Friday 26 January 2024

A brief look at changes to Australia's personal income taxation scheme from Morrison to Albanese


Then Treasurer, Scott Morrison, announced the Government’s Personal Income Tax Plan (PITP) in the 2018–19 Budget. The PITP reduced personal income taxes over the next seven years through a combination of changes to tax offsets for low and middle income earners and changes in income tax thresholds. The changes were to be implemented over three steps, commencing in 2018–19, 2022–23 and 2024–25. The 2018–19 changes were targeted at low and medium income earners, with the changes in 2022–23 and 2024–25 applying to individuals on higher taxable incomes. [Australian Parliamentary Library, Budget Review 2018–19 Index]

In 2018 the Treasurer placed a tentative costing on his seven-year tax scheme change of $140 billion.

In 2019 the Morrison Government began Stage 1 of what it characterised as a 'flattened' personal income tax scheme which abandoned in large measure Australia's progressive tax scales.

At the time it was expected to cost $18 billion in 2019-20. It mainly comprised a Low and Middle Income Tax Offset (LMITO) worth up to $1,080 a year for taxpayers on $30,000 to $126,000. High income-earners (the top 20% of taxpayers on $90,000 or more) have already gained up to $135 p.a. from an increase in the upper threshold of the 32.5% tax rate to $90,000 in 2018. Overall, Stage 1 mainly went to middle income-earners on $30,000 to $90,000.

Stage 2 began in July 2022. It was projected to cost $16.4 billion in 2023. Stage 2 saw the end of LMITO on 30 June 2022 under the cessation schedule revised by the former Morrison Government. This was the end of targeted offset tax relief for those earning between $66,668 – $126,000.

The scaled Low Income Tax Offset (LITO) is still available for those earning between $37,500 or less and $66,667.

The Australian resident tax rate for 2020-21 to 2023–24.

Australian Taxation Office Table, retrieved 25 January 2024.

There were no changes to any resident personal income tax rates or threshold in the four financial years up to 2023-24.

Stage 3 of the tax scheme commences in July 2024 and as originally legislated, would have seen the 32.5% marginal tax rate will cut to 30% for one big tax bracket between $45,000 and $200,000. This was intended to closely align the middle tax bracket of the personal income tax system with corporate tax rates. While the 37% tax bracket was be entirely abolished at that time. It heavy favoured high income earners. By November 2023 it been found that this last round of tax cuts were estimated to cost around $69 billion over the forward estimates period (to 2026-27). This estimate was higher than previously provided and reflects an additional year in the forecast period, along with updates to economic parameters.

Stage 3 was amended by the Albanese Labor Government in January 2024 to reduce the largess awarded high income earners and lessen the impact of the sustained cost of living pressures.

On Thursday 25 January 2025 in a joint press release by the Prime Minister, Treasurer and Minister for Finance it was announced:

From 1 July 2024, the Albanese Labor Government will:

  • Reduce the 19 per cent tax rate to 16 per cent (for incomes between $18,200 and $45,000).

  • Reduce the 32.5 per cent tax rate to 30 per cent (for incomes between $45,000 and the new $135,000 threshold).

  • Increase the threshold at which the 37 per cent tax rate applies from $120,000 to $135,000.

  • Increase the threshold at which the 45 per cent tax rate applies from $180,000 to $190,000.

As a result of these changes, on July 1:

  • All 13.6 million taxpayers will receive a tax cut – and 2.9 million more taxpayers will receive a tax cut compared to Morrison’s plan.

  • 11.5 million taxpayers (84 per cent of taxpayers) will now receive a bigger tax cut compared to Morrison’s plan.

  • 5.8 million women (90 per cent of women taxpayers) will now receive a bigger tax cut compared to Morrison’s plan.

  • A person on an average income of around $73,000 will get a tax cut of $1,504 – that’s $804 more than they were going to receive under Morrison’s plan.

  • A person earning $40,000 will get a tax cut of $654 – compared to nothing under Morrison’s plan.

  • A person earning $100,000 will get a tax cut of $2,179 – $804 more than they would receive under Morrison’s plan.

