Friday 10 February 2012

Preview of Granny Herald's changes to banner and editorial policy?

Dan Ilic provides a laugh with this alternative front page for the Fairfax media's flagship - The Sydney Mining Herald 
Click on page to grow the joke

Thursday 9 February 2012

Please support the Ballina to Darwin charity ride by 'Pelicans On Posties' as they pass through your district

Press Release

‘Pelicans On Posties’ (POPS)

To be Held at Biala Special School on Friday 10th February 2012 commencing at 2.30 pm

The big idea is to ride genuine postie bikes from Ballina NSW (20km south of Byron Bay) to Darwin in time for the Darwin Cup, raising money for Biala Special School, Ballina and the Royal Flying Doctor Service on the way. The idea began the same way most great Australian ideas do, over a few beers at the pub. Most years a few friends will get together and go out west for some occasion be it the Birdsville races, a charity event like the Endeavour rally or the Variety Bash, ideas were being exhausted. This year they decided to go one better, they were sick of cars and so opted for postie bikes. Darwin is far enough away to be an adventure and a half and they chose their own worthy causes to fundraise for. It was big. So crazy many people said they’d never do it, crazy enough that it just might work.

After they talked about it for a while (without really doing anything) the daughter of one of the main architects of this grand plan, sent off a magnificently worded email to Honda – the manufacturers of the postie bike. Honda replied: they were in! That was almost unexpected. Everyone was so happy and it was now really time to get the show on the road. Old friends, the motorbike enthusiasts, were called. New friends were made. The respective causes were contacted. The ball was rolling.

One of the more challenging things was finding the postie bikes. Honda makes the postie bike model exclusively for Australia Post. Therefore you cannot purchase a new postie bike. When Australia Post is done with the bikes they are auctioned. They are a much sort after bike for beginner riders. The search was on; it was almost a race for each pelican to obtain a genuine postie bike.

Finding a bike was only half the battle for each pelican, they all are required to have a current rider licence. Many could ride a motorbike but not everyone was licenced to do that on a road. The process to get a licence is not that simple: To get your L’s you are required to take two half day courses, usually over a weekend. There is great demand for these courses and the waiting period can be over a month. Upon passing the course you are given a certificate of competency to take with you when you go to do your computer test of the road rules at the RTA, this test is a very educational experience, learning all the road rules you have forgotten or didn’t know existed. Once you pass that you get you L’s.

Meanwhile a support team was forming, family, friends and the wonderful people from Biala. Together with the Pelicans they managed to do all the little things that put the event together: other sponsors were contacted, such as Caltex; posters were made; raffle tickets were sold; sausage sizzles were had; social networking was established; websites were created; the itinerary was drawn up; accommodation was organised.

It is important to note that the ‘Pelicans’ are all of the riders and their support team that is travelling by road to Darwin with them. This team is especially important, without them all of the postie bikes, and their riders will surely not make it to Darwin. This team includes a red 1960’s convertible Mustang – the pride and joy of the Shaws Bay Hotel (Pelican headquarters) publican.

We are well on our way to organising a stellar event, all the help and support we can muster the better it will be. Your support would be most welcome in our grand plan to help others.

You are invited and encouraged to attend the official launch of the event which is taking place at Biala Special School on Friday 10th February at 2.30 pm.  All available Pelicans - with their postie bikes, sponsors and beneficiaries will be present.  The event will be attended and officially launched by
Janelle Saffin MP Federal Member for Page


For more information/to check out what we are doing/to offer your support:
Website: – Going Live On The 10th February after the official launch!!
Phone: Biala on 02 6686 4763

Cansdellgate: NSW Opposition asking questions

ABC North Coast Radio
reported this morning:

Five months after former Clarence MP Steve Cansdell confessed to signing a false statutory declaration he is yet to be charged.

The NSW Opposition's spokesman for Police, Nathan Rees, is asking why an investigation of the former state member for Clarence continues to drag on, five months after a public confession.

Steve Cansdell resigned last September, after admitting to signing a false statutory declaration to avoid a speeding fine and keep his licence.

The former Nationals' MP faces a possible prison term if charged over the offence, and Police Media says inquiries are continuing.

Nathan Rees says questions need to be answered.

