Friday 30 September 2011

Mining at what price? asks The Daily Examiner Editor

A Clarence Valley Protest on 28  September 2011:

Mining at what price?

The Daily Examiner Editor, David Bancroft, on 28 September 2011:

IT'S going to take a lot more than the 60 jobs the Member for Cowper Luke Hartsuyker tips would come to the region from mining in the headwaters of the Nymboida River to convince people it is a risk worth taking.
While states like Western Australia and Queensland are riding high on the economic benefits mining has brought there, it is tempting for other governments - at all levels and of all persuasions - to want to cash in on the act.
But before we open our doors to the miners we need to be fully aware of what we are potentially letting ourselves in for.
The 60 jobs are unlikely to be based in the Clarence. They are more likely where the mining is occurring in the Dorrigo area and will probably be serviced from Coffs Harbour or the metropolitan areas.
So the economic and employment benefits to the Clarence are likely to be incidental at best.
And they are not likely to last long.
These positions are finite and might last only a couple of years - perhaps less.
Then there are the risks.
Gold and antimony mining both have serious environmental risks and, if there was to be a spill it would be the industries of the Clarence that would be hit the hardest.
In short, the scenario seems to be there are likely to be few benefits but plenty of risks for the Clarence.
By all means we should explore anything that will provide employment, but we should not do that with our eyes closed to the possible dangers that might present.

Now before everyone grows all shouty about Eastock v Andrew Bolt & The Herald and Weekly Times Pty Ltd

It wasn’t because of the subject Teh Bolta broached that he fell afoul of the law – it was the inaccurate, misleading, sarcastic, mocking, insulting, offensive, provocative, inflammatory and bad faith way he wrote about it:

30. Finally, in dealing with the formulation of the orders to be made by the Court, I have observed that it is important that nothing in the orders I make should suggest that it is unlawful for a publication to deal with racial identification, including by challenging the genuineness of the identification of a group of people. I have not found Mr Bolt and the Herald & Weekly Times to have contravened section 18C, simply because the newspaper articles dealt with subject matter of that kind. I have found a contravention of the Racial Discrimination Act because of the manner in which that subject matter was dealt with.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Cansdellgate - Nats' 'king maker' on the carpet

A correspondent to The Daily Examiner has asked questions of the chairman of the Grafton branch of The National Party.

Bring 'king-maker'to confession
Peter James was a close confidante and advisor to the recently resigned MP Steve Cansdell.
I believe that Mr James should inform the public as to when he became aware of the falsification of the infamous statutory declaration and what role he played in advising Mr Cansdell or otherwise in relation to the matter, either before or after the event.
The public has a right to know these things because as the local National Party's "king-maker" Mr James exercises considerable influence in selecting the party's candidate for whom he will ask us to vote at the imminent by-election.
Mr James himself must be beyond reproach.

Arthur (John) Kelemec, Halfway Creek

Source: Letters, The Daily Examiner, 29/9/11

Clarence By-election 2011: Susie2 luvs Chris07

It’s not hard to believe that Susie2 from Maclean on the NSW North Coast likes to write online comments favouring conservative politicians, Coalition policies and rampant coastal development.

What was somewhat of a surprise was to find that she obviously loves the thought of a resurgent Chris07. Even marked hair loss doesn’t dim her somewhat error-ridden enthusiasm.

This is Susie2 in The Daily Examiner on 23 September 2011:

By Susie2 from Maclean on 23/9/2011 at 5:38PM
This is the most fanatastic news. Tell the rest to give up now.

By Susie2 from Maclean on 23/9/2011 at 9:43PM
There were a lot of people who missed out in the Kevin 07 phenomenon and look where that got us.
Mr Galaptis is a very respected former Mayor of Maclean Shire, Past President of the P and C, and businessman, with a very respected family. He is a resident of Maclean and has always been, but has had to travel interstate to work in his field.
Lets stick to the facts people.

By Susie2 from Maclean on 24/9/2011 at 9:54AM
….No. He left for work purposes and he has maintained his affiliation with the Nationals all that time.
Dont berate him because he does take the opportunity to finally work from home after all these years.
If he did what you say he did (leaving with his tail between his legs) he would have sold his house and moved years ago.
Mr Gulaptis was voted in as a Maclean Shire Councillor with one of the biggest first prefence selections ever done. Somebody must think he is respected.

By Susie2 from Maclean on 24/9/2011 at 7:20PM
….Totally agree LynF3997. Chris did not leave town as suggested, but has maintained his links with Maclean as the family home is there: he just left for work. As Councillor of Maclean Shire he won by"a country mile" when taking out the biggest first preference vote which had been secured for many years.
Mr Guaptis is a person of integrity and by far the best candidate. I wish him well.

By Susie2 from Maclean on 25/9/2011 at 4:45PM
….Oh please be wasn't his fault the Electoral Commision redrew the boundaries excluding Maclean when the town had always been part of Page.
And as he had a high profile in the area every party chased him, not the other way around.
Beating Hearts

Best quotes of the month

“share traders behave more recklessly and are more manipulative than psychopaths”
{Spiegel Online International on 27th September 2011}

Free speech is the cornerstone of genuine democracy, but when writers publish disinformation dressed up as fact, lies as truth, slander as objective evaluation and call it free speech, they are devaluing its very essence and betraying all those who've fought for it.’
{Dr Rosie Scott quoted by Dr. Anita Heiss in her statement on STATEMENT ON EATOCK VS HWT 27th September 2011}