  • A person earning $200,000 will still get a tax cut, which will be $4,529. [reduced from est. $9,075] 

In addition, the Government will increase the Medicare levy low-income thresholds for 2023-24.

See full press release at:

UPDATE 1 February 2024



The Guardian, Scott Morrison seeks backing for budget tax cuts without full costings, May 2018

ACOSS briefing notes, The Government’s tax cuts:

Who gains? What do they cost?, June 2019

H&R Block 2023 Federal Budget Tax Updates, undated

Australian Tax Office, Tax rates – Australian resident, September 2023 and Individual income tax rates and threshold changes, January 2024

Treasury Question Time Brief, Personal Income Tax - Stage 3, November 2023

Australian Parliamentary Library, Budget Review 2018–19 Index, Personal income tax cuts and the Medicare levy

National Press Club Address by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, January 2024 

The Treasury, Tax cuts to help with the cost of living, January 2024

Australia Day aka Invasion Day or Day of Mourning 2024: far right media and politicians making an increasingly ugly day even uglier

First it was verbal attacks on local government councils which intend to change how they celebrate Australia Day or hold their citizenship ceremonies on a January day other than the 26th or split their official and community activities over two days

Then the mainstream media, led by baying News Corp staff opinion writers and political commentators, looked about for other imaginary 'woke' enemies of the public holiday designated Australia Day.

Following an early January 2024 announcement by the Woolworths Group that while it sells Australian flags all year round it will not be stocking additional items for Australia Day due to a decrease in store sales in recent years, the meeja decided this announcement made its supermarkets a suitable target.

Opposition Leader and LNP Member for Dickson (Qld) Peter Dutton eagerly jumped on the bandwagon accusing the Woolworths Group and others of "peddling woke agendas" and calling for a boycott of all Woolies stores - with predictable response from those who voted "No" at the 'Voice' referendum.

An even more predictable response came from racist cranks and the 'cookers' amongst us.

Teneriffe store, inner Brisbane City Qld
IMAGE: 7 News, 16 January 2024

Cleveland Central store, south-east Brisbane Qld
IMAGE:  Herald-Sun, 16 January 2024

Woolworths Group, 24 January 2024:

A message from Woolworths CEO Brad Banducci to customers

Dear Customers,

Over the last two weeks, there's been much commentary in the media and we have had direct feedback from our customers and our team regarding our approach to selling Australia Day merchandise.

I have tried to read all customer complaints and team incident reports, and I’m writing this in the hope of clarifying our position and also asking everyone to treat our team with respect.

In terms of the Woolworths position:

As a proud Australian and New Zealand retailer, we aren’t trying to ‘cancel’ Australia Day. Rather, Woolworths is deeply proud of our place in providing the fresh food that brings Australians together every day. As evidenced during COVID or increasingly natural disasters such as what is currently unfolding with Cyclone Kirrily in Northern Queensland. Woolworths will always support Australians in the moments that matter.

In terms of merchandising - our commercial decision to not stock specific Australian Day general merchandise was made on the basis of steeply declining sales. The decision to stock this mostly imported merchandise has to be made almost 12 months in advance. So as a business decision, it doesn’t make commercial sense.

Rather than stocking imported Australian themed merchandise, Woolworths is focused on what we do best 365 days of the year – providing the best of Australian fresh food for Australia Day long weekend gatherings with family and friends and working hard to ensure we deliver great value.

There are many other ways in which we are supporting our customers and our team to celebrate Australia, such as acknowledging the best of Australian products in our stores and online and supporting our team to mark Australia Day with their local community.

As a first generation Australian who gratefully calls Australia home, I look forward to getting together with my family and I hope that you too spend Australia Day in your own way and cherish what it means to be Australian.

Brad Banducci

Woolworths CEO

Thursday 25 January 2024

Byron Echo responds to claims in the Australian Jewish Association advertisement: an "extreme organisation" which "promotes one-sided warped and dangerous views"


The Byron Shire Echo
24 January 2024, p.2
Click on image to enlarge


The Byron Shire Echo

Volume 38 #33 • January 24, 2024

We’ve had complaints

The Australian Jewish Association (AJA) sure did stir up a lot of complaints to The Echo, given their inflammatory and inaccurate statements in their page 5 advertisement last week.

