Showing posts with label teachers and students. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teachers and students. Show all posts

Friday 16 April 2021

Nationals MP for Page Kevin Hogan gets annoyed by a university handbook for lecturers and tutors


Nationals MP for Page Kevin Hogan (left) took to Facebook, media releases and an email to certain constituents this month, after getting his undies in a knot over Australian National University (ANU) Gender Institute and Centre for Learning and Teaching co-releasing the "Gender-Inclusive Handbook" for tertiary education lecturers and tutors. 

I guess you can take the failed investment officer/financial adviser off Sky News & the business studies teacher out of the classroom and send him into federal politics, but perhaps his electorate shouldn't have expected him to actually exercise his brain once he arrived in Canberra. 

Sometime in the last seven years he has apparently joined the 'It's political correctness gone mad!' brigade. 

Hogan's voting record already shows us that he is not exactly a friend to the university system. He was for raising undergraduate and post-graduate course fees, as well as against increasing government funding for university education and definitely for political interference in how research grants are awarded.

This is how one Murdoch daily metropolitan and one local Murdoch rag pumped up Hogan's media release:

And this was an NBN News snapshot of part of his Facebook rant:

As usual he is missing the main thrust of the issues outlined in the handbook - which is how to support all students in their learning experience.

The handbook can be found at:

*Image of Kevin Hogan found at