Showing posts with label Australia-US relations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australia-US relations. Show all posts

Thursday 10 November 2016

Was Barack Hussein Obama the last president of the United States of America?

Have the American people swapped a democratically elected president for a democratically elected fascist despot?

I may not be the only person wondering…..

The New Yorker, 9 November 2016:

editor of The New Yorker since 1998

The electorate has, in its plurality, decided to live in Trump’s world.

The election of Donald Trump to the Presidency is nothing less than a tragedy for the American republic, a tragedy for the Constitution, and a triumph for the forces, at home and abroad, of nativism, authoritarianism, misogyny, and racism. Trump’s shocking victory, his ascension to the Presidency, is a sickening event in the history of the United States and liberal democracy. On January 20, 2017, we will bid farewell to the first African-American President—a man of integrity, dignity, and generous spirit—and witness the inauguration of a con who did little to spurn endorsement by forces of xenophobia and white supremacy. It is impossible to react to this moment with anything less than revulsion and profound anxiety.

There are, inevitably, miseries to come: an increasingly reactionary Supreme Court; an emboldened right-wing Congress; a President whose disdain for women and minorities, civil liberties and scientific fact, to say nothing of simple decency, has been repeatedly demonstrated. Trump is vulgarity unbounded, a knowledge-free national leader who will not only set markets tumbling but will strike fear into the hearts of the vulnerable, the weak, and, above all, the many varieties of Other whom he has so deeply insulted. The African-American Other. The Hispanic Other. The female Other. The Jewish and Muslim Other. The most hopeful way to look at this grievous event—and it’s a stretch—is that this election and the years to follow will be a test of the strength, or the fragility, of American institutions. It will be a test of our seriousness and resolve.

Early on Election Day, the polls held out cause for concern, but they provided sufficiently promising news for Democrats in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, and even Florida that there was every reason to think about celebrating the fulfillment of Seneca Falls, the election of the first woman to the White House. Potential victories in states like Georgia disappeared, little more than a week ago, with the F.B.I. director’s heedless and damaging letter to Congress about reopening his investigation and the reappearance of damaging buzzwords like “e-mails,” “Anthony Weiner,” and “fifteen-year-old girl.” But the odds were still with Hillary Clinton.

All along, Trump seemed like a twisted caricature of every rotten reflex of the radical right. That he has prevailed, that he has won this election, is a crushing blow to the spirit; it is an event that will likely cast the country into a period of economic, political, and social uncertainty that we cannot yet imagine. That the electorate has, in its plurality, decided to live in Trump’s world of vanity, hate, arrogance, untruth, and recklessness, his disdain for democratic norms, is a fact that will lead, inevitably, to all manner of national decline and suffering.

In the coming days, commentators will attempt to normalize this event. They will try to soothe their readers and viewers with thoughts about the “innate wisdom” and “essential decency” of the American people. They will downplay the virulence of the nationalism displayed, the cruel decision to elevate a man who rides in a gold-plated airliner but who has staked his claim with the populist rhetoric of blood and soil. George Orwell, the most fearless of commentators, was right to point out that public opinion is no more innately wise than humans are innately kind. People can behave foolishly, recklessly, self-destructively in the aggregate just as they can individually. Sometimes all they require is a leader of cunning, a demagogue who reads the waves of resentment and rides them to a popular victory. “The point is that the relative freedom which we enjoy depends of public opinion,” Orwell wrote in his essay “Freedom of the Park.” “The law is no protection. Governments make laws, but whether they are carried out, and how the police behave, depends on the general temper in the country. If large numbers of people are interested in freedom of speech, there will be freedom of speech, even if the law forbids it; if public opinion is sluggish, inconvenient minorities will be persecuted, even if laws exist to protect them.”

