Friday 13 September 2013

Murdoch media's welfare recipient bashing comes undone

Document Type: Complaints
Outcome: Adjudications
Date: 5 Sep 2013

The Press Council has considered a complaint about an article “Welfare fraud costs us $78m” in The Advertiser and the adelaidenow website on 18 January 2013. The words “Single-parent women most likely to cheat” appeared above the headline. The first sentence said “South Australian welfare recipients have ripped off nearly $80 million from Centrelink in the past financial year and most of the fraudsters are women”.

After the article appeared, the Federal Department of Human Services (which had supplied some data for it) told the publication that fraud-related debt in South Australia in the past year had been about $2.5 million, not $78 million. The article was then removed from the website and a “clarification” was published in the newspaper on the following day.

Margaret Moir complained that the $78 million figure in the original article was “grossly inaccurate”. She said the subsequent clarification lacked prominence, especially given the prominence of the original article, the seriousness of the inaccuracy, and the linkage made with sole-parent women.

The publication acknowledged the mistakes but pointed to its action to correct them. It said page 2, where the clarification appeared, is one of the most read pages and is more prominent than page 5, where the original article appeared.

The Council’s Principles require publications to take reasonable steps to ensure that reports are accurate, fair and balanced. The Council has concluded that the inaccuracies arose from a failure to distinguish between the amount of overall debt and the small proportion of that amount which is due to fraud. They were aggravated by the inaccurate estimate of the share of the national debt total which was owed by South Australians. In addition, when stating how much the debt “costs us”, no account was taken of the fact that the department says most of it is being recovered.

The Council acknowledges there was some ambiguity in the way in which the department responded to the newspaper’s original request for information. In addition, two subsequent sentences in the article avoided to some extent the errors described above by saying that “welfare recipients in this state owe $78 million in fraudulently claimed and incorrectly overpaid benefits” and “only $43 million of this money is being recovered” by Centrelink from recipients. But they were not sufficiently clear and prominent to compensate for the serious errors in the headlines and first sentence.

Accordingly, the complaint on the ground of inaccuracy is upheld.

The Council’s Principles also require serious inaccuracies to be corrected promptly and with due prominence in order to neutralise, as far as possible, any damage caused by the original article. The Council concluded the “clarification”, while it may have addressed the Department’s concerns, did not effectively explain the errors for other readers. In addition, it should have been frankly headed as a “correction” and with words such as “welfare fraud” to help attract the attention of people who might have read the original article. It should have been positioned more prominently – for example, in the top half of page 2 (or any other page up to page 5, at the top of which the article itself had appeared). These aspects were especially important because of the link in the headlines between the alleged amount of fraud and the involvement of sole parent women.

Accordingly, the complaint about the “clarification” is upheld. The Council acknowledges, however, that the publication responded promptly when it became aware of the error, both by removing the article from its website and by publishing the “clarification” the following day in a genuine attempt to address the concerns which had been brought to its attention at that time.

Note (not required for publication by the newspaper):
The Council considered the publication’s online response. By swiftly removing the article from its website, it had ensured that the error did not continue. But readers who saw the original article online and did not see the clarification in print would not have been aware of the correction. The Council will consider specific standards for online corrections in order to address this type of problem.

This adjudication applies part of General Principle 1: “Publications should take reasonable steps to ensure reports are accurate, fair and balanced.”; General Principle 2: “Where it is established that a serious inaccuracy has been published, a publication should promptly correct the error, giving the correction due prominence”; and Note 2: “The Council interprets ‘due prominence’ as requiring the publication to ensure the retraction, clarification, correction, explanation or apology has the effect, as far as possible, of neutralising any damage arising from the original publication.”

What a difference that day made to Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott's opinion of the entitlements of an elected Opposition

Thursday 12 September 2013

Blicks River Guardians' Monster Fete & Family Fun Day, 9am to 3pm Saturday 14 September 2013


Blicks River Guardians will be holding a Monster Fete and Family Fun Day at Dundurrabin Community Centre on Saturday 14th September from 9am to 3pm.   We invite everyone to come out and visit our beautiful area and enjoy a great day.  There will be stalls selling home made goods, a variety of food and plenty of activities for all ages.

