Sunday 15 March 2009

Bilambil Public School - online since 1998

I have discovered yet another Northern Rivers primary school proudly online, as part of the Aussie School House - Schools on the Web ACCE project.

Bilambil Public School, established in 1898, has a
great website and an impressive list of awards.

List of other participating schools can be found
Picture of Bilambil area, Northern NSW

Stephen Mayne out of the barrier and racing

More freedom for The Mayne Report from 9 March 2009.

"The 4-year non-compete agreement with Crikey expired on Monday so we're now able to write about politics and media, plus send emails to more than 500 people at a time and freelance material anywhere we like. However, the focus will still very much remain on delivering a strong weekly corporate governance newsletter and this latest edition has plenty of juicy material."

Go, Stevo!

Saturday 14 March 2009

Sandy Gandhi provides a good laugh

Australia’s most ‘Easterly Indian’, Sandy Gandhi of Byron Bay, was a highlight on Australia’s Got Talent recently.

Click here to watch Sandy.

Also read Far North Coaster's interview with Sandy here.

pic: Far North Coaster

Senator Michael Ronaldson - who?

Michael Ronaldson is a Liberal Party senator from Victoria and Shadow Minister of State.

I would call him the Hon. Michael Ronaldson except that he, along with his Coalition cronies, has acted most dishonourably of late in the Senate.

On Wednesday 11 March 2009 "Ronno" (as he supposedly likes to be called) helped the Coalition and Senator Fielding vote down the Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Political Donations and Other Measures) Bill 2008 [2009].

This is a bill which would fulfil the Rudd Labor Government's election promise to bring back a lower limit for the reporting of political donations and, end the farce which saw the former Howard Government allow donors to make donation of up to $9,999 without those donations being publicly disclosed.
Consequently the number of disclosed donations to political parties started to fall away and confusion reigned.

Ronaldson in a remarkable piece of verbal contortion chortles that Labor has only itself to blame for the Coalition blocking this bill.
It won't be long before he adds the bill failure to the list of alleged broken Labor promises he constantly mentions on his own website.

I think that Senator Bob Brown's reply to the nonsense put forward by Ronaldson bears quoting here:

I listened carefully to Senator Ronaldson's plea that the legislation not be supported until we get comprehensive legislation into the parliament, but that is not the example that was set by the Howard government over the previous 12 years. In fact, piecemeal legislation which increased the ability of donors to the political system to be hidden and not identifiable was the order of the day. It is a good thing that we now have legislation that is reversing that order.

We look forward to consequent legislation in this parliament, and I hope that will be this year, to clean up the electoral processes in Australia, and that means quite massive and comprehensive changes to electoral laws.

For arts sake!

Deidre and Naoise by Julie Hutchings

Element by Kerrie Spiers

Friday 13 March 2009

A LOL on the Liberal leadership.....

How Malcolm Turnbull's Friday 13 began?

Just how many Friday 13ths can a koala bear?

Maud up the Street pointed out to me that today is the second of three Friday 13ths this year.
She tells me that there was only one in 2008 and two in both 2007 and 2006.
Poor Maud thinks it's a conspiracy to upset her delicate superstition balance that three have turned up in the one year.
Next year sees the return to only one Friday 13th, but little does she realise that 2015 and 2026 will also have three of these (un)lucky days.

A few more common superstitions here.

Picture: Google Images