Saturday 5 March 2016

Fire on contentious Iluka development application site

This instance brings to mind certain Lower Clarence Valley fires (and other attempts at illegal land clearing over the last twenty years) which have sprung up on subdivision lands containing either koala habitat or tree/plant biodiversity considered worth protecting. Urban legend has it that these fires can be lit for the price of a carton of beer.

I would like to think the photographs above represent kids playing with matches and not arson by an adult. Hopefully I won't be proven wrong by a second attempt to set the bush alight on Lot 99, which is land found in the 162 lot development application SUB2015/0034 currently before the Northern Joint Regional Planning Panel for initial determination.

Say cheese!

Green tree frogs image by Michael Snedic, Australian wildlife and nature photographer, whose galleries can be found at

Quotes of the Week

Ms Furness assisting the Royal Commission: And human beings talk among themselves about their colleagues, don't they, Cardinal?
Cardinal-Prefect George Pell: Human beings in different categories have very different approaches to these matters. We work within a framework of Christian moral teaching. {Loud burst of laughter from people in Rome interview room} Pardon?
Ms.Furness: And what does that mean –
Cardinal Pell: Would you like me to continue?
Ms.Furness: I would, indeed.
[Based on Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Day 160 transcript of hearing webcast, 1 March 2016]

I share the dismay and disgust of a great many people, Catholics and others, with the Cardinal’s display…..
It’s made plain to the world who he is and what he’s like…..
I’ve known Cardinal Pell for over 30 years and I really think he is one of the best developed narcissists I’ve met in my life…..
astonishing the way he can deploy his insensitivity, he seems impervious to human experience…..
a big man and a big bully…..
[Father Michael Kelly SJ702ABCSydney interview on the subject of Cardinal Prefect George Pell’s evidence to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, 3 March 2016]

Friday 4 March 2016

National Indigenous Times to be revived

Australian Newspaper History Group, Newsletter, No 86, February 2016:

86.1.9 Revival of National Indigenous Times to be attempted

Aboriginal businessman Wayne Bergmann has taken control of the collapsed National Indigenous Times, with the aim of transforming it into a newspaper that celebrates indigenous achievement in business, politics and sport. A company majority-owned by Bergmann has bought the paper from liquidators and is expected to relaunch it within weeks. Veteran Perth journalist Tony Barrass will become the editor of the publication, which will be resurrected online before a decision is made whether to resume in print. The old Times had enraged some aboriginal leaders with its hardline approach to indigenous affairs. Kimberley Aboriginal leader Bergmann said on 20 January that he wanted the paper to focus heavily on indigenous business success stories. Barrass, who has a 49% stake in the company, promised the publication would be upmarket, entertaining and provocative. “It will reflect a range of indigenous views, not just one political leaning,” he said (Australian, 21 January 2016, p.6).

Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights still not happy with the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (Public Interest Advocates and Other Matters)

Excerpts from Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, Human rights scrutiny report, 25 February 2016:

2.33 Accessing telecommunications data relating to a journalist, or their employer, where the purpose is to identify a journalist's source, together with the journalist information warrant and PIA scheme, engages and may limit multiple rights, including:

* right to an effective remedy;
* right to a fair hearing;
* right to privacy; and
* right to freedom of expression.

2.35 The committee considered that the journalist information warrant and PIA schemes seek to better promote the protection of privacy and the right to freedom of expression by prescribing a warrant process for accessing journalists' information, but that the regulation may lack sufficient safeguards to appropriately protect these rights, as well as the right to an effective remedy and a fair hearing. In particular:

* the regulation does not enable the PIA to seek instructions from any person affected by the journalist information warrant;
* the regulation grants the minister discretion to provide the PIA with only a summary of further information provided to the minister or issuing authority relating to proposed journalist information warrant requests or applications, despite the intention of the regulation being to ensure PIAs are able to advocate in the public interest; and
* the regulation provides no procedural guarantees to ensure the PIA is able to make a submission on an application for a journalist information warrant prior to the issuance of a warrant.

2.38 The committee thanks the Attorney-General for his response. 2.39 The committee acknowledges that the regulations introduce additional safeguards relating to the issuing of journalist information warrants under the Act and welcomes the commitment of the Attorney-General to fulfilling Australia's obligations under international human rights law.

