Sunday, 1 August 2010

Incontinent Victorians and other southerners brown off one Northern Rivers cane farmer

From The Daily Examiner letters to the editor on 27 July 2010:

Browned off

IF you'll excuse my language, I write to say that I am sick of the s**t and the p*ss. No, I don't refer to the election.
I refer to the travellers through our region - almost exclusively Victorians in my observation - who think it reasonable to come onto my property to take a pee and a poop. I am sick of the toilet paper along the side of the road, the disposable nappies and the doggie doo.
I am sick of people pulling onto a cane pad 150 metres off the highway, down a gravel country road, hidden behind large cane, within sight of a single farmhouse, without a public notice anywhere evident, who think it is reasonable to say: "Oh, we didn't realise this was private property."
Apparently you and your dogs can take a crap on any piece of public property in Victoria.
Ferry Park, Maclean, is five minutes one way from my place and within half-an-hour drive in the other direction you will have come through Grafton, South Grafton, Ulmarra, Brushgrove and Tyndale village.
I believe there is a website now which lists public conveniences all over the country.
Is there an epidemic of incontinence from Victoria?
Then of course there are the decent people who call in to ask if they might have a closer look at a piece of sugar cane - mostly southern New South Welshmen,South Australians and Tasmanians.
Happy to oblige and put on a bit of an act with the old fashioned cane knife.
I get four or five a year, but I imagine there are more who just pull up somewhere out of sight and steal a bit.
Because, yes, it is theft, and it is trespass, and it is public indecency.
My front paddock is no more open to public utility than their balcony or driveway at home - unless it could be considered an invitation, a mutual exchange of convenience when next we travel south - is the garden state facing a compost shortage?
So I have started a log, if you'll again pardon the pun, of the rego numbers of the dumpers and slashers, the overnighters and the light-fingered.


Are whaling nations slaughtering cetacean friends?

Young Humpack Whale in waters off the Clarence Coast July 2010
Photograph in the Clarence Valley Review

It is known that Japan's whaling fleet kills lactating female whales and their young in the Southern Ocean, but is this slaughter doing even more damage to cetacean social bonds?

Humpback whales form lasting bonds, the first baleen whales known to do so.

Individual female humpbacks reunite each summer to feed and swim alongside one another in the Gulf of St Lawrence, off Canada, scientists have found.

Toothed whales, such as sperm whales, associate with one another, but larger baleen whales, which filter their food, have been thought less social.

The finding raises the possibility that commercial whaling may have broken apart social groups of whales.....

The longest recorded friendships lasted six years, and always occurred between similar-aged females, and never between females and males. (BBC NEWS )

Mayne gets down and dirty in Senate seat fight

Senate hopeful Stephen Mayne was emailing this about last Tuesday:

"The gaming watchdog will investigate the presence of two teens on the gaming floor of an Altona North hotel part-owned by Liberal Senator Julia McGauran, after a complaint by rival Senate candidate Stephen Mayne.

Mr Mayne, an independent, said that two 15-year old girls in the gaming area at The Millers Inn last week. Senator McGauran is a part-owner of the pub, at which punters lost more than $12 million last financial year.

A spokesman for anti-gambling independent Senator Nick Xenophon, cited as a witness, said the girls were on the gaming floor for 10 minutes. Senator McGauran said it was 2.5 minutes."

2010 Election Campaign Day 16 - Political advertising

Can you find any legible authorisation on this official National Party campaign pic gracing candidate Kevin Hogan's Facebook page?

Nup, didn't think so.

Saturday, 31 July 2010

Details of all NSW North Coast candidates in the 2010 Federal Election

NSW North Coast Federal Electorates - the candidates, their details and positions on ballot papers.


