Saturday 15 March 2008

Memo to Malcolm Turnbull, Coalition Shadow Treasurer

Dear Malcolm,
Did your father never explain the problems with telling tall stories, whoppers, pork pies? Or the dangers of uttering fibs, stretching the truth, gilding the lily, colouring the facts - in other words, lying.
I'm sure he must have. Pity that paternal lesson appears to be forgotten.
This week you displayed a monumental lapse in both common sense and political acumen when you insisted that Treasury had given specific advice to the Rudd Government to recommend a dollar amount in any submission concerning the minimum wage case currently before the Fair Pay Commission.
You were exposed as misleading the Australian people on this issue, yet you still went on to give a number of interviews in which you continued to spread the canard and cast aspersions on the Treasury Secretary when he publicly denied your claims.
Your argument became so feeble with repetition that you expanded the fibbing with this.
"He said his proof was that Prime Minister Kevin Rudd had not denied it when he put it to him in question time this week.
"He declined to contradict me. He did not correct me. If I was so wrong, why didn't he correct me on Wednesday? You have to ask yourself,'' Mr Turnbull said."
Now Mal, that wasn't just untruthful it was downright dumb. A great many people heard Question Time last Wednesday, including yours truly, and we all can check the exact wording online.
Mate, it's time your enlistment papers were stamped snarler and you were sent back from the political trenches.

Friday 14 March 2008

Libs Deputy Leader Julie Bishop comes a cropper coast-to-coast

The Liberal Party's second-in-command Julie Bishop is looking quite lemon lipped these days during Question Time in the Australian Parliament.
She is rarely winning a trick when she takes on her Labor counterpart, Deputy-Prime Minister Julia Gillard.
The latest upset for Ms. Bishop was when she rose to her feet at 2.07pm yesterday and called for the release of a government report showing that jobs would be lost if WorkChoices legislation was changed by the Rudd Government.
This allowed Ms.Gillard to point out in reply that the report Julie Bishop was asking for was actually one commissioned, received and then not released by the former Howard Government.
The report of course not modelling the Rudd Government changes to WorkChoices as these were apparently not in existence when this report was written.
Hansard records that Julia Gillard also stated that Ms. Bishop was knowingly misleading the House.
This less than shining moment for Julie Bishop was shown on national television, radio and parliament podcast.
It seems it was the Liberals who did not really understand.

Contemporary Northern Rivers artists - a visual feast

Sharon Muir of Mullumbimby from her Shields series.
Noel Hart blown glass work Modest Parrot.
Garth Lena of Fingal Heads "Three brothers"

When blogs begin to breed like rabbits in the night

Being a novice blogger who views the world-wide web as something akin to 'magik' (don't ask - it's a generational thing), it didn't take long before I was overwhelmed by the number of Australian blogs out there in hyperspace.
It almost seemed that, whenever I turned my PC off for the day, blogs of all varieties began to multiply inside the idle monitor while I slept.
I tried keeping a list of sites I liked, but was often diverted by the strange and obscure and lost my way in an evergrowing blog maze.
So it was some relief to find these two compilation sites. Kwoff which posts what interests readers with an immediacy I like, and Club Troppo's The Missing Link Daily which has a fine eye for the interesting or quirky comment and can deliver an email version.
Think I'll ditch that printed list from now on and check these sites first.
Otherwise I'll have to lay a couple of steel-jawed traps on my desk each night to keep those blog bunnies under control.

Thursday 13 March 2008

The 'compassionate' Coalition in action

Here is Tony Abbott at his hypocritical best .
"The Federal Opposition condemned any move by the Rudd Government to scrap bonus payments to seniors.
Opposition families and community services spokesman Tony Abbott today said the seniors' payments had helped more than two million pensioners last year and should be preserved.
"The Howard government thought this was an important way of allowing less well-off people to share in our economic prosperity. This was the social dividend of the economic boom,'' he said.
This year's budget surplus was predicted to be huge, he said, and it was only fair that Prime Minister Kevin Rudd give something back.
"This year, there's going to be an even bigger budget surplus - $20 billion - and yet the Rudd Government is not going to give carers bonuses and now it's not going to give seniors bonuses either,'' Mr Abbott said.
"Kevin Rudd criticised John Howard as being mean and tricky, but as soon as he gets his hands on the levers of power he starts taking things away from the most vulnerable people in society.
"Kevin Rudd has been parading his Christian virtue, yet he's taking away from the most vulnerable that little bit extra the government was giving as some way of sharing in the good times.'' 

