The journalist bellowing welfare wastelands neglected to mention that only 20 per cent of all people thought to be living with some form of disability actually receive a government payment/pension and, that 18.6 per cent of all those on a disability support pension only receive part-payment - many because they have some form of regular work.
The journalist also forgot to mention that 2.6 million Australians provide 24hr a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, unpaid care for partners/family members with a disability [FaHCSIA Annual Report 2012-13].
Given that historically 20 per cent of recipients are likely to exit the disability support pension each year because they die, that will potentially leave Abbott and Hockey with an unspecified amount of quarantined money remaining in notional accounts administered by the Dept. of Social Services.
If these two right-wing politicians are quick off the mark they should be able to grab around $60 million annually from the the disabled dead when they proceed with their vaguely foreshadowed amendments to legislation covering social security, disability and income management.
And that's the point of this whole mainstream media exercise isn't it - to soften the general public into uncomplainingly accepting that the Abbott Government intends to make the poor (both living and actively dying) pay for tax cuts/concessions promised to those comfortably off and downright wealthy voters.