Friday 7 May 2010

Monsanto plays the smart@rse

I got the steely eye this month and a pointed reference to the need for 'somebody' to do a post on Monsanto to keep readers up to date and "Mr. Monsanto" on his/her toes - so here goes.

Some folk just can't help themselves - they have to try to go that one step too far.
This is Monsanto blogging last Tuesday mocking concerns about the environmental impact of GM seed varieties known as Roundup Ready; "It's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's SUPERWEED!"....And finally, what the heck is a superweed? Seriously, this term gets thrown around a lot, primarily in non-agriculture venues. I imagine pigweed standing tall with a red cape, refusing to die. Glyphosate may no longer be able to kill these weeds, but that by itself doesn't make them "superweeds." There was a time when glyphosate wasn't around, and guess what? These weeds existed....
The first resistant weed –horseweed – was discovered in Delaware in 2000. But, I guess the mainstream media has decided weed resistance is now in vogue."
Yep, that's right! It's perfectly fine that wild weeds are developing spontaneous genetic responses to Roundup and other glyphosate products used as part of genetically modified grain and cotton agriculture.
Something which was pointed out in late 2009 in a PNAS article concerning the dicot weed Palmer's Pigweed; "This occurrence of gene amplification as an herbicide resistance mechanism in a naturally occurring weed population is particularly significant because it could threaten the sustainable use of glyphosate-resistant crop technology."
Nothing we at Monsanto need to worry about! After all there are at least 18 glyphosate resistant varieties of weed globally, but other herbicide manufacturers are having similar problems so ours doesn't really count.
And even though the media has been reporting on 'superweeds' since news first got out between 1987 and 1996 we'll just pooh pooh all this attention, reset that ticking clock to 2000, ignore the fact that the we knew about the potential for herbicide resistance long before putting GM seed on the market, that our patented meddling has created almost one new resistant variety each year and pretend it's really all the farmer's fault anyway.
Oh, well done Monsanto!

* This post is part of North Coast Voices' effort to keep Monsanto's blog monitor (affectionately known as Mr. Monsanto) in long-term employment.

Thursday 6 May 2010

McDonald's Australia: Rubbishing Yamba


A letter to the editor in The Daily Examiner on 29 April 2010:

Rubbishing Yamba

HEATHER Lewis (The Daily Examiner letters, April 15) was mistaken when she attributed to me statements such as 'big numbers of school kids in Treelands Drive making a mess' and 'visitors wouldn't go there'.

Given Ms Lewis also remarks that she passes over some of my letters to the editor, these recent errors are hardly surprising. However, as Ms Lewis has raised the subject of 'making a mess' perhaps I should look at the propensity for McDonald's fast-food outlets to generate waste and become a focal point for branded litter.

Firstly, the McDonald's development application states that it intends to send certain trade waste into Yamba's sewer system with little more than a modern version of an in-ground concrete grease trap between itself and the sewerage treatment process (McDonald's Australia Limited, Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) March 2010, p.19). A matter which is of more than passing interest given the known limitations of the treatment plant, the fact that any plant upgrade is literally years away and McDonald's own figures suggest that it expects to sell thousands of cooked-on-premises items per average day.

Secondly, McDonald's is rather coy on the subject of its own in-house paper waste once this proposed 24-hour fast-food outlet is operational. It is likely that Australia-wide it creates approximately 20,816 tonnes of waste per annum with an estimated 26 per cent of this being paper/cardboard and only 40 per cent of total waste is possibly being recycled (Popai Sustainability 2008 & McDonald's Australia Ltd 2006). Grafton Regional Landfill currently accommodates approximately 7560 tonnes of commercial/industrial waste in fill per year (Clarence Valley Council, 2010) and another 24-hour McDonald's would potentially add up to somewhere between 17 to 30 tonnes of extra waste each year - or more in a worst case scenario in light of the fact that the company admits contaminated food packaging is unpopular with commercial recyclers.

Given this waste volume, one begins to wonder about any beneficial claims made by McDonald's in the development application.

Thirdly, litter is generated by McDonald's customers in considerable quantity. Clean Up Australia's own 2007/08 National Litter Index highlights the fact that in NSW McDonald's items made up over 14 per cent of all branded litter for that survey period, making it the leading branded litter found on footpaths and in gutters etc (

This despite McDonald's asserting for years that it has effective litter management in place.