Sounds good doesn't it. Tony wants the seniors bonus payment preserved.
Which begs the question as to why the former Howard Government only implemented this payment as a one-off bonus.
First grabbing the initial give-away money from the Dept. of Employment and Workplace Relations budget and then failing to confirm it in any forward estimates. 
As evidenced by the DEWR Supplementary Additional Estimates Statements 2006-07.
Tony also sounds quite good when he rails against the abolition of the carers bonus.
Which calls up a recollection of the May 2007 second reading of the Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2007-08. This reading had former Treasurer Peter Costello admitting (of the now increased bonuses) that "Both the seniors and the carers bonuses will be paid by 30 June 2007."
So, in fact neither type of $500 bonus was included in the last Howard Government budget.
Ergo, it was never going to happen in 2008 for there was no budget allocation.
So much for the suddenly 'compassionate' Tony Abbott and friends.
Now the Coalition is howling about these bonuses and insisting that these remain even though they had apparently ceased to exist on the Howard Government books.
A "bonus" is never a payment on solid ground anyway and to repeatedly attack the Rudd Government, when it had signalled that it was considering translating these lapsed payments into permanent Centrelink benefits/allowances, was foolish in the extreme.
The resultant panic among the elderly in response to the Coalition's half-truths now means we have a situation where these bonuses continue as a one-off to be delivered at the whim of the government of the day, and who do we have to thank for this uncertainty.
Why, Tony Abbott and friends.
"Mean and tricky" - I think that appellation now applies to Mr. Abbott.

No political experience required to help Obama win Pennsylvania

Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama rides victorious from Mississippi and heads for Pennsylvania.
Here is the latest e-mail from the Obama for America team.

"Dear [redacted],
My name is Jeremy Bird, and I'm the Field Director for the Obama campaign in Pennsylvania.
Barack has won twice as many states, more delegates, and more votes than Senator Clinton. But the Democratic race is still very close, and the Pennsylvania primary is the biggest remaining contest.
The primary is still six weeks away, but another important deadline is coming up soon. Anyone who wants to vote for Barack in Pennsylvania must be registered as a Democrat by Monday, March 24th.
Supporters from all across the country are coming to Pennsylvania in the next two weeks to help register voters. Help build our movement and our party by joining us.
Sign up to come to Pennsylvania to register voters before March 24th:
If one thing is clear from this campaign, it's that every vote and every delegate matters.
Here in Pennsylvania, hundreds of thousands of unregistered voters are ready to support Barack -- but we have only two weeks to reach out to them all.
That's why people from all over the country are traveling to Pennsylvania to make sure every potential Obama supporter is registered and eligible to vote in the primary on April 22nd.
No prior political experience is required. Sign up to grow this movement and bring thousands of new people into the political process.
Join us in Pennsylvania to register voters and support Barack:
All across the country, we've seen people getting involved in politics for the first time or returning to politics after years of frustration.
I hope you'll come to Pennsylvania and keep this momentum going.
Thank you,
Jeremy Bird
Pennsylvania Field Director
Obama for America"

Highlights from this morning's e-mail.
"When we won Iowa, the Clinton campaign said it's not the number of states you win, it's "a contest for delegates."
When we won a significant lead in delegates, they said it's really about which states you win.
When we won South Carolina, they discounted the votes of African-Americans.
When we won predominantly white, rural states like Idaho, Utah, and Nebraska, they said those didn't count because they won't be competitive in the general election.
When we won in Washington State, Wisconsin, and Missouri -- general election battlegrounds where polls show Barack is a stronger candidate against John McCain -- the Clinton campaign attacked those voters as "latte-sipping" elitists. And now that we've won more than twice as many states, the Clinton spin is that only certain states really count.
But the facts are clear.
For all their attempts to discount, distract, and distort, we have won more delegates, more states, and more votes.
Meanwhile, more than half of the votes that Senator Clinton has won so far have come from just five states. And in four of these five states, polls show that Barack would be a stronger general election candidate against McCain than Clinton.
We're ready to take on John McCain.---
As the number of remaining delegates dwindles, Hillary Clinton's path to the nomination seems less and less plausible.
Now that Mississippi is behind us, we move on to the next ten contests. The Clinton campaign would like to focus your attention only on Pennsylvania -- a state in which they have already declared that they are "unbeatable."
But Pennsylvania is only one of those 10 remaining contests, each important in terms of allocating delegates and ultimately deciding who our nominee will be.---
The key to victory is not who wins the states that the Clinton campaign thinks are important. The key to victory is realizing that every vote and every voter matters.
Throughout this entire process, the Clinton campaign has cherry-picked states, diminished caucuses, and moved the goal posts to create a shifting, twisted rationale for why they should win the nomination despite winning fewer primaries, fewer states, fewer delegates, and fewer votes.
We must stand up to the same-old Washington politics. Barack has won twice as many states, large and small, in every region of the country -- many by landslide margins.---"

Pension Bonus: Don't forget disability pensioners live on God's earth too

12 March 2008
Pension bonus:
Don't forget disability pensioners live on God's earth too
"CPSA welcomes Treasurer Wayne Swans reassurance that pensioners and carers will receive their additional payments, but calls on the Government to extend the pension bonus to disability pensioners to help them cope with the cost of disability", said CPSA Policy Coordinator Paul Versteege.
"Ninety per cent of disability pensioners cannot work and most have no additional income.
"What disability pensioners as a rule do have are large bills for disability equipment and medical consultations.
"Disability pensioners deserve not to be left in the lurch. They, too, live on God's earth."
Paul Versteege
Policy Coordinator
Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association (CPSA)
Level 9, 28 Foveaux Street, Surry Hills  NSW  2010
Phone 02 9281 3588
Mob 0410 612 182
Fax 02 9281 9716