Wednesday, 2 December 2009

It's raining toads, hallelujah?

I should've known better. For months I've been bragging to anyone that would listen that after a three-year war of attrition I had finally rid my yard of cane toads.
Then during that last big thunderstorm when the house guttering was full to overflowing - a bevy of adult cane toads launched themselves from the roof's edge onto my lawn.
A nine foot aerial dash to the ground and away into the flower beds.
Dammit! Where's that lewis gun?

Major Tom

A short verbal history of Hon. Tony 'rent a quote' Abbott

According to Open Australia, during the course of the former Howard Government Tony Abbott was; Minister for Health and Ageing (7 Oct 2003 to 3 Dec 2007), Leader of the House (19 Mar 2002 to 3 Dec 2007), Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations (26 Nov 2001 to 7 Oct 2003), Minister for Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business (30 Jan 2001 to 26 Nov 2001), Minister for Employment Services (21 Oct 1998 to 30 Jan 2001), Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs (11 Mar 1996 to 21 Oct 1998).
He then went on to become Shadow Minister for Families, Community Services, Indigenous Affairs and the Voluntary Sector (6 Dec 2007 to 22 Sep 2008) when the Liberal Party-Nationals Coalition lost government in the 2007 Australian federal election.

This is just a little reminder of the style of (often contradictory) political comment Mr. Abbott's mercurial nature will probably continue to give rise to now that he is Leader of the Opposition.

On July 24 Mr Abbott wrote an article explaining that Mr Turnbull seeking amendments and passing the ETS Bill was "his attempt to save the Coalition from a fight it can't win".
Nov 19, 2009 The Manly Daily

"He is actually managing it rather well," Mr Abbott said in response to Liberal criticism of Mr Turnbull's style.
Dec 1, 2009 The Australian

"No, I won't be challenging for the leadership," Mr Abbott told the Nine Network. "I think Malcolm Turnbull is a very substantial individual. We are very lucky to have him in public life."

"If there is no movement from the [Turnbull] bunker I'll be calling a spill for Monday morning," Mr Abbott said.
Nov 27, 2009 Daily Telegraph

On the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme; "We will seek to refer the legislation to [a Senate] committee for further scrutiny. If we cannot get the support for that course of action we will oppose the legislation in the Senate this week," he said.
Dec 1, 2009 BBC News

On the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme; "Opposing the legislation in the Senate could ultimately make poor policy even worse because the government could negotiate a deal with the Greens."

When Santamaria died in 1998, Abbott wrote an obituary in which he claimed that "the DLP is alive and well and living inside the Howard Government".
Nov 27, 2009 Brisbane Times

Liberal frontbencher Tony Abbott doesn't see what all the fuss is about. He says the Dutch have been coping with the same problem for centuries and seem to manage. Alexandra Kirk interviewing Tony Abbott on the subject of rising sea levels.
Oct 27, 2009 ABC The World Today

On reading the Koran; "I'm afraid I got about 70 pages in and I couldn't go any further because, at the risk of sounding a little monocultural, it struck me as the old testament on steroids..."
Aug 27,2009 ABC TV Q&A

"When I first came into parliament I was advised that the only response to the question: "do you support the leader?" is "of course I support the elected leader of the party". All parties have leadership issues from time to time, nothing excites journalists more so the usual questions are asked, the standard answers are given and the public draw their own conclusions. I doubt that it will ever be different and I'm not sure that it could or should be different."
Aug 8, 2008 Tony Abbott on his own website at

On Howard Government WorkChoices industrial relations law; "As someone frequently considered "too Catholic" on abortion, the accusation of being "not Catholic enough" on workplace justice was somewhat galling, especially since the Government's aim was to drive unemployment down and wages up. Not that moral kudos was the Government's principal objective. Apart from any intrinsic virtue, success in this area usually helps governments to be re-elected."
July 6, 2007 Tony Abbott on his own website at

Tony Abbott on interjecting during a speech by Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard; "Mr Speaker, I said that she was a liar and I withdraw that."
Mar 26, 2007 Hansard

On Kevin Rudd; "What a pathetic cop-out from the Leader of the Opposition! It is slippery, it is fake, but it is so typical of this man, who is the least experienced person ever to present himself for national leadership in this country. He has never even run a local council, let alone a national economy."
Aug 14, 2007 Hansard

On the abortion drug debate; "I certainly share the concerns that many people have about the number of abortions that are taking place in Australia today. We have something like 100,000 abortions a year, 25 per cent of all pregnancies end in abortion and even the most determined pro-choice advocates these days seem to be rightly concerned at the way that the abortion epidemic has developed."
Nov 1, 2004 ABC Radio AM