In Britain in 2008/09 a two-day government contracted survey of 10 cities found that McDonald's items comprised approximately 29 per cent of all gutter litter share ( Again McDonald's was way ahead of any other branded fast-food litter. It would appear that McDonald's corporate legend should read 'In Litter We Trust'.

So along with further heavy traffic and peak period congestion along Treelands Drive, increased traffic on four residential roads, noise and odour issues in the vicinity of the store, possibly taking business from 'some local take-away food outlets' (SEE,pp. 22-42), and establishing a new focus for late night antisocial behaviour; it seems that Yamba can also expect an increase in the volume of street litter it experiences. All to enhance the interests of a businessman who does not live in the Clarence Valley and a foreign multinational which eventually repatriates most of its profit back to its head office overseas.

Elsewhere in the media there has been some talk of change for the better in relation to the McDonald's application. Now change in any town is inevitable, but such change should be sustainable, positive for the local economy, add to social cohesion and fill the expressed needs of the community generally. If proposed change does not meet these criteria it should be viewed with some suspicion.

In my opinion, McDonald's Australia does not attempt to do more than pay lip service to these four basic requirements - intent only on its own corporate imperatives. Imperatives which see it blithely state that the negative impacts of establishing a McDonald's in Yamba 'are restricted to a small percentage of the population', as though this makes those impacts of no consequence to the many local residents they may impinge upon (ibid,p.42).

As a resident in one of those streets which will feel the impact of council's decision I intend to fully exercise my rights as a local government elector and so strongly do I feel on this subject that, should Clarence Valley shire councillors continue their ever-growing list of disappointingly ill-conceived planning decisions and grant consent for the McDonald's development, this will necessarily inform how I fill out my ballot paper in 2012.


Well they can afford the water.....

Aunty ran with a story this week about a study which obviously hopes to find that people with higher incomes have leafy gardens:

"The University of Tasmania study aims to help urban landscapers design greener cities that satisfy their residents.

Findings from the three-year nationwide study will be used to plan leafier cities.

Professor James Kirkpatrick, who is leading the survey, says socio-economic status is the main influence on choice of garden.

"There was no relationship whatsoever between how close you were to your neighbours and what your garden was like, so quite dramatically different gardens can be right next door to each other," he said.

Professor Kirkpatrick says the tertiary-educated prefer leafy gardens, while bare turf was popular in gardens in poorer areas.

"It tends to be associated with income, the higher the income the higher the proportion of trees in front gardens, we found that for the whole of eastern Australian cities," he said."

The tertiary-educated have more aesthetically pleasing front yards? G'arn! Aside from the blindingly obvious fact that people with more money can afford to buy those leafy plants, pay increasingly hefty water bills and probably don't have physically demanding jobs and so aren't as bone-tired on their days off, all this study is telling me is that higher education gives life-long advantage.

The good professors collared $130,000 to prove that? And not for the first time either. Presumably there is more to this on-going study than Aunty has revealed so far. Otherwise taxpayers will have a right to feel browned-off.

Pic from Wall Jungle

Wednesday 5 May 2010

How to help our dolphins - join Australian east coast sighting network

The Dolphin Sighting Network is an opportunity for anyone to contribute directly to the research, appreciate and learn about dolphins and their environment. The DEAP Dolphin Sighting Network is an important initiative that will provide education and awareness throughout the community in addition to improving the understanding of the status and ecology of cetaceans along the Australian coastline.

It is an opportunity for you to help monitor the populations of dolphins in your local area or in areas where you are visiting. As we, the researchers, can not always be out observing the dolphins all along the coastline, we are appealing to the community for assistance. In doing so, you can help provide important information on the status and health of dolphins in your area.

Anyone can become a certified dolphin observer by attending one of our regular training workshops held between the Gold Coast, Queensland and Coffs Harbour, New South Wales. By becoming a certified dolphin observer, your reports will be contributing to the knowledge base of the dolphin populations from south east Queensland to central New South Wales. (Southern Cross University Dolphin Ecology & Acoustics Project)

Workshop Timetable

21st May Byron Bay
  • Byron Bay Community Centre (upstairs SCU room)
  • Byron Bay Community Centre (upstairs SCU room)

28th May Gold Coast

  • GECKO House – Currumbin 2-4pm
  • GECKO House – Currumbin 6-8pm
Book your attendance at a workshop - cost $25 individual, $60 family, group booking rate available.

