Of course that also means that from time to time she is interested in concerned citizens living on the NSW North Coast.
Particularly those who organize and/or attend community meetings, rallies, protest events concerning water and food security - eg. keeping the Clarence River system undiverted and unpolluted, stopping hazardous mining in the upper reaches of the Nymboida River, protecting agricultural land from the negative impacts of coal seam gas mining, saving remnant rainforest and koala habitat from being destoyed by urban or industrial development.
Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson, who requested the additional surveillance, has been prompted by energy company lobbying to urge stronger criminal penalties against protests that disrupt critical energy
According to The Age on 7 December 2012:
NOSIC also provides services relating to specific events. These include a $15,400 contract with the AFP for "information services" between October 24 and November 17 last year ....