Happy faces painted randomly on hay bales in a paddock on the outskirts of Lismore has given residents something to smile about and got them talking about whether it's vandalism or creative licence.
Landowner Tony Neill said that when he drove out of his driveway and saw the smiley faces for the first time it made his day.
ScepticLawyer mentioned a website which dissects blogs, Gender Analyzer.
Just for laughs I ran North Coast Voices through its program with the following outcome:
We think http://northcoastvoices.blogspot.com/ is written by a man (84%).
You just have to admire a website that will confidently assure you that your site is highly likely to be written by a man, when women outnumber men on North Coast Voices (unless you also count in Boy the Wonder Cat!)
Gender Analyzer has a survey of its overall results:
Did GenderAnalyzer give the correct result for your blog?
Yes 53 % 8555
No 47 % 7713