Trump ran his campaign sensing the feeling of dispossession and anxiety among millions of voters—white voters, in the main. And many of those voters—not all, but many—followed Trump because they saw that this slick performer, once a relative cipher when it came to politics, a marginal self-promoting buffoon in the jokescape of eighties and nineties New York, was more than willing to assume their resentments, their fury, their sense of a new world that conspired against their interests. That he was a billionaire of low repute did not dissuade them any more than pro-Brexit voters in Britain were dissuaded by the cynicism of Boris Johnson and so many others. The Democratic electorate might have taken comfort in the fact that the nation had recovered substantially, if unevenly, from the Great Recession in many ways—unemployment is down to 4.9 per cent—but it led them, it led us, to grossly underestimate reality. The Democratic electorate also believed that, with the election of an African-American President and the rise of marriage equality and other such markers, the culture wars were coming to a close. Trump began his campaign declaring Mexican immigrants to be “rapists”; he closed it with an anti-Semitic ad evoking “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”; his own behavior made a mockery of the dignity of women and women’s bodies. And, when criticized for any of it, he batted it all away as “political correctness.” Surely such a cruel and retrograde figure could succeed among some voters, but how could he win? Surely, Breitbart News, a site of vile conspiracies, could not become for millions a source of news and mainstream opinion. And yet Trump, who may have set out on his campaign merely as a branding exercise, sooner or later recognized that he could embody and manipulate these dark forces. The fact that “traditional” Republicans, from George H. W. Bush to Mitt Romney, announced their distaste for Trump only seemed to deepen his emotional support.

The commentators, in their attempt to normalize this tragedy, will also find ways to discount the bumbling and destructive behavior of the F.B.I., the malign interference of Russian intelligence, the free pass—the hours of uninterrupted, unmediated coverage of his rallies—provided to Trump by cable television, particularly in the early months of his campaign. We will be asked to count on the stability of American institutions, the tendency of even the most radical politicians to rein themselves in when admitted to office. Liberals will be admonished as smug, disconnected from suffering, as if so many Democratic voters were unacquainted with poverty, struggle, and misfortune. There is no reason to believe this palaver. There is no reason to believe that Trump and his band of associates—Chris Christie, Rudolph Giuliani, Mike Pence, and, yes, Paul Ryan—are in any mood to govern as Republicans within the traditional boundaries of decency. Trump was not elected on a platform of decency, fairness, moderation, compromise, and the rule of law; he was elected, in the main, on a platform of resentment. Fascism is not our future—it cannot be; we cannot allow it to be so—but this is surely the way fascism can begin.

Read the rest of the article here.

Friday 14 October 2016

NSW Parliament Upper House sends U.S. presidential candidate Donald J. Trump a message - you're a 'a revolting slug' unfit for public office

Notice of Motion published in NSW LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL NOTICE PAPER No. 79 for Thursday, 13 October 2016:

The House agreed to the motion at 10:04am on 13 October 2016 and it was duly recorded in NSW Hansard.

It was passed without objection or need for formal vote.

Monday 10 October 2016

Can you imagine how the ANZUS Treaty and trade agreements would play out under Donald Trump and the Son of Abbott?

The mind boggles at the thought of how a grossly ineffectual Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull would even begin to protect Australia from a barking mad President Donald Trump.

However, it appears the Turnbull Government may be attempting to engage with Trump early – just in case he does turn out to be the forty-fifth president of the United States of America after the 8 November 2016 federal election.

The Daily Telegraph, 8 October 2016:

CONSERVATIVE Liberal backbencher Cory Bernardi believes Donald Trump could be the next US president.
In a surprise announcement, Senator Bernardi told Sky News in New York that Americans might do “pretty well” out of a Trump presidency.
Senator Bernardi said Trump was tapping into a well of discontent that politicians around the world would be wise to listen to.
His policies were about protecting America and standing up for people who felt dispossessed by mainstream politics.
The Australian Government has previously shied away from showing favouritism towards either party throughout the US election campaign, however Senator Bernardi is not the first politician to get involved.
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop met with a key Trump adviser last Friday to discuss challenges the she thought the new Clinton or Trump administration would face, according to The Australian.

The Australian, 19 September 2016:

A top Republican strategist has reassured foreign minister Julie Bishop that Donald Trump, who has trashed a carefully negotiated 12-nation Asia-Pacific trade deal including Australia and criticised US allies’ military contributions, would value highly the US relationship with Australia.
Ms Bishop met with former Congressman Mike Rogers, Donald Trump’s national security adviser, and the Democrat’s Jake Sullivan in Washington DC on Friday, discussing some of the challenges she thought the new Clinton or Trump administration would face.