Dolphin Sighting Network Workshop Booking Form

Kevvie H descends early into political hypocrisy in local letter

There are so many holes in the argument concerning climate change policy in this 1st May 2010 letter in The Daily Examiner that one has to wonder at the state of the candidate's grey cells.
For starters it would have been more illuminating if Kevin Hogan had actually mentioned the terms "climate change" or "emissions trading" - as it now stands many who don't closely follow the political debate will be left wondering exactly what is supposed to be triggering a double dissolution because the Coalition has given the Rudd Government so many to choose from!
Or was obscure what Hogan aimed for. Had he mentioned those terms readers might've immediately asked themselves; "Hey, didn't the Lib-Nats Coalition block the ETS legislation and don't they hold enough Senate seats to do that again?"
You're not letting Murray Lees ghost write are you Kevvie H?

Big mistake if you are. How many candidates has he failed to get up at Australian federal elections so far?
Or did you just crib from your fearless Coalition leader?

Teh Lettah:
Kevin Rudd's leadership
A FRIEND of mine a number of years ago use to admire two opposing politicians equally, Jeff Kennett and Paul Keating.
While he appreciated they were very different on the policy front, he viewed both men as leaders with conviction.This week has shown our current Prime Minister does not fall into this category.
How can a leader go from believing something is the 'greatest moral challenge of our generation ... and to delay would show cowardice', to six months later doing a back-flip on the issue.Every person in the country is entitled to the answer of this question: Why is he not prepared to go to a double dissolution election on something he supposedly feels so strongly and passionately about?
This, added to the him backing out of the mismanaged home insulation scheme, changing his policy on border control, (till the next election at least), shows the only thing Kevin Rudd seems to believe in, is the latest opinion poll on an issue.
KEVIN HOGAN, Nationals candidate for Page

Pic from the NSW Nats website

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Possum Comitatus tweets on that 3 May 2010 Newspoll & full poll results

Possum tweets on that Newspoll result - Coalition 51% and Labor 49% on a two party preferred basis.

Just food for thought before the ALP folks commit suicide or the Libs go out and order cases of Moet......
If anyone thinks that the ALP vote is 35% - Simon Crean territory - they're smoking crack. Newspoll - rogue.....
It's worth mentioning that in the 494 Newspolls, the ALP vote has only ever moved by 8 points or more 4 times. All rogue

Here is the full 3 May 2010 poll which appears to be rogue and an excerpt image:

Here is a February poll:

Click on images to enlarge

* I apologize for the there-and-gone-again stutter in publishing this post - one of the tables would not show (think I may have accidentally doubled up images). That full poll is now a PDF link.

Placing censorship of Australian Internet on the backburner is a feint not a backdown by Rudd Government

Remember John Howard's very carefully crafted weasel words in 1996 about the possibility of his Coalition government introducing a goods and services tax in Australia?
Howard introduced GST legislation hot on the heels of the 1998 federal election didn't he?
After introducing a GST policy cloaked in the mantle of taxation reform in the lead up to that election, it subsequently took him less than four month to get 17 GST bills through the House of Representatives.

Well Prime Minister Rudd and Communications Minister Conroy have further refined lying to the electorate in an election year by attempting to disguise ongoing policy by seemingly placing it on the backburner while continuing to progress the same outside of public scrutiny.

Rather unobtrusively Conroy has been dragging his feet on presenting the federal parliament with legislation introducing mandatory national ISP-level filtering of the Australian Internet - thus leaving the policy in play but not at the forefront of the national election debate.

Should Labor be returned to government the way is then open for Rudd's authoritarian right-wingers to claim that the people gave Labor a mandate to introduce this information technology censorship.
Presumably argued on the basis that a vote for Labor covered every single one of its policies, even those it was attempting to camouflage because of sustained opposition from a significant numbers of Internet users.

As for Conroy's assertions that policy consultation is transparent or that filter circumvention will not become an offence under law - well I'd take that with a grain of salt.

While his claim that the intention is merely to block unlawful content or content ACMA deems refused classification can be seen to be by all to be a flat out falsehood, given information in North Coast Voices on 5 March 2010 and Delimiter on 9 February 2010 concerning filtering of senators' Internet access. Websites ranging from an online gay newspaper to political comment in the mainstream media are currently filtered out.

Delimiter on the current censorhip debacle.