During the AWB-Oil for Food scandal; "Mr Speaker, I raise a point of order. Points of order are being used clearly by members opposite to completely corrupt this question time and to prevent ministers from quite properly answering the questions that they are asked. I really do think that, if the order of the House is to be maintained, these points of order need to be curtailed."
Feb 15, 2006 Hansard

Thirty-eight times in the last three years Hansard recorded Tony Abbott as; "Mr Abbott interjecting."
Feb 15, 2006 to 22 Oct, 2009 in Open Australia

One hundred and fifty-nine times in the last three years Hansard recorded Tony Abbott rising to his feet "on a point of order".
Feb 7, 2006 to Nov 24, 2009 in Open Australia

Tony Abbott gets kicked out of the House of Representatives twice in six months by the Speaker; "The member for Warringah will leave the chamber for one hour..."
Nov 11, 2008 and May 12 2009 Hansard in Open Australia

National's Kevin Hogan - rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief?

The National's candidate for the seat of Page at the next federal election is one Kevin Hogan.

Rather oddly no other bod's put their hand up to vie for this marginal electorate, which leaves me wondering if the Nats think the seat is unwinnable and Hogan is merely being run as a spoiler.

Kevin has been variously described as a small business operator, financial consultant, grazier and former high school teacher or deputy principal of St. Mary's High School, hailing from Clunes in the Northern Rivers region, or all of the above.

Little is known of Kevin on the coast and he will have to rack up the campaign miles if he's to become more than an unknown on the ballot paper in what may yet turn out to be a three-way contest between the major political parties.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

LOL: Tony Abbott just voted in as fourth Liberal Party leader in last two years

Looking forward to Christmas because.......

Dancing Santa from Animation Buddy

This November tweet set me wondering about Christmas:
Looking forward to Christmas, a time when all families behave like the Liberal Party. #spill

The other side of the coin: Usually I don't mind Christmas, don't love it but I tolerate it and look time to spending time with family.
Last year I asked Santa for a baby, I wrote a note and put it on our tree hoping that we may get some kind of Xmas miracle. It didn't happen......

And a final word from a satirical post at Glossy News:

Oh yes, Christmas is coming, just around the corner in fact. The Festive Season of Peace on Earth and Good Will to all Men.
So, are we all prepared for an evening’s visit from our local Church group’s carol singers? Mince pies and mulled wine at the ready, along with a handful of shiny silver coins for the collection tin?
Er – actually no – the Spirit of Xmas, under new E-USSR ‘Scrooge’ legislation and personal household security guidelines, has gone the way of the dinosaur and is deader than the Dodo.
While the sound of carol singers at the door at Christmas is as traditional as stuffing the ubiquitous turkey, since the Treaty of Lisbon has now been ratified and the Brussels bully boys can impose their totalitarian iron will, carollers will be banned from approaching private houses anywhere in the European community.
Householders across the UK are being provided with posters by local council jobsworths that warn carol singers will not be welcome this Christmas because many residents are ‘uncomfortable’ with having groups of strangers knocking at the door of their manky mangers – even if they are posing as Wise Men and bearing gifts of gold, frankenstein and myrrh (WTF is myrrh?).
The posters are to be affixed to windows or garden gates – or hung from a Pit Bull’s collar – informing carol singers that their unsolicited ‘cold call’ intrusion is an assault on privacy and constitutes an act of gross harassment – and further advises that they f*ck off sharpish-like and ply their joyful hymns and festive spirit elsewhere..........

Climate change: how Australia's oceans are faring

The CSIRO has released Marine Climate Change Impacts & Adaptation: Report Card Australia 2009.

Based on the science it is stated with confidence that ocean temperatures have become warmer since the first half of the 20th Century and are expected to become even warmer over our lifetime and beyond, there has been a thirty percent increase in hydrogen ion (acid) concentration in sea water over the last 250 years, sea levels rose 20cm between 1870 and 2004 and are expected to keep rising (with every centimetre of rise expected to take one metre of vulnerable land), ocean wave processes are becoming more variable in certain instances, coastal estuary habitat is starting to change and fish population spatial distribution is also altering, first observations of sea birds beginning to react to changes in temperature and food availability, the East Australian Current is becoming stronger while the Leeuwin Current on the other side of the continent appears to be weakening.
Climate change is happening now.

Report Card PDF download

That's not at house. THAT'S a house!

Largest house in Australia. Share accommodation. Owner seeking new tenants for right-wing suites.

Aussies are supposed to be living in the world's largest homes if all you're counting is floor space.
New homes are now averaging 214.6 square metres and free standing houses are coming in at a record average of 245 square metres.
So why are bathrooms and loos still so small in this country if living and sleeping areas are obviously getting bigger?