Saturday 23 April 2016

When celebrities think that Australian law doesn't apply to them, there is a deep pit of humiliation awaiting

U.S. actor Johnny Depp has found out just how seriously Australia takes its own quarantine laws.

Before he and wife Amber Heard were forced to make an apology video, as part of a plea bargain for unlawfully smuggling two pet dogs into the country, he had obviously not given the matter even a passing thought.

Indeed, once out of the country he became quite defiant in the face of a possible heavy fine and/or gaol sentence for Amber.

The couple’s humbling by order of the court was probably all the more galling for their public relations team once it was realised that their apology video was to be used by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources as an educational tool (as well as being officially posted on Facebook) and that mainstream and social media were calling boss's performance cringeworthy.

This video is their real punishment. Every molecule of star quality has been violently yanked away from Depp and Heard here. They’re sullen and slumped. They’re badly lit and shot from an unflattering angle. Their delivery is ugly and monotone. In effect, the Australian government has done to the celebrity pair what it has already done to its cigarette packaging. It’s taken something seductive and dangerous, and made it look as awful as humanly possible. It’s going to be hard to bounce back from this one. [The Guardian, 18 April 2016]

Below is a fictitious behind-the-scenes take on the making of that video which openly laughs at the celebrity couple and the situation in which they found themselves.

Friday 12 February 2016

Setting the record straight on one of Tony Abbott's phantasies in 2016

Malcolm Turnbull’s first official visit to the U.S. since becoming Australian Prime Minister occurred this year. He met with President Barack Obama at the White House in Washington DC on 19 January 2016.

The occasion was attended by an obligatory White House press release and photo opportunities:

At the end of January sacked former prime minister Tony Abbott hotfooted it to Washington and then briefed News Corp to the effect that on 30 January he attended an exclusive banquet and had a private meeting with President Obama.

There was no official White House media release and the only photo opportunities with the president were outside the lunch venue and did not feature Abbott:

The casual shot above of lunch guests leaving the venue does show Tony Abbott at the top of the stairs, but the only other image that was offered to backup Tony Abbott's bae phantasy was file video of he and Peta Credlin wandering forlornly in what appears to be a park in the UK:

The real facts are that Tony Abbott attended a 100-seat lunch as a guest of one of the members of what is essentially a powerful old fogey’s group, the Alfalfa Club, which meets one day a year.

That club member was newspaper mogul Rupert Murdoch.

This year President Obama attended the lunch. Knowing the pattern of such gatherings it is safe to assume that Tony Abbott would have been lucky to speak with Obama for 10 minutes before the president’s skillful aides separated him from Abbott.

Abbott also attended the club’s annual dinner that night which Obama had politely declined to attend. Obama has only ever attended two of these annual dinners during his presidency.

When Abbott was finally sprung fibbing and it was revealed that there were no private meetings with Obama at that lunch, this was the response from a member of Tony's staff on 8 February 2016:

Mr Abbott was pleased to have the opportunity to speak with President Obama privately at a lunch on Saturday 30 January, 2016

It seem that he will not give up his pork pie without a fight.

NOTE: Photographs were found at The Guardian, The Malay Mail Online, Twitter, UPI, Sky News.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Well done, Bill Shorten!

This Cruz canard went all around the world  in January 2016:
U.S. presidential candidate Ted Cruz has claimed that Australia's 1996 firearms buyback led to a significant increase in sexual assaults on women - as the debate about gun control takes centre place in the race for the White House. Republican Senator Cruz, who is vying to win the top job, made the comments during an interview with American radio host Hugh Hewitt on January 12. And as you know, Hugh, after Australia did that, the rate of sexual assaults, the rate of rapes, went up significantly, because women were unable to defend themselves,' Cruz told the conservative radio host.
While Prime Minister Malcolm Bligh Turnbull didn’t utter a peep, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten put the record straight…………

Monday 28 October 2013

So why did Prime Minister Abbott phone President Obama?

