Thursday 10 November 2011

And the errr..... plaudits for Abbott & his mob continue

“The immediate test of whether a party is fit to govern is the minerals resources rent tax (MRRT). In economic terms, it's a no-brainer, which is why the opposition's stance is such a worry. Either there are no brains, or the leadership is so pathetically shallow that they are prepared to damage the country to get the keys to the Lodge.” {The Sydney Morning Herald, Abbott's gross failure of economic credibility, 7th November 2011}

Wednesday 9 November 2011

George Wagener Dislikes Coal Seam Gas Mining

George Wagener (left)
Greenridge, Casino NSW
ex-Nationals member
Fighting Coal Seam Gas Mining
Supporting The Greens
according to J. Buckingham MLC (right)

Picture found at

Never a truer word on the subject of Tony Abbott

“Politicians don't come any more ferocious and brutal than Abbott. He reverted to the wild the moment he got his paws on the Liberal leadership.
His style is pure attack dog, as feral as you'd get. Everything, irrespective of merit, has to be opposed and torn to pieces…”

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Nationals candidate Chris Gulaptis forced to play third wheel?

Can Chris Gulaptis’ humilation get any deeper?  Rarely let outside his front gate without a minder and obviously not allowed to open his mouth in front of the media unless absolutely necessary. These pictures clearly show he has been reduced from the NSW Nationals' Clarence By-election ‘star’ to a mere cypher they hope to foist on the electorate before voters find out how little he knows about either politics or policy.

Clarence By-Election 2011: Only 12 days to polling and still the Nationals candidate is 'under construction'

12.10 am 8 November 2011