There is no evidence that Hamas is responsible for all Gazan deaths, for example, and the rest of their claims around the Middle East peace process are contested – at best.

But that’s free speech.

It’s easy to say you support it, but harder as a publisher to actually follow through with it.

So who are the AJA (

Despite claiming they do not affiliate with any political party, their members are linked to far-right-wing think tank IPA, and the Liberal Party.

AJA tweet Jan 17

On January 17, the AJA tweeted

their Echo ad with the statement:

Byron Bay is known as a hot spot

for left-leaning activist types. The

local paper, The Byron Shire Echo,

is widely read and often contains

anti-Israel content. AJA decided to

take out a half page ad and share

some facts. The ad was generously

facilitated by Michael Burd. What

do you think of the AJA ad?’

Well here’s what we think:

The AJA is an organisation that should not be taken seriously, because it only promotes one-sided warped and dangerous views.

It is simply untrue to imply that Israel is an innocent bystander/victim in the unfolding clusterfuck.

Their ad appeared designed to divide rather than inform.

Unlike most mainstream media, The Echo is independent and contains a range of views from its readers and contributors.

Saying The Echo ‘often contains anti-Israel content’ is like saying that those who criticise Israel are antiSemite, or are ‘self-loathing Jews’.

As a society, aren’t we past such stupid school-yard bullying?

The AJA appears more aligned with war-mongering types, like Israeli PM, Bibi Netanyahu, than with those seeking genuine peace.

Netanyahu has forged a hardright coalition to remain in power, yet faces much criticism from within Israel over his attempts to curb the powers of the judiciary, for example. Netanyahu also faces court on charges of corruption, and it appears he needs this war to stay in power. There is no two-state solution with Netanyahu.

As for Australian mainstream media (especially Newscorp), they appear ‘state captured’ – that is, they take paid junkets to Israel and subsequently write favourably about Israel’s policies.

By contrast, Israel’s own media is often critical of its government, and there appears more freedom to report without fear or favour in Israel than here in Australia.

ABC journalist, Antoinette Lattouf, was recently sacked after posting a Human Rights Watch video describing Israel’s starvation of Gaza civilians. It’s alleged that the national broadcaster took action after complaints from ‘Jewish lobbyists’.

The Echo is not aligned with either side of the Israel and Palestine conflict.

It’s all too easy to shoot the messenger.

Instead, genuine attempts at peace are required by ‘leaders’ if this intractable ongoing disaster has any hope of resolution.

The Australian Jewish Association (AJA), like any extreme organisation on both sides of this conflict, are not helping that cause.

Hans Lovejoy, editor


Letter to the Editor, 24 January 2024, p.12:

I live in Byron Bay and always look forward to reading The Echo. I was beyond shocked and horrified at seeing the Zionist propaganda advertisement on page 5 by the Australian Jewish Association (AJA). I certainly didn’t expect this in a Northern Rivers local newspaper.

As a non-practising Jewish woman who is completely appalled at what is happening in Gaza, due to the actions of Israeli leaders and IDF, I’m so disappointed with your choice to accept this advertisement.

Gaza has been under control by Israel for a very long time. They control all access into and out of Gaza with multiple checkpoints for children, women and men. The IDF shoots children throwing stones at them.

I don’t condone the actions of Hamas on 7 October, 2023. Killing civilians is not okay. However, the claims of beheading, rape and burning babies are not verified. Israel’s response was, and is, reprehensible and repugnant. Indiscriminate bombing of civilians and infrastructure is against humanitarian laws. Israel are committing war crimes and genocide against a race of people displaced in 1948 and harassed since then.

Entire families have been wiped out. Journalists, UN aid workers and medical staff are being killed by the IDF. No one is safe in Gaza.

The occupied (by Israel) West Bank is also an unsafe place for Palestinians to live, work and play. Settlers use violence to displace Palestinians from their homes and agricultural land.

To condone Israel is to condone genocide.