Sometime during the evening of 11 September 2013 US President Barack Obama telephoned the then Australian Prime Minister-elect, Tony Abbott, and later his office circulated this media release:
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
September 12, 2013
Readout of the President’s Calls with Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Prime Minister-Elect Tony Abbott of Australia
The President called Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott last night to congratulate him and the Opposition Coalition for his success in the Australia federal election on September 7.  The President and Mr. Abbott discussed their grave concern about the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government, and the viability of the Russian proposal to put all Syrian chemical weapons and related materials fully under international control in order to ensure their verifiable and enforceable destruction.  The President and Prime Minister-elect discussed ways to further strengthen the U.S.-Australia alliance, including by implementing fully the force posture initiatives announced by the United States and Australia in November 2011.  They also discussed the importance of concluding the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations this year.
The President also called outgoing Prime Minister Rudd.  The President thanked Prime Minister Rudd for his friendship, leadership, and unflinching support of the U.S.-Australia relationship, as well as for his strong position on the Syrian regime’s use of chemical weapons on August 21.
Australian media also covered the courtesy call in detail.
However, I’ve yet to hear a word about a second telephone call which Tony Abbott disclosed during a telephone interview with The Washington Post conducted sometime between 20 to 24 October 2013:
He’s a very busy man, and I don’t want to make his life more complicated by demanding an early meeting. He was good enough to take a phone call from me after the election. I expect to visit the United States sometime next year.


Monday 21 October 2013

US Government-funded Australia Pacific LNG & Queensland Curtis projects at heart of American lawsuit to protect the Great Barrier Reef

For Immediate Release, October 7, 2013

Sarah Uhlemann, Center for Biological Diversity, + 1 (206) 327-2344
Teri Shore, Turtle Island Restoration Network, + 1 (707) 934-7081
Doug Norlen, Pacific Environment, + 1 (202) 465-1650

$5 Billion in U.S. Funding Threatens Endangered Sea Turtles, Dugongs

SAN FRANCISCO— Conservation groups amended an existing lawsuit today to challenge U.S. funding for a second fossil fuel production and transport facility located inside Australia’s Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. The U.S. Export-Import Bank has now committed nearly $5 billion in loans to support construction and operation of the two massive liquefied natural gas facilities. Located next to each other on Curtis Island near Gladstone in Queensland, the projects threaten sea turtles, dugongs and many other rare and protected marine species, as well as the world-famous Great Barrier Reef itself.

“The U.S. federal government shouldn’t be subsidizing the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef,” said Sarah Uhlemann, international program director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “These liquefied natural gas projects will be deadly to wildlife and will only serve to export our deeply unhealthy fossil fuel addiction.”

The Export-Import Bank, a U.S. federal agency that funds international projects to promote U.S. exports, provided a $3 billion loan in May 2012 for the Australia Pacific LNG project, and in December 2012, the bank loaned an additional $1.8 billion for the Queensland Curtis LNG project. Both are located on mostly undeveloped Curtis Island, near sea turtle nesting beaches, a national park and a community of families that live there year-round.

The Center for Biological Diversity, Turtle Island Restoration Network and Pacific Environment sued over the Australia Pacific project last December. Today’s filing amends that lawsuit to include the Queensland Curtis project.

"When I flew over Curtis Island recently I was shocked to see the devastation of the marine habitat and sediment plumes discoloring the coastal waters for miles," said Teri Shore, program director for Turtle Island Restoration Network. "I met concerned residents who are heartbroken over the number of dead sea turtles, dolphins and dugongs washing up on shore like never before due to the disruption and pollution from these massive fossil fuel projects."

Sea turtles, dugongs and their habitat in the Great Barrier Reef are threatened by both direct and indirect impacts of industrialization, such as dredging, vessel strikes, fuel and oil spills and water pollution. Ship strikes alone killed 45 turtles in Gladstone Harbor in the two years after LNG-project construction began, compared with an average of two a year in the past decade.

“Ex-Im Bank has a long history of committing billions of dollars in public financing to environmentally destructive projects abroad,” said Doug Norlen, policy director with Pacific Environment. “But funding two devastating fossil fuel projects in a world heritage area? It’s a new low.”

The two U.S.-funded projects will include drilling 16,000 coal-seam gas wells in interior Queensland using controversial “fracking” techniques, digging nearly 500 miles of gas pipelines, and constructing two separate natural gas processing facilities and export terminals. To provide access to sites, the projects require dredging a new shipping lane in the adjacent harbor and destruction of sensitive seagrass beds. Increased tanker traffic will eventually ship the fuel across the Great Barrier Reef to ports in Asia and around the world.

