Monday 26 August 2013

Australian Federal Election 2013: Where's Tony Abbott's third daughter?

This is Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott on the campaign trail with two of his daughters.

The third daughter, Louise, (pictured left) is rarely seen this time around and word is that it is more than living overseas that sees her avoiding ‘Dad’ while he is frenetically romancing voters.

Rumour has it that she is busy this year progressing the policies/aims of the current Australian Labor Government and the Minister for Foreign Affairs Sen. Bob Carr, as an Executive Assistant with the Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva.

Not something the Abbott team might want to admit perhaps?
Australia, UPR Report of Netherlands, 13th Universal Periodic Review (video)
Statement on fissile material by Ms Louise Abbott, 12 March 2013


Unable to resist placing his own political priorities above his daughter Louise, Tony Abbott has obviously leaked to the media that Louise is returning to Australia for the last week of his election campaign
Whether he wins or loses, her diplomatic career will always be suspect from this point onwards.

The Herald Sun 30 August 2013:

SHE'S been a notable absentee from the campaign trail but in a Father's Day gift, Tony Abbott's eldest daughter is coming home.
Louise Abbott, 24, is due to fly in from Switzerland on Sunday and will be her father's strongest behind the scenes supporter.....
Ms Abbott was constantly by her father's side during the 2010 campaign but is cautious about being involved in political events as she forges a diplomatic career....


Louise Abbott barely back on Australian soil and her father begins to use her in his election campaign via Twitter:

@abbott_frances: @TonyAbbottMHR look who's here!” Welcome home Louise!

Australian Opposition Leader Tony Abbott promising to pay back a mate on the 2013 federal election campaign trail?

Abbott and Murdoch in April 2013

 US citizen and media magnate Rupert Murdoch continuing to assist Opposition Leader Tony Abbott’s election chances in any way he can:

ABC News 21 August 2013:

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has taken his federal election campaign back to Brisbane where he promised funding for the Broncos to expand its grounds…...
If elected, Mr Abbott says the Federal Coalition will provide $5 million to build a gym.
"Five million dollars from the Commonwealth towards a $21 million upgrade I think is a relatively modest contribution," Mr Abbott said.

News Corporation and its subsidiaries (including News Ltd and its subsidiaries) continue to have a major share in Brisbane Broncos Limited owning 68.87% as of 30 June 2013.
The Murdoch family reportedly control 38.4% of News Corporation voting stock.

According to the 2013 Half Yearly Report and Accounts submitted to the Australian Stock Exchange, Brisbane Broncos Limited has net assets valued at $26.6 million, total liabilities of $7.8 million, holds cash/cash equivalents of $15.1 million, has consolidated revenue of $19.2 million (including interest revenue of $386,578) and a profit before income tax so far this year of $2.7 million.

So how can a reasonable person not see Abbott's $5 million pledge as a pot sweetener for his most powerful backer?

* Photograph from Google Images

Liberal Party candidate Ray King has a major perception problem

The Sydney Morning Herald 17 August 2013:

The sister of controversial former policeman Roger Rogerson is working on the election campaign of Ray King, the Liberal Party candidate for the western Sydney seat of McMahon.
Mr King is under pressure after Fairfax Media revealed on Friday that he had been called to front the 1996 Wood royal commission on police corruption.
He admitted to being one of a group of Fairfield detectives who provided informal security services to the Italian community Marconi Club in exchange for free meals and alcohol.
He was also the subject of an internal affairs investigation over his association with Cabramatta brothel owner Salvatore ''Sammy'' Lapa. The pair were seen drinking together at the Marconi Club.

Sunday 25 August 2013

Hey, Clive, how many PUP candidates are running in Richmond?

Dr Phil Allen is the Palmer United Party candidate for Richmond.

Clive Palmer's dog team (aka PUP) has been promoting Dr Phil as its candidate in Richmond. 

And gee, doesn't Dr Phil look good in his beach attire!?
However, in recent days households have been bombarded with PUP how-to-vote junk that says the PUP candidate in Richmond is Charles Allen. The junk was printed at 11 Don Zhi Men South Street, DongChen District, Beijing, China

Credit: The first image is from Tweed Daily News . No one deserves any credit for the second image.

Northern NSW won gold and silver in 2012 study of how well politicians respond to voter concerns

Snapshot of results from A Study Into How Well Politicians Respond To The Concerns And Ideas Of Voters undertaken by Votergrams, FairGO and Voterland from 21st August 2010 to 31st March 2012.

The study shows sensational responses by some Members of Parliament. This has been recognised by medals and stars.
The Gold Medal goes to Member for New England in NSW, Mr. Tony Windsor
Silver Medal MP is North Coast Labor Member for Page Ms. Janelle Saffin.
Bronze medal MP is Labor’s Health Minister Tanya Plibersek, member for the electorate of Sydney.

Australian Federal Election 2013: the hypocrisy is galling

Have a good look at the woman on the right in the dark jacket in this photograph of the National Broadband Network (fibre directly to premises) and see Federal Liberal Party MP Louise Markus trying for some of the limelight associated with a national optic fibre digital network she intends to help cripple if re-elected as the Member for Macquarie.

Bloody Nora! Rupe's excelled himself

Rupert Murdoch knows the power of images and he's so determined that his mate Tony Abbott will be the next PM that his Shakespeare-quoting henchmen depicting present Prime Minister Kevin Rudd as a straight jacketed, serial killing cannibal is par for the course.

Illustration: Eric Lobbecke Source: TheAustralian
"That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain
Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 5"