Linda Teese

Byron Bay


The Byron Shire Echo is a free weekly independent tabloid newspaper that is published in the Byron Shire, New South Wales, Australia....

The Echo is totally owned by people who live in Byron Shire.

It is published by Echo Publications Pty Ltd, an Australian proprietary company, limited by shares, registered in 1990.

Wednesday 24 January 2024

Scott Morrison announces on Facebook that he is quitting as federal backbench Liberal MP for Cook in late February 2024

"His name at home shredded, Scott Morrison looks overseas for a fresh start. Will he find his people?"

[Journalist Malcolm Farr, The Guardian, 23 January 2024]

Yesterday Tuesday 23 January 2024, Scott #LiarFromTheShire Morrison has finally announced his retirement from the Australian federal parliament - twenty months after the national electorate unceremoniously kicked his government out of office.

Apparently after twenty months of searching he has found employment commensurate with his parliamentary salary (or perhaps even a little higher) allegedly in the United States and, having passed the magical birthday which allows him the maximum parliamentary entitlements/benefits & flexibility in political retirement, he is now preparing to depart.

A great relief for much of the national electorate and for a good many members of the Liberal Party of Australia.



Morrison's official statement is found on his website at:

Sky News, 23 January 2024:

Sky News Australia can reveal the former prime minister, who announced his retirement from Parliament on Tuesday, will join Trump administration secretary of state Mike Pompeo at a new Australian-founded US-based military venture capital firm.

DYNE Maritime was launched in October by Australian investment banker Matthew Kibble and former US Navy officer Tom Hennessy with an AUD$157 million capital base to invest in AUKUS related technologies.

Mr Morrison is also expected to join former National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien at his firm American Global Strategies....

will still be based in Sydney but will likely travel frequently to the United States.

"A greater fraud and malcontent never disgraced the mantle of Prime Minister. That he was disliked throughout Australia goes without saying. That he was despised as well is truly extraordinary.....

He achieved nothing. He gave us nothing. He left our nation the poorer for his stain upon it. A charlatan and a pitiless, second-rate actor, he will not be mourned. Nobody will mourn him. There is just a darkness in our country where he once used to be."

[Ronni Salt, writing in The Shot after Morrison lost government, 27 May 2022]

Tuesday 23 January 2024

FIRE ANTS: dangerous invasive pest found almost 99kms south of the NSW-Qld border on Friday 19 January 2024


Wardell NSW
Population 803 people (2021)
IMAGE: Google Earth

Echo, 22 January 2023:

Fire ants found in Wardell on Friday were destroyed on Saturday and are no longer a risk to the community living in the immediate area, according to the NSW Minister for Agriculture, Tara Moriarty.

The fire ants in Wardell were originally reported in by a member of the community to the NSW Biosecurity Hotline on Friday and confirmed as fire ants later that day.

The Ballina finding also comes just days after fire ants were spotted floating in floodwaters around the Gold Coast and warnings that fire ants could spread further south after being detected in Murwillumbah.

National Fire Ant Eradication Program

The NSW Department of Primary Industries team moved in with colleagues from the National Fire Ant Eradication Program and Ballina Shire Council to destroy the fire ants, control the site, start tracing the source and survey the surrounding area.

Moriarty said to manage the risks of spread, a biosecurity control order has been put in place with immediate effect, restricting movement within the surrounding 5km area of the site in Wardell.

Department of Primary Industry teams will support the local businesses and community who will need to lock down movement of landscaping, gardening, and building materials plus machinery until inspected and checked.

Chemically eradicated the infestation

Experienced teams were on site on Saturday and chemically eradicated the infestation and treated a radius of 500 metres from the site.

Following detection of the fire ants the NSW Government instigated its action plan covering – eradication, control, tracing, and engagement of local businesses and community.

Moriarty said the teams were prepared for this discovery of fire ants and immediately implemented a response plan and destroyed the fire ant site.

Biosecurity is a shared responsibility and I encourage everyone to continue to check their properties for these pests. With the summer cross-border travel in peak times I ask everyone to be careful of what they’re moving and where.’.....

