Sunday 6 February 2011

The air is clear in relation to Lionel Murphy and Malawi's take on flatulence

Today's Sun Herald reveals once more that attempts to sully the good name of Lionel Murphy were baseless.

Peter FitzSimons has a piece that demonstrates quite clearly Murphy cannot be associated in any way, shape or form with a bill in Malawi that would outlaw breaking wind in public.

Read more about flatulence in Malawi in a BBC report here.

Here's FitzSimon's piece:

Source: Sun Herald, 6/2/11

Image credits: Sun Herald, 6/2/11 and

North Coast Voices - the feral edition

Independent MP for New England Tony Windsor calls Clarence Valley residents 'feral' and Windsor labels Valley ‘feral' ran headlines in both the mainstream media and blogosphere.

This was the swift response.....................

The Daily Examiner, 4 February 2011

Federal Labor MP for Page Janelle Saffin:“Well, too right we go feral because my view is they should just stop talking about an idea that's so stupid anyway; and it's not going to go anywhere. But we do go feral because everybody agrees that we cannot divert or dam the Clarence River.

NSW Nationals MP for Clarence Steve Cansdell: far as damning and diverting the Clarence, I am happy to be classed as a 'feral'. I will always be against any such proposal.

Clarence Valley Mayor Richie Williamson: We do, and we will, go absolutely feral because a majority is clearly against the diversion or the damming of the Clarence River. We as a community are definitely against any damming of the Clarence River.

The Daily Examiner,4 February 2011
Click on image to enlarge

Boy the Wonder Cat: Tony Windsor doesn't know the meaning of 'feral' yet. If he keeps this dam nonsense up, one fine morning he will wake to find I've peed on his verandah posts, crapped on the front door mat, scared his hens eggless and bonked his dog so thoroughly that it won't come out from under the house for the next ten years.

True words tweeted in jest?

FakeeEtiquette Fake e-Etiquette

It is polite to continue acting as though internet arguments have winners or conclusions.

Saturday 5 February 2011

Chicken boots and the spectacles thief

Most of the hens on the farm are of an Indian game type and are mainly bred as table birds. They are not the best egg layers.

There are large sections of the year where they don't produce eggs and then at the start of spring and summer the eggs are in abundance.

So I decided that I would start on a breeding program that would yield chooks that would lay eggs over most of the year, yet still retain most of the qualities that make excellent eating birds.

I obtained a couple of roosters that were mainly Isa Brown types, and one pure breed Isa Brown. The two older roosters were ready to breed this season so I set two hens, this yielded 16 chickens.

The chickens are the quietest birds I have ever seen, walking around the yard has been reduced to a shuffle since the chicks are always under foot.

I have even had to retrieve them out of gumboots, which would not be much of a problem except that I was wearing these boots at the time.

During this gumboot invasion the last thing I was thinking about was the fact that I had mistakenly left my reading glasses in my shirt pocket. As I bent down to get the chicken out of the gumboot the glasses fell out and landed on one of the chickens in the maul happening around my feet. They scattered to the wind taking the glasses with them.

I was stuck, I still had a chook in my gumboot.

There I was in the middle of a muddy yard, balancing on one slipping gumboot gently trying to remove the other and retrieve the protesting chicken. I was very lucky to get the chicken out of the boot without falling in the mud.

Then the search for my glasses began along with the rain. The chickens(being helpful little mites) all followed me for the entire search. Emitting calls that sounded something like - hot, hotter, no colder, cool.

After about half an hour I found the glasses and they were intact if a bit muddy.

The chickens looked quite pleased with themselves; after all they do try their best.

In America 2011 zealous wingnuts are on the march and no woman is safe


In America in 2011 there were thirteen females amongst the around sixty members of the US Congress who sponsored a bill called the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act  which seeks to deny Medicare-funded abortion to girls and women who were raped without some form of physical restraint or violence.

The House of a Thousand Fools

Can anyone really believe this nonsense? Over 1,000 Australians Sign Petition Opposing Flood Levy - Stop The Levy

Over 1,000 Australians have signed an online petition imploring the Federal Government to not impose an unfair and destructive new tax on the vulnerable Australian economy. The website,, is a project of Menzies House, an independent, grassroots online community for center-right activists, writers, and thinkers. Menzies House is unaffiliated with any political party.

All this hysteria over a twelve-month levy with a scale like this? For crying out loud you would have to have a taxable income of over $80,000 a year before it was costing you more than a skinny latte once a week and over $130,000 a year before it cost the price of a quick working day lunch for one at the local caff.



* GuestSpeak is a feature of North Coast Voices allowing Northern Rivers residents to make satirical or serious comment on issues that concern them. Posts of 250-300 words or less can be submitted to ncvguestspeak AT for consideration.