1van LIESHOUT, Joan LiberalLocal Councillor

Phone (work): 07 5599 2385

2ELLIOT, Justine [incumbent]LaborMember of Parliament

Phone (work): 07 5523 4371

3HARTLEY, Matthew IndependentFilm Maker


4ROBINSON, David Australian DemocratsPoultry Farmer

PO Box 16

Phone (home): 0412 458 477
Phone (work): 0412 458 477
Mobile: 0412 458 477

5FAULKNER, Nic IndependentResearch Consultant

39 Fingal St

Mobile: 0488 404 882

6HUNTER, Alan The NationalsCompany Director

PO Box 1856

Phone (work): 13 0005 7200
Mobile: 0488 158 978

7BOYD, Julie IndependentEducational Consultant

PO Box 66

Phone (home): 0414 868 854
Mobile: 0414 868 854

8EBONO, Joe The GreensManager

Phone (work): 02 6684 2416

9HEGEDUS, Stephen M IndependentLawyer

PO Box 2253

Phone (work): 0428 665 955
Mobile: 0428 665 955


1JOHNSON, Jeff The GreensRenewable energy consultant

Phone (work): 0438 677 202
Mobile: 0438 677 202

2SAFFIN, Janelle [incumbent]LaborMember of Parliament

PO Box 139

Phone (home): 0418 664 001
Phone (work): 02 6621 9909
Mobile: 0418 664 001

3HOGAN, Kevin The NationalsConsultant

PO Box 50

Phone (work): 02 6622 4562

4SUMMERVILLE, Merle Desley IndependentClient Service Officer

157 Beech Tree Rd

Phone (home): 02 6667 1131
Mobile: 0427 671 131

5MELLAND, Julia Australian DemocratsBookkeeper

163 High St

Mobile: 0431 357 585

6BEHN, Doug IndependentMotor Mechanic

12 Flame St

Phone (home): 0412 123 421
Phone (work): 02 6682 5399
Mobile: 0412 123 421


1SEKFY, Paul LaborCommunity Worker

Phone (work): 0419 440 065
Mobile: 0419 440 065

2KING, Dominic The GreensTeacher
3ARKAN, John Singh IndependentCoffs Harbour City Councillor

Phone (home): 02 6654 7673
Phone (work): 02 6654 7673
Mobile: 0418 465 930

4LIONS, Deborah A J Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)Mngr house emergency acc.& stdnt

Mobile: 0431 603 848

5HARTSUYKER, Luke [incumbent]The NationalsMember of Parliament

PO Box 2056

Phone (work): 02 6652 6233


1OAKESHOTT, Robert [incumbent]IndependentMember of Parliament

PO Box 330

Phone (work): 02 6552 4780

2LIPS, Frederik LaborMedical Practitioner

Phone (work): 02 6584 5988

3GILLESPIE, David The NationalsSpecialist Physician

PO Box 2011

Mobile: 0488 628 701

4WRIGHT, Barry IndependentRetired
5OXENFORD, Ian The GreensRetired

9 Loganvale Pl

Phone (home): 02 6559 4834
Phone (work): 02 6559 4834
Mobile: 0409 594 834

All Australian electorate details here.

Betting odds for political candidates on the NSW North Coast - then and now

Whether you believe that where the money goes indicates voter intentions or not, it is interesting to note that betting on Day 14 of the 2010 federal election campaign on 30 July 2010 was going Labor's way on the NSW North Coast in much the same way as it was going Labor's way on Day 39 of the 2007 federal election campaign on 21 November 2007.
Even in Cowper and Lyne (which did not fall to Labor in 2007) recent betting is running along the lines of the final result in the last federal election. #


Sportingbet at 3.23pm 21 November 2007 (from North Coast Voices archives).

Janelle Saffin (ALP) $1.53
Chris Gulaptis (NATS) $2.35

Justine Elliot (ALP) $1.80
Sue Page (NATS) $6.00

Not found but Centrebet has Luke Hartsuyker at 1.41 and Paul Sekfy at 2.70


Sportingbet at 9.30am 30 July 2010.

Janelle Saffin (ALP) 1.45 [Sportsbet 1.35] [Centrebet 1.42] [BetFair 1.26]
Kevin Hogan (NATS) 2.55 [Sportsbet 2.55] [Centrebet 2.63] [Betfair 1.11]
Any Other Party not listed [Sportsbet 26.00] [Centrebet 81.00] [Betfair 2.00]
Greens not listed [Centrebet 21.00]

Justine Elliott (ALP) not listed [Sportsbet 1.02]
Alan Hunter/Joan van Lieshout (NATS/LIB) not listed [Sportsbet 5.50]
Any Other Party not listed [Sportsbet 101.00]

Luke Hartsuyker (NATS) not listed [Sportsbet 1.50] [Centrebet 1.38]
Paul Sekfy (ALP) not listed [Sportsbet 2.00] [Centrebet 2.78]
Any Other Party [Sportsbet 34.00]
Greens not listed [Centrebet 31.00]