2.40 The committee accepts that the PIA scheme forms an important safeguard in connection with applications for a journalist information warrant. However, the committee retains some concerns with the arrangement. Notification to journalist of a proposed request or application 2.41 The Attorney-General notes that it is appropriate that a PIA is unable to seek instructions from any person affected by the journalist information warrant because applications for a warrant are interim proceedings, ordinarily conducted on an ex parte basis. This is correct. However, it is unclear how a PIA will be able to effectively represent the interests of a person subject to the warrant in these circumstances, or provide information that will relevantly weigh on the issuing authority's determination as to whether to grant a warrant.

2.42 The Attorney-General justifies this measure by noting that a party who is given advance knowledge of the application may flee a jurisdiction, dispose of physical evidence, or alter or cease certain activities, so as to frustrate the investigation. These are legitimate concerns. However, the regulation includes a blanket prohibition on the PIA contacting any person affected by the journalist information warrant. Accordingly, there is no ability for the court to weigh up the risks and determine whether, in the circumstances of the particular warrant, it is necessary and appropriate for the PIA not to have contact with any person affected in order to protect national security and community safety. Indeed, even were a court to consider it was necessary or desirable for the PIA to seek instructions in any regard from an affected person, the court is unable to order or allow that to occur.

Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, Members:
The Hon Philip Ruddock MP, Chair Berowra, New South Wales, LP Mr Laurie Ferguson MP, Deputy Chair Werriwa, New South Wales, ALP Senator Carol Brown Tasmania, ALP Dr David Gillespie MP Lyne, New South Wales, NAT Ms Cathy McGowan AO MP Indi, Victoria, IND Senator Nick McKim Tasmania, AG Senator Claire Moore Queensland, ALP Senator Dean Smith Western Australia, LP Senator Barry O'Sullivan Queensland, NAT Mr Michael Sukkar MP Deakin, Victoria, LP


The Sydney Morning Herald, 24 January 2016:

Lawyers with no background in representing journalists have been tasked with defending journalists' sources in a secretive warrant process under new data retention laws, documents obtained under freedom of information laws reveal.

The documents show that a month into the job, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull wrote to retired judges Kevin Duggan and John Muir, appointing them as "public interest advocates". Although they are the only people able to argue against police requests for journalists' communications data in order to identify of a source, neither specialised in representing journalists or in media law.

The public interest advocate role was created under a last-minute amendment to the data retention legislation, meant to protect journalists and their sources from government access to their communications data.

Under the deal struck between the Coalition and the ALP, government agencies need a warrant before getting phone and internet data which would identify a journalist's source. But journalists are not notified that a warrant application has been made, and cannot argue against it. Instead, government-appointed public interest advocates are meant to make arguments about whether the public interest in the disclosure of the journalist's source outweighs the public interest in protecting source confidentiality.

Journalists face two years in jail if they reveal that a warrant has been sought. Justice Duggan is a criminal law specialist, who mostly presided over criminal trials during his 23 years on the South Australian Supreme Court. Justice Muir sat on the Queensland Supreme Court for 17 years.

Thursday 3 March 2016

In Malcolm Bligh Turnbull's Australia.....

It would appear that a modern-day version of slavey is flourishing in a quiet corner of this country.

ABC News, 26 February 2016:

A group of Pacific islanders are being paid less than $10 a week after deductions to pick fruit and vegetables on Australian farms by a company that sponsored their visas under a federally-run worker program.

The workers came to Australia in January as part of the Department of Employment's Seasonal Worker Program.

The group of 20 from Fiji, and others from Tonga, were taken to the caravan park in Merrigum, in the food bowl district of northern Victoria.
Most of the workers are taken by bus every morning to nearby tomato and apple farms.

They are here on 416 visas after signing contracts with AFS Contracting Pty Ltd, based in Shepparton.

Isikeli Fifita, one of the workers from Tonga, said after deductions — which included super, rent, health insurance, tax and transport — his total net pay was $9.96 for one week.

"I feel sad because there's no money to send to my family in Tonga," Mr Fifita said.

Petero Kanawabu said he expected long hours and hard work when he signed on to come to Australia under the program.

But said he, and many others in his group from Fiji, had been shocked by their payslips.

"I thought that we would come here and do a job, maybe save some money," Mr Kanawabu said.

"Even my mum cried when I told her my first payslip. I don't know what to do now."…..

Read the rest of the article here.