Sunday 8 January 2012

That's it! Kraft's off the menu on Australia Day

At first I thought April Fool’s Day had come early this year, then I remembered that we’re talking about Kraft here.
The company that wants to celebrate Australia Day by defacing an Aussie icon in the lead up to 26th January 2012.
Why stop there? How about giving the Eureka Flag a design makeover, rechristening Ned Kelly, banning Sunday barbies and dyeing tap beer pink for the rest of the month?

Saturday 7 January 2012

Internet security on the home computer in 2012

With The Daily Examiner newspaper’s website triggering so many PC threat alerts for a couple of days this week and with a growing number of people on the NSW North Coast now reading much of their daily news online – perhaps it’s time to refresh our memories concerning Internet security:

Classic Aussie Blackboard Advertising

Courtesy of Aunty ABC

Google Maps: Going to Whoop Whoop via Wollongong anyone?

Friday 6 January 2012

The welfare status of live cattle exported to Indonesia

After the May 2011 revelations that all was not well in relation to the export of Australian live cattle to Indonesia and the discovery that instances of animal cruelty were occurring at certain abattoirs, the Federal Government sought to develop a new supply chain assurance framework.

This involved the requirement for ESCAS independent Audits of Indonesian feedlots and abattoirs which held/fattened/ processed Australian cattle.

One has to commend the Gillard Government for this action and note that it was more than the former Howard Government.

However, the usefulness of the framework may be limited due to the lack of transparency within these independent audits (which includes extensive black pen censorship) and, the fact that one of the more common sentences contained in these audits to date is a comfortably fuzzy observation which tells Australian citizens and their parliamentary representatives absolutely nothing about the current welfare status of these live cattle:

Click on image to enlarge

SAI Global Limited and its wholly-owned Indonesian subsidiary PT SAI Global Indonesia which conduct these audits may have to be re-educated as to the dictionary meaning of the words transparent, open and honest.

Perhaps this is something for Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Joe Ludwig and his department head can look into before the situation deteriorates.

View from the far side of American politics

2012 U.S. Presidential Election – Republican Pre-selection Race - Iowa Caucus frontrunners in as few words as possible......

Rick Santorum
Conservative, Catholic, Creationist, Climate Change denier, Included in CREW Most Corrupt Members of Congress list in 2006, Former U.S. Congressman and two-term U.S. Senator sacked by voters in 2006,  Lawyer, Energy industry consultant and former FOX NEWS contracted contributor, Endorsed by Rupert Murdoch, Described Wikileaks as being led by a terrorist, Annual income estimated at around $1 million, 53 years old, IQ debatable.

Mitt Romney
Conservative, Mormon, Pro-Lifer, Climate Change sceptic, More policy positions than the Karma Sutra, One-term Massachusetts Governor 2003-2007 then retired, Former private equity dealer, Biotech multinational Monsanto & Co a former client, Endorsed by John McCain, Refuses to publicly release his tax returns & allegations of tax evasion, Personal wealth estimated at $250 million, 64 years old, IQ debatable.

Thursday 5 January 2012

A Christian view of domestic violence [exit laughing cynically]

The Canberra Times reports on U.S. evangelical creationist Jack Chick's hateful Chick Publications, 4 January 2012:

The pamphlet, entitled Is Allah Like You?, depicts an Islamic man who abuses his wife and son until he converts to Christianity and learns the error of his ways.

I wager that comforts the millions of women and children, down the centuries and up to this very minute, who have suffered domestic violence at the hands of ‘good’ Christian men.

CLC Christian Bookworld Australasia and ELE Trust of Queensland and Word Bookstores of Victoria should be ashamed of selling this arrant nonsense.

Mrs Gaddafi calling for your help

Gawd bless us! It’s supposed to be Gaddafi’s rich missus begging for help in the latest scam email doing the rounds. Pity ‘she’ has such trouble remembering how to spell the family surname……………..

I am Mrs. Safia Farkash Gaddafi the wife of the late Libyan Leader Colonel Muammar Gahdafi, I  have funds worth Million Dollars with a Bank in one of our neighbouring country whose name is withheld for now until we open communication. If you are capable of handling this funds, get back to me with your consent and I will explain in details the procedures and percentage of sharing.

Please note that honesty is the watch word in this transaction. I will require your telephone and I will greatly appreciate if you accept my proposal in good faith.

I appreciate your timely suggestion and interest over this matter

Best Regards
Mrs. Safia Farkash Gaddafi

Wednesday 4 January 2012

"Moggy Musings" [Archived material by Boy the Wonder Cat]

A rumoured whiff of corruption musing: Which Clarence Valley local currently housed at Her Majesty's pleasure is allegedly having his government-subsidised NCCHC social housing held indefinitely for him because he has family connections in the Commonwealth welfare bureaucracy?

A Clarence by-election musing: One young puss who sometimes calls round to flirt with me says her owner thinks his choice on 19th November isn't a matter of Nats or Labor, but rather one of Greens or Labor - Labor or Greens. Wonder how many other voters are giving the Nats a miss?

An economic credibility musing: Word around the catnip patch is that a certain politically incorrect local wag is asking "If the Greeks are such bad economic managers, why would we vote for one in Clarence?"

A still chortling musing: Word is that former Nats MP Steve Cansdell is handing out business cards with the motto Get elected, stay elected.

An it's only a rumour, but... musing: My little canine friend Veronica Lake swears her hoomins heard that when the then NSW Nats MP for Clarence refused an elector's request, to assist someone currently serving a gaol sentence, he said it was because the person involved was a "crook". Ronnie wants to know what could a disgraced former MP (who admitted to signing a false statutory declaration) possibly know about crookedness? ROFLOL!