires an investment in infrastructure for both transmission and storage as well as in research and development to operate new renewables-dominated power systems.
“Australia is on the frontier of operating renewable-dominated grids and there is an urgent need to invest in the domestic development of future-proof solutions.”
SEVENTH - Professor Yiannis Ventikos, Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Monash University, media release, 10 May 2023:
On renewable energies
“The budget touches on important topics relating to technology, innovation, industry and engineering education. The emphasis on renewables, both as an overall direction with substantial resource allocated, but also specific technologies, like hydrogen, are indeed very positive steps in tackling the greatest challenge of our times.
“Universities will inevitably be the grounds where training to fill skills gaps and support innovation in renewable energy will be delivered. A clearer role, and well-defined resources for universities to deliver this would be welcome in the next iteration of this budget.”
On the 4,000 Commonwealth supported university places to support AUKUS
“A very positive uplift to the defence budget and substantial upskilling in the technical and business work force relevant to the demands stemming from the AUKUS agreement, with 20,000 new jobs, 4,000 of which will involve new training at university level, in Commonwealth Supported Places.
“It is essential that these additional university places span the spectrum, from undergraduate to masters to PhD, to create the right mix of specialisations and skills that will be necessary to support the AUKUS program.”
On manufacturing
“Support for technology and technological education to building sovereign capability, enhanced productivity and support for knowledge-intensive manufacturing would be an important and welcome addition. The core role that STEM subjects and university education plays in this front cannot be understated.”
EIGHTH - Australian Treasurer & Labor MP Rankin Dr. Jim Chalmers, Twitter, 10 May 2023:
I believe there's a generosity inherent in the Australian character that understands those doing it the toughest need the most help #auspol #ausecon #Budget2023
— Jim Chalmers MP (@JEChalmers) May 10, 2023
NINTH - Dr Leonora Risse, Senior Lecturer in Economics at RMIT University, Research Fellow with the Women’s Leadership Institute Australia, Expert Panel Member with the Fair Work Commission, media release, 10 May 2023:
“Instead of asking “what’s in it for me?” in the Budget, we should really be asking what’s in the collective good for the economy and our society.
“The high inflationary landscape means that the Government needed to restrain its overall spending for the sake of the economy, while targeting its cost-of-living relief to essential household items among the most financially vulnerable.
“The risk that additional financial support will add fuel to the inflation fire is a valid concern, but this cost-of-living relief can be thought of as a protective cloak to shield the people who are already closest to this flame.
“The fact that this support is targeted towards essential items among low-income groups, rather than a broad-based cash handout, and can be delivered in instalments over time rather than a lump-sum, takes the edge off these inflationary risks.
“The Budget accelerates progress towards gender equality through multiple initiatives, including by expanding a gender lens across the Budget more broadly.
“It reports that key policy measures were subject to gender impact assessments, and this is reflected throughout the Budget documents.
“As an informative example of applying a gender lens, the Budget’s analysis of JobKeeper recognises that women make up most recipients over the age of 55 years who will benefit from the additional support.
“The Budget also recognises that men remain the main beneficiaries of government investment in apprenticeships programs and has highlighted that the Australian Skills Guarantee will include more initiatives to address gender inequality issues in apprenticeships.
“This gender lensing approach complements the approach of the Victorian Government, which already has a Gender Responsive Budgeting Unit set up in the Victorian Treasury and illustrates that Victoria has been the leading jurisdiction on this best practice initiative.”
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