The Great Barrier Reef was given World Heritage status to preserve its remarkable natural beauty, coral reefs, and rare dugong and sea turtle habitat. The two liquid natural gas plants will be located within this World Heritage Area’s boundaries. UNESCO, the international body charged with overseeing implementation of the World Heritage Convention, expressed “extreme concern” over the projects’ impacts on the reef. In 2013 UNESCO threatened to add the reef to the “In Danger” list, a designation made when activities of a host country or outside entities threaten a world heritage area.

The lawsuit, originally filed in December 2012 in the Northern District of California and amended today, asserts violations of the U.S. Endangered Species Act and the National Historic Preservation Act, which implements American obligations under the World Heritage Convention. The case raises the unresolved legal issue of whether the Endangered Species Act applies to U.S. agency actions taken outside of U.S. borders.

District Court For The Northern District Of California: First Amended Complaint For Declaratory And Injunctive Relief can be read here.

Monday 15 July 2013

Howard and Switkowski allowed U.S. to commence spying on Telstra customers from 29 November 2001 onwards

Former Australian Prime Minister John Howard and former Telstra CEO and current Chancellor of RMIT University Dr Zygmunt "Ziggy" Switkowski have a lot to answer for - as do their respective cabinet ministers and telco chair and board members.

It is noted that Opposition Leader Tony Abbott was a cabinet minister in the Howard Government during the period in which this secret data collection and retention agreement was negotiated and signed, as was National Party Leader Warren TrussBoth men are standing at the forthcoming federal election.

Telstra’s current Chair, Catherine Livingstone, was also an independent non-executive director on the board at the time the agreement was negotiated and signed, whilst current CEO David Thodey was Group Managing Director of Telstra Mobiles in 2001 and was not appointed to the position of Group Managing Director Telstra Enterprise and Government until December 2002.

Telstra must reveal all on secret deal with FBI

The Greens have called on Telstra to immediately disclose details of a secret deal, revealed by Crikey today, which was struck 12 years ago to allow the FBI and US Department of Justice to monitor calls and data traffic via the company's undersea cables.
"Telstra, at the time majority owned and controlled by the Howard Government, struck a deal to allow 24/7 surveillance of calls going in and out of the United States, including calls made by Australians. The cables in question are operated by Telstra subsidiary Reach, which controls more than 40 major telecommunications cables in the region, including cables in and out of China and Australia," said Greens communications spokesperson Senator Scott Ludlam.
"While the current Australian Government recently pushed then abandoned a two-year mandatory data retention scheme, for more than a decade this secret deal with the United States compelled Telstra, Reach and PCCW to store all customer billing data for two years.
"The deal also compelled Telstra, Reach and PCWW to provide any stored communications and comply with preservation requests; to provide any stored meta-data, billing data or subscriber information about US customers; to ignore any foreign privacy laws that might lead to mandatory destruction of stored data; and to refuse information requests from other countries without permission from the United States.
"This secret deal also allowed FBI and US Department of Justice officials to conduct inspection visits of Telstra and Reach offices and infrastructure.
"This is an extraordinary breach of trust, invasion of privacy, and erosion of Australia's sovereignty," said Senator Ludlam.

Financial Review 13 May 2013:

The Coalition has approached former Telstra chief executive Ziggy Switkowski to be a director of NBN Co if it wins the election in another sign that it plans to shake up the board of the $37.4 billion broadband project.
The Australian Financial Review can reveal that opposition communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull has canvassed Mr Switkowski and other former Telstra executives to replace NBN co-directors as he prepares for negotiations with the telco.

