Friday 28 October 2011

Upgrade of Pacific Highway at Glenugie just south of Grafton has entered the home straight

Joint Media Statement
Federal Minister for Infrastructure & Transport Anthony Albanese
NSW Roads Minister Duncan Gay


The upgrade of Pacific Highway at Glenugie just south of Grafton has entered the home straight with major works now completed and motorists set to be driving on the newly duplicated stretch of road by the end of the month.

Federal Infrastructure and Transport Minister Anthony Albanese today joined Page MP Janelle Saffin onsite to see firsthand the finishing touches being applied and to thank the local community for their patience over the past 20 months while the work was being carried out.

“I also congratulated the project team on a job well.  Their expertise and hard work has brought the project in on-time and within budget, delivering safer, faster and less frustrating driving conditions along a further 7 kilometres of highway,” said Mr Albanese.

“The completion of the entire upgrade will be yet another major milestone in the ongoing upgrade of this vital road.  However, I am the first to acknowledge that there is still much to be done if the vision of a better, safer and fully duplicated Pacific Highway is to become a reality.”

The Glenguie Upgrade is a jointly funded project, with the Federal Government contributing $54 million and NSW Government a further $6 million.  The project is on track to be fully completed by December, with only some minor work still outstanding.

NSW Roads Minister Duncan Gay said as well as delivering better, safer driving conditions, the ongoing duplication is also lifting the Pacific Highway’s capacity to carry the growing volumes of freight now being transported along it.

“This task has been given even greater urgency by the fact that interstate freight between Sydney and Brisbane is predicted to almost triple by 2029, with 80 per cent of this growth destine to be carried by trucks using the Pacific Highway,” said Mr Gay.

“In partnership with the Federal Government, we’re determined to get the job done as quickly as possible.  Already the full duplication of the Highway is the largest road construction project underway anywhere in the nation, with more than 1,000 workers currently on site upgrading some 69 kilometres of road.”

[From the Office of Janelle Saffin MP, 25 October 2011]

Protect your retirement savings-Australian Crime Commission Board warns

Got a hard-earned nest egg you’re husbanding towards retirement? Don’t get complacent - 2,400 Aussies have already been fleeced. Make sure those assets are protected.


The Australian Crime Commission (ACC) Board today urged Australians to protect themselves against the growing threat of serious and organised fraudulent investment scams.
Chair of the ACC Board, Australian Federal Police Commissioner Tony Negus, said serious and organised criminals are using the Internet to provide false legitimacy in their attempts to target the retirement savings of Australians.
“The level of superannuation and retirement savings in Australia is attractive to organised crime groups. Those people looking particularly to invest their savings should be wary of these fraudulent scams,” Commissioner Negus said.
“These scams are typically in the form of unsolicited cold calls used in association with sophisticated hoax websites to try and legitimise the scam. This type of crime is targeting the life savings of hard working people. Australian and international law enforcement partners stand committed to protecting the community from these crimes.”
To tackle this growing threat, the ACC Board established a multi-agency task force that aims to disrupt fraudulent serious and organised investment scams and harden the Australian environment against this type of organised criminality.
Led by the ACC, the task force comprises of law enforcement, regulatory and service delivery agencies across federal, state and territory government. Task force members include all ACC Board agencies, as well as the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Department of Immigration and
Citizenship, Department of Human Services and the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre.
Australian Securities and Investments Commission Acting Chairman, Belinda Gibson, said these fraudulent investment scams are incredibly sophisticated and very difficult for even experienced investors to identify.
“Perpetrators of these fraudulent scams are skilled at using high-pressure sales tactics, both over the phone and via email, to persuade their victims to part with their money,” Ms Gibson said.
Based on initial indications, more than 2400 Australians have lost in excess of $93 million to these scams, but it is believed there is a high level of underreporting and the extent is far greater.
“I urge investors to be immediately wary if they are called at random by someone offering an investment opportunity overseas,” Ms Gibson said.
This Media Release is issued by the ACC Board as a Public Bulletin in accordance with Section 60 of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002.
People can protect themselves by hanging up on any suspicious calls received and by further investigating and researching any investment offer:
Visit or call 1300 300 630 for further information.
Alert your family and friends to this fraud, especially anyone who may have savings to invest.
Report suspected fraud to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, via or 1300 300 630, or your local police. Any information that can be provided such as company name, location and contact details will assist with subsequent investigations and enquiries.
Hang up on unsolicited telephone calls offering overseas investments.
Check any company you are discussing investments with has a valid Australian Financial Services Licence at
Always seek independent financial advice before making an investment.
For more information, see the Serious and organised fraudulent investment scam fact sheet on the Australian Crime Commission website,

This Media Release is issued by the ACC Board as a Public Bulletin in accordance with Section
60 of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002.

Thursday 27 October 2011

NSW North Coast Nats political lies and funding fudges continue

In January 2010 a published NSW Government e-tendering document clearly stated that a construction company had received an estimated $11.73 million, multi-stage, two and a half year contract to upgrade Casino Public School, in keeping with its heritage-listed buildings.

This is confirmed in the Casino Public School 2010 Annual School Report:

Principal’s message
There were many highlights to the 2010 school year at Casino Public School.
The Major Capital Works program commenced with the construction of new buildings including: the first stage of R Block(two classrooms), T Block (a Support Unit with four classrooms), S Block (a library and a cultural room). R and S Blocks were funded from the Building an Education Revolution (BER) program. All other works will be funded by major capital works funding from the NSW Department of Education and Training. It is anticipated that these state of the art facilities will be available for use early in Term 1 2011. The program of building and refurbishment will continue in 2011 and is due for completion in 2012. The excellent communication and cooperation between Asset Management, Department of Commerce, the school, Woollam Constructions staff and their subcontractors has been a contributing factor to the success of the program.

Not content with attempting to fudge the level of the O’Farrell Government’s contribution to Grafton and Maclean Hospital upgrades, the Nationals candidate in the Clarence by-election, Chris Gulaptis, is obviously aiming for a trifecta.

With a glossy campaign leaflet mail-out which attempts to pass off $3.7 million allocated to the Casino Public School upgrade as one of the Nationals March 2011 election commitments delivered freely and, not what it is in reality, money to cover a staged payment which is part of an existing building contract sealed before the Coalition came to government.

The O’Farrell Government’s 2011-12 budget papers give the game away by referring to the $3.7 million as Continued major building projects at Casino Public School or as the then Nationals MP for Clarence Steve Cansdell put it $3.7 million has been allocated to complete the upgrade of Casino Public School.

One wonders why Gulaptis keeps repeating those tired old 2007 bad habits, until catching sight of one of the good ole boys who have come north to help him out in 2011…….

Teh Opposition Oompah-pah Machine misrepresents Flannery

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Cansdellgate - more than a mistake

Locals continue to comment on the disgraced former Member for Clarence.

Source: Letters, The Daily Examiner, 25/10/11