"I'm more than happy to allow the usual processes to take their course, whether it's this case or any other usually," he says.

"But this has been going on for some months now and even people in the government have been raising questions about this privately and want some finality to the issue.

"I consider Steve Cansdell a pretty straight-up-and-down fellow, and certainly his outright confession at the start is consistent with the man I know, but it does raise issues subsequently when neither the police nor the Attorney General have seen fit to make a determination on what is an issue that I'm sure would bring Mr Cansdell some closure and indeed the community."

Source: ABC North Coast Radio

Senator Di Natale sends out an email with bite

Bring dental care into Medicare

Dear friend,

Millions of Australians can't afford to see a dentist. This year, we're going to change that.

Before I came here to represent Victoria in Parliament, I worked as a doctor. Every day, I saw proof that Australia's oral health is in crisis.

More than 60,000 avoidable hospital visits are caused by untreated dental problems every year – along with thousands more visits to the GP. We know why: one in three people say they can't afford to go to the dentist, or delay going to the dentist because of the cost. Low income earners, Indigenous people and those who live outside major cities are by far the hardest hit.

We can change this.

The Greens have a plan to bring dental care into Medicare, starting with those who need it most. Our plan is ready to go for this year's Budget – will you join us to get it passed?

It's already picking up speed. My office has been flooded with calls backing our Denticare plan.

Thanks to our agreement with the Government, an expert committee has been appointed to advise on dental health and options for the Budget – and they're due to report back any day now.

Just last week, even Tony Abbott came on board and said that he 'aspired' to include dental care in Medicare. While his 'aspiration' won’t get us there, it’s a sign that all sides of politics now recognise the need to solve Australia’s dental crisis.

There's excitement across the board for this vital reform – but there's a difference between excitement and funding. To get it started in this year's Budget, we need to convince the Treasurer with a massive show of public support.

That's why I'm launching our nationwide campaign for Denticare today by calling on Treasurer Swan to make dental care a priority in this year's Budget.

To kick off our big push – will you join our call to the Treasurer?

Let's turn the momentum behind this idea into action. Join the call and be part of it from the start.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Di Natale

Greens Senator for Victoria & Health Spokesperson

P.S. An estimated half a million people are on waiting lists for public dental care – some of them have been waiting for more than 5 years. This year's Budget is our chance to end the wait – join our call today.

One reason not to act the goat at Australian international airports

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Australian Consumer Law and You

From the Australian Consumer Law website:

1 January 2011 the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) commenced.

The ACL includes:
  • ·    a new, national unfair contract terms law covering standard form contracts;
  • ·    a new, national law guaranteeing consumer rights when buying goods and services, which replaces existing laws on conditions and warranties;
  • ·     a new, national product safety law and enforcement system;
  • ·     a new, national law for unsolicited consumer agreements, which replaces existing State and Territory laws on door-to-door sales and other direct marketing;
  • ·     simple national rules for lay-by agreements; and
  • ·     new penalties, enforcement powers and consumer redress options, which currently apply nationally.
The ACL applies nationally and in all States and Territories, and to all Australian businesses. For transactions that occurred up to 31 December 2010, the previous national, State and Territory consumer laws will continue to apply.
The ACL is a cooperative reform of the Australian Government and the States and Territories, through the Ministerial Council on Consumer Affairs (MCCA). An Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) [PDF 217KB] [RTF 236KB] signed by the Council of Australian Governments underpins the establishment of the ACL……
The full text of the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) is set out in Schedule 2 of the
Competition and Consumer Act 2010 which is the new name of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (TPA).

US Presidential Election 2012: politicians as enemy combatents

Barack and Romney begin change direction and focus on each other in the lead up to what smart money sees as the inevitable U.S. presidential race face-off....................

December 2011



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February 2012


Mitt Romney One term. One message. We’re holding @BarackObama accountable: #OneTermFund

Obama and Biden:

The Two-Term Fund 

Mitt Romney's campaign just launched his One-Term Fund with a million-dollar goal.

Here's why, in Mitt Romney's words: "We must not forget what this election is really about: defeating Barack Obama."
Don't let that happen. Make a donation today.
More than 59,139 people
Have donated $2,309,209 toward our $2 million goal
Romney One-Term Fund: About $980,000 as of 12:20 p.m. ET Thursday