Showing posts with label cats and dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats and dogs. Show all posts

Friday 11 December 2009

A Christmas Plea: Have you seen our Sam?

Have you seen Sam?

OUR beagle 'Sam', pictured above, went missing just north of Coffs in the floods at the beginning of November.

He is a little timid, loves to play chasie, loves his food, loves to lie on your bed, loves cuddles and children.

He is tan and white and is five years old. He is microchipped.

He is very much loved and missed. He is our baby - we have no children.

I plead to anyone who has him to please contact us on: 6656 2833.

Thank you so much for your help, I desperately want my little Sam back.

Forever in your debt,


Emerald Beach

[Letter to the Editor and photo in The Daily Examiner 10 December 2009]

Tuesday 10 November 2009

An environmentally friendly domestic cat and a dog promoting GMO Red List chocolate

Cadbury's Glass and a Half chocolate advertisement

The leafy cat and garden friends are quite colourful and innocuous. However, the poor dog is lumbered with not only promoting a company which won't guarantee that it will not use genetically modified ingredients in its products - the advertised chocolate is poisonous to all domestic dog breeds.

Thursday 13 August 2009

Moggy Musings [Archived material from Boy the Wonder Cat]

A fly in the sky musing: One slick English kitteh.
"My cat is awesome at catching flies. He will be laying down when an unsuspecting fly will buzzes past him, he simply plucks it out the air - admittedly when he lifts his paw up it flies away, but it's still impressive".
James Embleton of Peterborough commenting on a BBC online news website
Fatty flying home musing: Fatty an 10 yr old Staffie was found wandering in Yamba and after being missing from his original Sydney home for most of the last eight years was flown home by Rex Airlines in June 2009.
An Itty Bitty Kitty Committee musing: Out in the blogosphere they know how to promote kittehs needing homes. Good website, good work! Charlene Butterbean - I lurvs u...
Departed pet musing: The deddie word has raised its head in a blog. The Orstrahyun mentions hearing about a psychic who charges at least $100 an hour for speaking to departed pets and conveying messages.
Darryl thinks that all cats would say from the great beyond is "Feed me".
I don't think we would be less chatty than before - I'm sure we would also say "Let me in", "Let me out", "Just scratch behind my ear will you", "Why is the dog in my bed?", "Take it away - it's not up to my culinary standards"and "Is Malcolm Turnbull STILL moaning?"

Sunday 2 August 2009

Boy the Wonder Cat receives the ultimate Nigerian phishing scam?

This rather amusing email turned up in Boy the Wonder Cat's email inbox recently:

Good day,
This programme is awarded for all victims who were previously scammed by the internet fraudsters ,
The Financial Commitee of the UN-HABITAT Programme have deposited your Settlement Check Parcel of $500,000.00 USD with Reference Number UN013-0156/UPS-UN-HABITAT to the United Parcel Service of Nigeria(UPS)
You are to contact the United Parcel Service of Nigeria (UPS) with
your details for more information.
Tel: +234-7060-516-059
Accept Our regards.
Pathangery Latha
UN-HABITAT Senior Information Officer


Sunday 10 May 2009

The economy has gone to the dogs ...

Yes, things are pretty crook ...

but why do cats have to be so dramatic?

Click on image to enlarge
Source: Unknown