Saturday 22 October 2011

Hey, Ramsey, just post the $60,000 winner's cheque to c/- the Grafton Post Office

The big, colourful racing identity who has problems paying his bills lined up as-quick-as-a-rat-up-a-drainpipe for a TV interview immediately after a nag he part owns crossed the winning line and collected the winner's prize of sixty grand at Moonee Valley today.

And, to make matters worse for viewers who had to put up with the pathetically poor payer's big picture on their TV screens, the interviewer referred to Ramsey with an endearing "Stuey". A bloke at a local pub rang me up immediately after he saw the event and reckoned the interviewer should have called him "Chop, Chop Stew".

Another bloke has this message for the victims of StewedRam:
"To all the long-suffering, under-paid ex-employees and the current employees soon to be sacked by Stuart Ramsay Meatworks, take heart all is well in the stables, his thoroughbred won the second race on Cox Plate Day at Moonee Valley! "

Credit: Image from Racing Channel TVN

Saffin furious about Gulaptis incorrect claims over funding for Grafton Base

Saffin furious about Gulaptis incorrect claims over funding for Grafton Base

Page MP Janelle Saffin said it is outrageous that Clarence National Party candidate, Chris Gulaptis, is still trying to promote himself by incorrectly aligning himself with millions of dollars in funding for Stage 2 of Grafton Base Hospital, despite the facts being made clear.

“Mr Gulaptis had absolutely nothing to do with the funding, which may be why he got the amount wrong, saying $9 million when it is $10 million.

“Local people know better than Mr Gulaptis where the money has come from.

“I lobbied for the money for Stage 2, to provide the new X-Ray department along with 6 orthopaedic beds and a kitchen.

“Federal Health minister, Nicole Roxon, provided $6 million and the then State Health Minister, Carmel Tebbutt, provided the $4 million.

“I personally thanked the Treasurer Eric Roozendaal for securing the funds, and I have a copy of the letter that Mr Roozendaal wrote to Minister Tebbutt last November, confirming that the money was secured.

“So if Mr Gulaptis got the figure wrong, and where the money came from, with such a key development for Grafton, we have to ask, what else he has got wrong.

“I cannot let this rest. 

“By trying to claim this as O’Farrell Government funding, Mr Gulaptis is not being straight with the people he hopes to represent.

“When he was caught out making this tricky claim, he should have admitted his mistake.

“In public life there are principles that we expect to be upheld, - including giving credit where it is due, and admitting your mistakes. 

“If you make a mistake, you say it.  I do and so did former Clarence MP, Steve Cansdell.

“Steve and I had sometimes had our differences, but we worked together for our local community and always acknowledged the efforts of all those who worked to bring better services, especially in health.

“Come clean Chris and put right a wrong.

“Am I furious?  You bet.”

[Media release, 20 October 2011]                                         

Clarence River Drovers - a video photo essay by Debrah Novak

Clarence River Drovers by Debrah Novak from Debrah Novak on Vimeo.

The ABC is so impressed with the result that Clarence River Drovers has been selected to screen on TV. Tune in to the ABC Open slots on ABC 24News on December 15 at 9.57am and 8.57 pm.

Television and radio still rule in 2011

There's something comfortably reassuring in this graph for greybeards like myself who start the day by switiching on the radio.

KPBC Internet Trends (2011)