Jim Simmons LOCKED BAG 23 GRAFTON NSW 2460
Manager: Ashley Lindsay Telephone: (02) 6643 0200
(02) 6642 7647
August 27, 2018
Some highway concerns
remain for Clarence Valley Council
Clarence Valley Mayor, Jim Simmons, talks
with Ulmarra residents today about their concerns about some of the arrangements
that will be in place when the new highway opens.
THE Clarence Valley
Council will call on the State and Federal governments to address a range of serious
safety, access and cost issues related to the construction of the new Pacific
Council last week agreed
to lobby the Deputy Prime Minister (as Minister For Infrastructure and Transport);
the Federal Minister for Regional Development, Territories and Local
Government; the Member for Page; the NSW Premier; the NSW Minister for Roads;
the NSW Minister for Local Government, and; the Member for Clarence in order to
have some proposed arrangements relating to the new highway addressed.
Councillors were told
there was a planned exit from the new highway at Eight Mile Lane, Glenugie, but
it was not designed to cater for B-Doubles. That would mean many B-Doubles
wanting to travel into or out of Grafton would have to use the proposed
interchange at Tyndale.
Council’s works and
civil director, Troy Anderson, said the planned B-Double route to and from
Grafton would result in large numbers of B-Doubles travelling along the
existing Pacific Highway and through Ulmarra and Tyndale.
“The communities of
Tyndale and Ulmarra and all residences in between will still be subjected to significant
B-Double movements through their villages,” he said.
“The residents in those
areas have expressed concern about safety and noise.”
A further concern was
that the Roads and Maritime Service (RMS) maintenance of Eight Mile Lane.
“Despite a motorway exit
and entry being planned at Eight Mile Lane, there are no plans to change its local
road classification, leaving funding for maintenance and any upgrade works up
to local ratepayers,” he said.
“From a road safety and
capacity perspective, it is recommended this road is upgraded prior to thecompletion
of the new Pacific Highway and that required works are funded by RMS not the
Clarence Valley community.”
Mr Anderson said that
once the new highway was operational, RMS planned to change the classification of
the existing highway between Tyndale and Maclean to that of a local road, which
would leave Clarence Valley ratepayers responsible for the cost of its
maintenance and any upgrades.
“A more logical
extension would be to extend the Gwydir Highway through Grafton to Maclean so
these two major centres are connected via a State road network,” he said.
“The section of existing
highway between Maclean and Tyndale is in poor condition and, being adjacent to
the river for most of this section, has significant associated risks.
“A section of the
existing highway has previously slipped into the river, causing major
disruption and costly repairs. This overhanging burden should not be forced
onto ratepayers of the Clarence Valley.
“These matters will
create considerable cost shifting to council through necessary road upgrades
and increased maintenance.
“In addition, a large
number of residents will be still subject to B- Double movements close to their
residences and through the villages of Tyndale and Ulmarra.”
A group of Ulmarra residents beside the
Pacific Highway as a large semi-trailer passes.
Release ends.