Showing posts with label Three Stooges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Three Stooges. Show all posts

Friday 11 May 2012

Which part was unparliamentary language? Was it "Abbott and Costello" or "The Three Stooges"?

Yesterday in the House of Representatives:  

(Lindsay—Assistant Treasurer and Minister Assisting for Deregulation)
... I was not surprised to see reports in the papers today that there is a cunning and devious plan to parachute Peter Costello back into parliament. They figure that is about the only way they might be able to give their economic leadership a little bit of credibility.

Honourable members interjecting

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: The Assistant Treasurer will return to the question.

Mr BRADBURY: Unfortunately, it looks as though what was reported might not be happening—we will not be getting Abbott and Costello; we are just stuck with the Three Stooges.

Ms Julie Bishop: Madam Deputy Speaker, I rise on a point of order. Previously that phrase has been deemed unparliamentary and I ask that he withdraw.

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: The Deputy Leader of the Opposition is correct. That has been ruled as out of order in this context, and I will ask the Assistant Treasurer to withdraw.

Opposition members interjecting

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Everybody on that side might walk the plank very quickly if they do not show some respect to the chair. The Assistant Treasurer has the call.

Mr BRADBURY: I withdraw.

The DEPUTY SPEAKER:I thank the Assistant Treasurer.

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