Community kept informed

Tara Moriarty said the community will be kept informed of progress.

The team will continue activities with sniffer dogs and boots on the ground to determine the extent of any infestation, undertake genetic testing of the fire ants, as well as engaging and supporting the impacted local community and businesses.

Monday 22 January 2024

In which Australian Jewish Association blatantly misrepresents the history of the Middle East and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. At the same time broadly characterizing readers of the Byron Echo as "left-leaning activist types".


"Hamas is responsible for 100% of all Gazan deaths" [Australian Jewish Association, 17 January 2024]

On 17 January 2024 on Page 5 of the Byron Echo, along with two local news articles - "McLeods Shoot tourist accom slated" and "Olgivie reflects on 35 years in the yoga biz" there was a single advertisement.

Nothing unusual in this independent newspaper's page layout.

However, the advertising slot did not contain the expected information concerning a bazzar, market, op shop, council notice or similar.

It contained an astonishing piece of political propaganda created by the Australian Jewish Association, which blatantly misrepresented the history of the Middle East and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

With the exception of part of the one-sentence fifth paragraph, the distortions of fact it contained were so egregious that it took this writer's breath away.

IMAGE: The Byron Shire Echo, aka Byron Echo or Echo, 17.01.24, p.5 Click on image to enlarge

On the same day the Australian Jewish Association posted/tweeted this message on X formerly Twitter along with a copy of the advertisement:

It's important that the Jewish community and Israel are understood across Australia.

Byron Bay is known as a hotspot for left-leaning activist types.

The local paper, the Byron Shire Echo is widely read and often contains anti-Israel content.

AJA decided to take out a half page ad and share some facts.

The ad was generously facilitated by Michael Burd.

What do you think of the AJA ad? [my yellow highlighting]



  • Michael Burd on the subject of Michael Burd:

  • United Nations Resolutions on the Question of Palestine -1946 to 2023

1.Oslo Accord 1993 - signed by Israeli Government & Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO)

2. Agreement on the Gaza Strip and the Jericho Area 1994 (Cairo Agreement) - signed by Israeli Government & PLO

3. Agreement on Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities 1994 - signed by Israeli Government & PLO

4. Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip 1995 (Oslo II) - signed by Israeli Government & PLO

5. Agreement on Temporary International Presence in the City of Hebron 1996 - signed by Israeli Government & PLO

6. Protocol Concerning the Redeployment in Hebron 1997 - signed by Israeli Government & PLO

7. Agreement on Temporary International Presence in the City of Hebron II 1997 - signed by Israeli Government & PLO

8. The Wye River Memorandum 1998 - signed by Israeli Government & PLO

9. Sharm el Sheikh Memorandum on Implementation Timeline of Outstanding Commitments of Agreements Signed and the Resumption of Permanent Status Negotiations 1999 - signed by Israeli Government & PLO

10. Protocol Concerning Safe Passage between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip 1999 - signed by Israeli Government & PLO

11. Camp David Summit 2000 - Israel & Palestine failed to reach an agreement 

12. The Disengagement Plan - General Outline 2004 - proposal by Israeli Government in which sovereignty over West Bank settlements is asserted and an intention to maintain a military presence, along with an assertion of authority over Gaza Strip airspace and coastal seas as well as an intention to ring Gaza's borders with security forces and police population movement.

13. Agreed Documents on Movement and Access from and to Gaza: Agreement on Movement and Access Agreed Principles for Rafah Crossing 2005 - Israeli Government & PLO agreement

14. Annapolis Conference Joint Understanding and Statements Joint Understanding on Negotiations 2007 - Israeli Government statement

15. Understanding Regarding Ceasefire in Gaza Strip 2012 - not attributed

16. Egyptian Initiative 2014 regarding ceasefire in Gaza Strip - not accepted by all parties. However an amended ceasefire agreement came into effect at 7pm Cairo time on 26 August 2014. In May 2021, the Israeli police raided Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, triggering an 11 day armed conflict between Israel and Hamas. This included Israeli airstrikes on Gaza. Egypt again brokered a ceasefire which came into effect on 21 May 2021.