Any Other Party not listed [Sportsbet 1.50] [Centrebet 101.00]
Australian Labor Party not listed [Sportingbet 7.50] [Centrebet 21.00]
Coalition not listed [Sportsbet 13.00] [Centrebet 11.00]
Independent Oakeshott not listed [Centrebet 1.01]

# As not all online betting websites have all electorates posted yet it is not possible to do a direct comparison.

Classic Abbott or How to tie yourself in knots on the campaign trail

Part of a 26th July 2010 7.30 Report interview over at Aunty ABC on the subject of Australia's immigration policy:

KERRY O'BRIEN: Now let's talk about immigration, which you've put further on the map in this campaign at the weekend and where you've been accused of being tricky. Isn't it true that the peak immigration figure of 300,000 in 2008, the calendar year 2008, the first year of the Rudd Government, that you've described as unsustainable, was actually achieved under the immigration policy of the Howard Government?

TONY ABBOTT: But the government that was in charge was the Rudd-Gillard Government, and the following year, 2009, we had 277,000 people come in, and what I'm proposing is that the immigration intake has to be sustainable, that's why I've proposed a maximum of 170,000. And I'm being honest and upfront about this, Kerry. Julia Gillard tried to have a population discussion last week without being fair dinkum with us. She tried to pretend that you could discuss population without also discussing immigration. She wouldn't tell us what she wanted to do with immigration, and I challenge her to specify a figure.

KERRY O'BRIEN: Well, you said last Saturday that immigration in the last year of the Howard Government was actually 200,000, - was about, I think you said, 200,000.

TONY ABBOTT: In the last seven quarters of the Howard Government.

KERRY O'BRIEN: The last seven quarters was 200,000?

TONY ABBOTT: Well, I think it was about 210,000 in the last seven quarters of the Howard Government.

KERRY O'BRIEN: Well according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, it was actually 244,000 for the calendar year in 2007 and rising. Correct? And the Howard Government was in office for 11 of those 12 months.

TONY ABBOTT: I'm not disputing your figures, Kerry, but circumstances have changed. Australia's cities are choking on their own traffic. We were booming in the Howard years. We have gone through a global financial crisis. There has been an economic slowdown since then. The public no longer support immigration the way they did under the Howard Government. We've got to rebuild support for the immigration program, as happened under John Howard. The Australian Government has gotta be in charge and the program has got to be in Australia's national interest and the public have gotta perceive it that way.

KERRY O'BRIEN: But isn't it also true that the immigration figures have already come down sharply from that peak of 300,000, a peak of 300,000 under Howard policies and will keep falling sharply in the next couple of years, probably below 150,000, no matter who is running the government?

TONY ABBOTT: Well, I don't know what's gonna happen under Julia Gillard's policy because she hasn't told us what her policy is. I've told you what my position is. It will come down to under 170,000 in the first term of a Coalition government.

KERRY O'BRIEN: But let's just nail this down, because even if Julia Gillard doesn't change her policy one iota, and they have already changed the policy with regard to intakes of students coming in, they've tightened up rorts that first developed under the Howard Government - and again, I'm sure you'll be honest enough to acknowledge that; they've tightened up rorts so there will be fewer students coming in, looking and assuming that they will get permanent residency. But even if she does absolutely nothing more, isn't it true that immigration will continue to come down sharply in the next two years?

TONY ABBOTT: Well there's a private sector forecast out, but there's no government forecast out, there are no government figures out and that same private sector forecast says it will be back to 250,000 in 2015 under the policies of the current government.

KERRY O'BRIEN: That's five years from now. But according to Immigration Department, net migration into Australia for the financial year just ended, is down to be between 230,000 and 250,000 from that 300,000 figure. According to the BIS Shrapnel report that you've just referred to, net migration down to 175,000 by June next year, 145,000 the following year. So it seems your new migration policy is already - is going to happen anyway, no matter who's in government?

TONY ABBOTT: Well if that's the case, why didn't Julia Gillard tell us this last week when she tried to have a conversation about population, but dishonestly pretended that population had nothing to do with immigration, even though two-thirds of our population increase is via immigration?

KERRY O'BRIEN: But are you prepared to acknowledge that these figures make clear that your policy will make no difference to the figures coming down over the next two years?

TONY ABBOTT: Well, last time I looked, Kerry, BIS Shrapnel don't set immigration policy. It's the Government that should set immigration policy. Under any government that I lead, the Government will clearly be in charge. The numbers'll be set firmly in Australia's national interest, it will be sustainable and there'll be a maximum of 170,000 in the first term of a Coalition government.