Monday 9 January 2012

What looks suspiciously like crudely constructed Japanese propaganda concerning the Forest Rescue protesters boarding of Shonan Maru 2

The YouTube legend accompanying the two videos shown below state that they were created by the Institute of Cetacean Research:

These videos were provided by Japan's Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR)

The first video shows boats launched by Sea Shepherd's vessel MY Bob Barker (between 4-6 January 2012) engaging with the Yushin Maru No. 3 which forms part of the Japanese Government-sponsored whaling fleet operating in the Southern Ocean.
Yet it is tiltled Three Australians board Japanese whaling ship.

If the video origin statement is correct, then it is a clumsy attempt by the whaling industry or its supporters to imply that the three Forest Rescue protesters - who boarded the Shonan Maru 2 in waters off Australia's west coast on 7 December 2012 - were involved in a physical confrontation with that ship.

The Australian protesters were many hundreds of miles away from the MY Bob Barker and were not engaged in anything but peaceful protest when they boarded the Shonan Maru 2.

The second video titled How To Slow Down A Japanese whaling research vessel SS Style attempts to equate the crew of the Bob Barker with Third Reich SS personnel - who ironically were former allies of the Government of Japan during World War II and, presumably much admired by them then.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott gets his industrial relations figures muddled yet again

On 6 January 2012 The Australian reported:

Speaking in Brisbane yesterday, the Opposition Leader said the rate of industrial disputation had increased since the government changed and the Fair Work Act was brought in and it was important the review of the act ordered by Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten addressed these problems.

On the same day The Sydney Morning Herald also reported:

In Australia the Federal Coalition Government under Howard was in power between the federal elections of 2 March 1996 and 24 November 2007. The Federal Labor Government under Rudd and Gillard has been in power from 3 December 2007 to the present day.

Work Choices was enacted over the period 14 December 2005 to 27 March 2006 and the Fair Work Act was enacted over the period 7 April to 26 May 2009.

So who is right, Abbott or Shorten? I am giving the point to Shorten.

Firstly because there was an equal rise and fall in the annual instances of industrial relations disputes in the four years since Labor gained government and disputes only rose in one year out of three since 2009 – Tony Abbott was in error in seeing an increased rate directly related to the 2009 Fair Work Act. Secondly, because Abbott misrepresents industrial relations disputes under the Howard Government - in those eleven years dispute instances randomly rose in five years and randomly fell in six years.
Thirdly, the industrial relations landscape was varied enough between 1996 and 2011 for Shorten’s overall assessment to be accurate.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS):











Battle of the Blogotariats

In the dying last quarter of 2011 that terrific Australian blog aggregate site, Blogotariat, decided to change its format and content and I’ve been groaning ever since.
Now before you rightly mutter than I’m a geriatric blogger who dislikes change which challenges my ability to read or negotiate a website easily, I have to say I’m not alone in my groaning – Maud up the Street is fair choleric over its metamorphosis into Punch & HuffPo Downunder (or any combination of the commercial media-owned ‘blogs’ you like to name) and she is not the only one.
But never fear, for those who liked the old Blogotariat (which actually promoted Aussie blogs) there is still hope of ol’ Bloggo goodness being read here.

Sunday 8 January 2012

Whale Wars 2012: Forest Rescue boards Japanese vessel Shonan Maru 2 off West Australia coast

Approximate position of Shonan Maru 2 on January 5, 2011
Click on map to enlarge
Statement from Forest Rescue on January 7, 2011
We have come from the forests of Australia to defend the whales being slaughtered in Australian territorial waters.
We are Australian citizens and we have boarded the Japanese flagged Shonan Maru #2 in Australian territorial waters at a position of (32 degrees zero minutes south and 115 degrees 21 minutes east) We have taken this action of boarding the Shonan Maru #2 to protest the fact that this vessel is part of a whaling fleet that is operating in contempt of the Australian Court and is in Australian waters in defiance of the Australian Federal court ruling and the will of the Australian people.
“We are onboard this ship because our government has failed to uphold its pre-election promise to end whaling in the Southern Ocean.” Said Simon Peterffy.
Forest Rescue has decided to take action to prevent the Shonan Maru #2 from tailing the Steve Irwin back to the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.
Forest Rescue is making a stand to assist Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in their campaign to end illegal whale poaching in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.
We are taking this action to remind the Australian government of their obligation to enforce existing laws pertaining to the prohibition of whaling ships in our waters.
We as Forest Rescue are insulted and disappointed in our government for allowing the transit of whale poaching vessels in Australian waters.
Forest Rescue Contact: Michael Montgomery 0451058005
Forest Rescue Media Contact: Amy Flee 0428048632
File photo of the Shonan Maru 2 from Sea Shepherd archives