Friday 3 October 2008

Say again, Mr Rudd!!

In an interview with the ABC 7.30 Report on Wednesday, Prime Minister Rudd was asked:

And that begs the obviously question, if our banks are well capitalised, they're sound, they're well regulated, there's not a problem, why can't they pass on any interest rate cut officially next week in full to mortgage holders?

I'm still trying to untangle Rudd' reply which began:

Well, the Reserve Bank of Australia only last week indicated through the Financial Stability Review that the cost of bank finance has obviously gone up as a result of the global financial crisis. Our banks are not immune from the impacts of this.

Therefore, obviously, if there is an official interest rate cut, we the Australian Government want to see a maximum pass through of that to consumers.

But we must make sure also it is done if a manner which is consistent with the stability, continued stability, maintaining the stability of the Australian financial system.

Consumers have just been through 10 interest rate rises in a row under the previous Government and they deserve the maximum pass through. And the maximum pass through also consistent with maintaining the stability into the future of our system.

牛糞, Kevin 牛糞!

Back to the future - courtesy of corporate greed and political manipulation?

With the global financial markets appearing like houses of cards erected on shifting sands - it is comforting to realise that according to a US Treasury official the the humongous amount of the mooted financial bailout is "not based on any particular data point. We just wanted to choose a really large number" and that US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke may have deliberately engineered an exacerbation of the US liquidity crisis in order to force Congress' hand on this rescue bid.
Let us hope as a nation we Aussies keep the same sense of humour which saw us through the last 'great unwinding'.

Cartoon displayed at The La Trobe Journal

Thursday 2 October 2008

What is Barack doing with all those campaign dollars?

The Obama election campaign raised around $66 million in donations in August this year, 51% of which was apparently made up of donations of $200 or less.
Both he and McCain also receive hefty amounts from industry and lobby groups.

According to Open Secrets Obama has declared:

Cash on Hand: $77,404,118
Debts: $469,025
Date of last report: Aug 31 2008 12:00AM
Totals may include compliance fund receipts

With the source of all his election campaign funding breaking down in this manner:

Hardly a week goes by without some Obama for America appeal for a donation landing in my inbox, complete with 'offers' like this:

Yesterday I had to laugh as the email began; I've never asked you to make a donation before.

Good heavens - they never stop asking!

Obama seems to have collected enough to run a small island state and appears to have spent over $368 million so far.

Every single cent, other peoples money. What on earth is he doing with it all?

And is anyone out there receiving a relentless flow of begging letters from the McCain camp?

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Clarence Valley: perfect one day, terrifying the next on Tuesday:
"AUSTRALIA'S terrorism alert system will be changed to allow a threat level to be altered for a specific location or industry."

Local wags are saying that the Clarence Valley will be named as a high threat level location, due to the fact that Clarence Valley Council has just elected Richie Williamson as mayor and the Lower Clarence mob are bound to feel terrorized by this Grafton-based, Radio 2GF (albeit likeable) airhead heading local government.
Especially as he was mentored and endorsed by the North Coast Nats who are thought to have brought nothing but grief to the valley for years.

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Richie Williamson elected Clarence Valley Council mayor

In what appears to have been a vote by his fellow shire councillors which ran 6-3, Richie Williamson became the new Clarence Valley Council mayor on 30 September.

"The owner of 2GF in Grafton the station Mr Williamson works for has told Williamson's superiors any role beyond an ordinary councillor would require him to make a career choice. "Mr Williamson will be able to continue in (his) full time role as on-air breakfast announcer at 2GF and also fulfil (his) role as local councillor subject to agreement being reached on certain matters, including not standing for mayor," a spokesman for 2GF owner Bill Caralis said. "However (if Williamson) would want to seek the position of mayor, (he) would need to make a decision as to which career (he) would want to pursue."

It seems that Richie's political ambitions far exceed his desire to retain his media career.

However, it is possible that an attempt to dupe is afoot here - the spokesperson for Bill Caralis was careful not to rule out Richie being employed by 2GF in another capacity eg., consultant or program manager.

I think I can safely say that, not since Chris Gulaptis became mayor of the former Maclean Shire Council, has a Northern Rivers council so quickly run the risk of being marginalised by the poor choice of political 'friends' that a mayor has gathered around him.

A hint Richie - lose that meddlesome duo, Cansdell and Causley, quickly and ditch that MySpace page.

Having people tell the world that they think you are "a bit of a bitch" is not a good look for a mayor, nor is proudly advertising the lack of further educational achievement a potential turn-on for ministers and departments Clarence Valley Council will have to approach in the course of its sometimes complex business.

Photograph posted on MySpace

Just when I thought election hype couldn't get any weirder, along comes an Ohio corn farmer....

WHITEHOUSE, Ohio (AP) — An Ohio farmer would like to invite you to get lost inside the head of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

A 16-acre corn maze near the town of Whitehouse has been carved in Palin's likeness, complete with her familiar updo hairstyle and eyeglasses.

Farmer Duke Wheeler says that Palin created a lot of excitement in the campaign and that he was hoping to generate some for this year's maze.

Wheeler says it took an artist from Idaho at least eight hours to mow down stalks for the maze.

WhiteHouse corn maze here.

Meanwhile out in the real world......

Gallup Daily: Obama Maintains 8-Point Lead

From Crikey on 30 September

And here is what Possum Comitatus makes of it all:

The Obama surge is continuing in both the markets and the polls, and the change in the markets is not only on the headline probabilities and a handful of States, but is general Obama push across nearly all States as we can see if we look at the current State probabilities and their change over the past week:

Graph from Pollytics