Come and find out more about the gold exploration by Anchor Resources - Blicks Project EL 8100 and EL 6465 – check out the maps and collect some handouts, talk to us about your thoughts on the expanded Anchor EL 8100 lease area approved in July 2013. As landowners and guardians of the Plateau we encourage locals to become informed about their legal and social rights in relation to mining interests.

The Blicks River Guardians is a sub-group of Dorrigo Environment Watch (DEW) and our focus is to raise awareness about the current gold and antimony exploration on the Blicks and Nymboida River catchments, both major tributaries of the Clarence River......

Visit our new Facebook page "Blicks River Guardians" where you can keep up to date with our activities. Coming soon ... more details on our webpage at  Please sign our petition to the NSW Legislative Council. The petition is also available on the BRG website - you can help by printing a copy, getting family and friends to sign and posting it back to us at the post office box on the form.

For more information email: [Excerpt from media release, 11 September 2013]

Three days after the federal election Prime Minister-elect Abbott began to lose control of the message

The Daily Telegraph 10 September 2013:

An all-out brawl has broken out within the Liberal Party over its performance in Western Sydney.
Federal Director of the Party, Brian Loughnane, has accused incoming senior minister Scott Morrison of backgrounding against the party's state director Mark Neeham.
Mr Loughnane questioned The Daily Telegraph yesterday on whether it was the immigration spokesman, Mr Morrison, who was backgrounding against Mr Neeham over the party's performance in Western Sydney.
He said whoever in the Liberal Party was backgrounding against Mr Neeham was "wide of the mark" and "If it's Scott Morrison? ..." he asked.
When asked why he believed Mr Morrison would background against Mr Neeham, Mr Loughnane said it was because Mr Morrison did not like Mr Neeham.
The Daily Telegraph then suggested it might call Mr Morrison, who is a former state party director, to which Mr Loughnane, who is married to Tony Abbott's chief of staff Peta Credlin, said that he was sure we already knew what Mr Morrison's views were.
His comments came after The Daily Telegraph reported Liberal Party disquiet about Mr Neeham's performance and the fact Liberal Party failed to win the seats of Greenway and Parramatta in the area where they did so well at the state election......
One aspect criticised has been the failure of the party to attempt to rescue the campaign of Greenway candidate Jaymes Diaz after he was caught on camera on the first day of the campaign as being unable to tell Tony Abbott's six-point plan on asylum seekers.
Respected party elder Senator Arthur Sinodinos has said the party should have got Mr Diaz "straight back on the horse", rather than hiding him.
The Daily Telegraph discovered yesterday that it was in fact the national office of the party, not Mr Neeham, who made the disastrous decision to hide Greenway candidate Jaymes Diaz away from the cameras......
There have been other accusations that the NSW head office was asleep in devising a strategy to do enough to warn voters about not confusing a vote for the Liberal Democrats in the Senate with a vote for the Liberal Party.
The factional blame game also continues within the party, with several MPs blaming Right factional powerbroker David Clarke for his decision to back and defend Jaymes Diaz as the candidate for Greenway.
One Clarke supporter questioned what option Mr Clarke had when Mr Diaz and his father controlled 80 per cent of branch members in the area....

The Sydney Morning Herald 11 September 2013:

Andrew Nguyen has claimed in an interview with Fairfax Media that Tony Abbott's campaign staff physically escorted him away from an appearance by the then opposition leader in Liverpool during the third week of the campaign.
"They told me Andrew please go home, you can't be here," Mr Nguyen said.
"I was given no reason, I was escorted to my car and they made sure I turned right towards my [Cabramatta] office and didn't turn to come back to Westfield shopping centre."
"We were treated like second-class citizens. Me, [Jaymes Diaz in] Greenway and [Martin Zaiter in] Paramatta.....
Mr Nguyen told Fairfax the man who escorted him was called "Justin".
"I would say Justin removed me. I looked like a criminal and he was a policeman removing me from there."
A local Liberal Party member active in the campaign confirmed to Fairfax it was Justin De Domenico, who had been assigned by Liberal head office to supervise in Fowler.
"I saw Justin take him away. It was all part of keeping candidates away from the media who they thought might embarrass them like Diaz," the source said....

