Tuesday 25 February 2014

New management for Manus Island detention centre raises questions

News.com.au 24 February 2014:

Transfield Services has also been appointed to take over “garrison and welfare services” at the Manus Island facility and Nauru.
In a statement to the ASX, the company said the 20 month contract for both is at a cost of $1.22 billion.
Security on Manus Island will be handled by Wilson Security, as is the case at Nauru.

The Age 24 February 2014:

Since early February, Transfield Services moved more than 180 Wilson Security staff onto the island as part of the transition stage with G4S.

The first question one must ask is; were Wilson Security staff on Manus Island during the violent incident at the detention centre on 17 February which resulted in the death of Reza Berati.

The second question must be; were any Wilson Security staff involved in subduing asylum seekers and/or assaulting them.

The third question is inevitably - has the Abbott Government bothered to enquire.

Monday 24 February 2014

A message for Lyn

“Thanks for the tweets, Lyn!”

North Coast Voices appreciate your efforts to let everyone know what Australian bloggers are saying.

Kind Regards,
Clarrie Rivers

Wondered why quite a few faceless conservative trolls have fallen silent since 7 September 2013?

This media report might well hold the answer.

Brisbane Times 10 February 2014:

The Abbott government has quietly introduced a hardline code of conduct for ministerial staff, banning political commentary on social media sites including Twitter and Facebook.
The ban also extends to current Coalition staff writing books and newspaper articles and staff seeking "further guidance" on the new rules are referred directly to Tony Abbott's chief of staff, Peta Credlin.....

Graphic from Google Images

Pay and Superannuation Gaps Between Australian Women and Men

Australian Government Workplace Gender Equality Agency – Fact Sheets and Statistics:

This fact sheet looks at the pay and superannuation gaps between women and men by age group.

Click on image to enlarge