Australian Liberal Party Leader Tony Abbott is on the woo trail again and this little nugget was thrown into the media mix yesterday with a view to possibly making him seem more human; "And it [sex] is one of life's great pleasures."
Eeeewww! Way too much information and not the type of political transparency most females would be looking for as they weigh up ballot paper options.
This is not the first time that Mr. Abbott has attempted to flirt with the electorate and it is going down like a lead balloon with many women.
From the top of his shiny balding pate right through to those stringy thighs there is nothing about Abbott to set the average voter's heart racing - the yellow lycra, red budgie smugglers and rampant chauvinism are all real turn-offs and these contrived true confessions coyly offered to female journalists are frankly risible.
Tony Abbott is a
Nothing new to get excited about here. All Tony’s transgressions have been on the public record for yonks. I guess putting them in the context of the Ten Commandments makes them headline worthy, but more privately in the confessional we can only imagine what his Mea Culpa might consist of.
I have worshipped as my god John Winston Howard.
His image is graven on my heart, and I daily worship at his altar, promoting his word and his Church of the Liberal Party of Australia.
I have taken thy name in vain and been generally foul of tongue.
I have profaned the sabbath, disporting myself near naked on the beaches of Manly.
I have lived an adulterous youth and still lust after carnal satisfaction.
I have stolen the rank and rewards of my colleague Malcolm Bligh Turnbull.
I daily bear false witness against Kevin Michael Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia.
I covet his Lodge though not his ass, nor his wife who is of too independent temper.
I confess that the opportunity for his assassination has so far eluded me.
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