On 9 July 2013 Public Intelligence posted a list of other telecommunications corporations known to have made similar agreements with the U.S. Government:

Corporate Parties
Government Parties
Download Link
Level 3 Communications, Inc.
September 26, 2011
AP TeleGuam Holdings, Inc.; AP TeleGuam Merger Sub, LLC
May 1, 2011
American Samoa Hawaii Cable, LLC; Samoa American Samoa Cable, LLC; American Samoa License, Inc.; and AST Telecom, LLC d/b/a Blue Sky Communications
February 2, 2011
(12.85 MB)
TerreStar Corporation; TerreStar Networks Inc.,
December 18, 2009
GU Holdings Inc.
September 21, 2009
American Samoa Hawaii Cable, LLC; AST Telecom, LLC
January 9, 2009
Inceptum 1 AS now known as Mobsat Holding Norway AS; Telenor Satellite Services AS successor to Telenor Broadband Services AS now known as Vizada AS; Telenor Satellite Services Holdings, Inc.; Mobsat Holding US, Inc. now known as Mobsat Holding US Corp; Telenor Satellite, Inc., now known as Vizada Satellite, Inc.; Telenor Satelltie Services, Inc. now known as Vizada, Inc.; GMPCS Personal Communications, Inc.; Marlink, Inc.; Telenor Secure Services, Inc. now known as Vizada Secure Services, Inc.; MindSparX, Inc.; Vizada Services Holding, Inc.; Vizada Services LLC
September 25, 2008
Horizon Mobile Communications, Inc.; SatCom Distribution, Inc.; SatCom Distribution Ltd.; and SatCom Group Holdings Plc
September 24, 2008
Inmarsat Global Limited; Inmarsat Hawaii Inc.
September 17, 2008
Reliance Communications Limited; Reliance Gateway Net Limited; FLAG Telecom Group Limited; FLAG Telecom Group Services; Yipes Holdings, Inc.; Yipes Enterprise Services, Inc.
November 30, 2007
Stratos Communications, Inc., previously MarineSat
Communications Network, Inc.; Stratos Mobile Networks LLC; Stratos Mobile Networks, Inc.; CIP Canada Investment Inc.
August 14, 2007
Global Crossing Limited, formerly known as GC Acquisition Limited; Singapore Technologies Telemedia Pte Ltd
February 1, 2007
Telenor Satellite Services AS; Telenor Satellite Services Holdings, Inc.; Telenor Satellite, Inc.; Telenor Satellite Services, Inc.; Inceptum 1 AS; Mobsat Holding US, Inc.; GMPCS Personal Communications, Inc.; Marlink, Inc.; Telenor Secure Services, Inc.; MindSparX, Inc.
March 5, 2007
Guam Cellular and Paging, Inc.; DoCoMo Guam Holdings, Inc.
October 13, 2006
América Móvil, S.A. de C.V.; Telecomunicaciones de Puerto Rico,
Cypress Communications Holding Company, Inc.; TechInvest Holding Company, Inc.; Arcapita Investment Management Limited; and Arcapita Bank B.S.C.(c)
DHS, DoJ, FBI, Treasury
June 17, 2005
TelCove, Inc.
June 15, 2005
VSNL America, Inc.; VSNL Telecommunications, Inc.; Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited
April 7, 2005
Telefonica Moviles, S.A.; TEM Puerto Rico, Inc.; NewComm Wireless Services, Inc.
May 14, 2004
Micronesian Telecommunications Corporation; Pacific Telecom, Inc.
October 6, 2003
Global Crossing Ltd.; GC Acquisition Limited; Singapore Technologies Telemedia Pte Ltd
September 23, 2003
XO Communications, Inc.
September 16, 2002
Telenor Satellite Services Holdings, Inc.; Telenor Satellite, Inc.; Telenor Satellite Services, Inc.; Telenor Broadband Services AS
November 29, 2001
Reach Ltd.; Telstra Corporation Limited; Pacific Century CyberWorks Limited
November 29, 2001
Mobile Satellite Ventures LLC; Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC; Motient Corporation; TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership
November 14, 2001
MarineSat Communications Network, Inc.; Stratos Mobile Networks LLC
August 7, 2001
Deutsche Telekom AG; Voicestream Wireless Corporation; Voicestream Wireless Holding Corporation
April 1, 2001
AT&T Corp.; British Telecommunications PLC; TNV BV; VLT Co. LLC; Violet License Co. LLC
October 7, 1999

American telco customers are fighting back through the courts - but has anyone in this country filed against the United States of America, Commonwealth of Australia and Telstra Corporation Limited yet?