Memo to the post-election Federal Labor Party

Kevin Rudd the individual may be a nice man in private life.
However, you have been down this route before with Kevin Rudd the member of parliament.
He resigns a parliamentary position within the party and moves to the backbench saying he will not make further public comment.
Then it starts  - the whisperings, unexplained leaks to the media and others, self-serving press releases at inopportune moments.
In your heart of hearts you know how it will end this time around.
So before it does......
Forcefully advise the willful, reckless and vengeful politician to either resign his seat or quit the party.
Send him back to private life and his loving family.

Note: I am not a member of any political party.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Today's Spot the Difference ... another in a series

If someone at APN doesn't soon lift their game and have the publisher subscribe to the non-budget version of Ginger Meggs "Spot the Difference" at NCV will provide contact details at The Daily Examiner and The Northern Star where readers can forward entries in the competition.
Today's hint: see yesterday's hint.

Today's Examiner and Northern Star

Credits: Thanks APN and gocomics

Coal seam gas miner Metgasco's share price not enthusiastically bouncing back with the change of federal government

This was the official line from coal seam gas exploration and mining company Metgasco Limited on the first trading day after the Coalition won federal government in Australia.

This is how investors responded overall by close of trading on 10 September.

The chart of daily prices over 1 year for security MEL

And this is a selection of shareholder opinions found at Hotcopper:

I was waiting in anticipation for an announcement today due to the Libs/Nats now holding power in the electorate of Page, at a state level and federally. The election result should have served as a green light (as they like to say) for the company to push its case and commit Ian Macfarlane to making gas production in the Northern Rivers priority. It was a prime opportunity for management to come out swinging with the protection of a political safety blanket in place.
Instead we had a defensive nothing announcement that a mate described as a "pretty depressing letter".
To essentially say that there might be something outside of Queensland next year, and that they'll get back to us about NSW in at least a year is absolute tripe. 

And you get no kudos from me for your had to be dragged kicking and screaming as it was to communicate with us. Disgusting display of poor leadership in my opinion, others are free to form their own opinion....

Once upon a time, when there were actually field operations at METGASCO, we critiqued the news is our right, and I recall and engaged in the positive, enthusiastic feedback and discussion, over several years, as our fortunes seemed to ebb and flow.
For those in the company who monitored these threads from time to time to now expect us to write something positive...for the bloody sake of it, after we have been treated so very badly is beyond comprehension.
But we should not be surprised. For some time now the manner of making decisions, and the reactive behaviour to what a proactive management might have handled better...not to forget the questionable recruitment of another board member, when METGASCO is essentially flying in a holding pattern is also frankly beyond comprehension.
It doesn't matter where you've come from, or what your credentials are; if you cannot translate those supposed skills and attributes into meaningful progress satisfactory to the majority of your shareholders then you need to go find a mirror and take a good, hard look into it.

The problem with Mel is its small and has no real influence. They should be running an advert saying we sacked 100 staff due to Barry.
Nonetheless the negligible impact the CSG issue had on the election result will be a plus for us suffering holders.   

We often wonder to ourselves why Metgasco has fancy offices in Sydney with fancy rents. It is a small struggling company and it has to watch every penny, full stop. It has offices in Casino, and the family sees no need for a massively struggling company to waste shareholder funds on indulging in fancy trappings in Sydney.
Perhaps when Metgasco's share price reaches a dollar may be the time to consider a Sydney presence, perhaps a small office in Botany or Matraville perhaps.
But at present it is a small struggling exploratory company that needs to conserve its funds in every way possible, and it cannot afford the indulgence of a Sydney presence.
All business should and must be carried out of Casino. The managers of the Meatworks live in Casino, the managers of the Richmond Dairy live in Casino, the managers of the Richmond Valley Council live in casino, so is it too much to ask the managers of Metgasco why they don't live and work in Casino?
The family has always only read the bottom line in the Profit and Loss Accounting Reports and is ill impressed by statements that a Sydney office is beneficial.
Expensive yes, but beneficial?? Beneficial for what, beneficial for whom???

Meanwhile the opinion of many communities across NSW and in the Northern Rivers remains the same.

On the evening of 11 September 2013 The Sydney Morning Herald reported that; The Australian share market has hit a five-year closing high, as a stream of positive Chinese and local economic data lifts investor spirits. However, Metgasco's share price fell again by -1.59%.