Thursday 23 August 2012

Looking back with hollow laughter as Bazza's razor gang wields the blade on NSW North Coast communities

As around 150 former Grafton public servants ponder their futures, Clarence Valley voters might recall this....

The Daily Examiner on 15th October 2004
“THE State Opposition yesterday called on the Carr Government to guarantee the jobs of Grafton jail staff.
Opposition justice and emergency services spokesman Andrew Humpherson voiced concern for jail jobs during a visit to the correctional centre with the Nationals Member for Clarence Steve Cansdell.”

The Daily Examiner on 26th December 2006

"PUBLIC sector jobs in regional areas will be safe under NSW Opposition Leader Peter Debnam's plans to trim down the Labor Government's 'bureaucratic empire', says Clarence MP Steve Cansdell.
Mr Cansdell made the promise after hearing Clarence Labor candidate Mark Kingsley's criticisms of the State Opposition's plans to cut thousands of NSW public service jobs."

Wednesday 22 August 2012

The very predictable Andrew Baker tells Clarence Valley something it already knew - he has more hide than Jessie

Clarence Valley local government election candidate, hotelier, real estate agent and land developer, Andrew Baker’s virtuoso performance as he massages voters to accept the proposition that he should be elected to what is the largest single economic unit in the valley, despite the fact that he is a director of not one but two failed local corporations which appear to have gone into receivership owing millions…..

The Daily Examiner on 22nd August 2012: “MACLEAN developer and council candidate Andrew Baker was heartened by the reaction to a difficult announcement he made at the candidates forum on Monday night.
In fact, it has inspired him to stay in the race for council.”

Australians prove that they are sensible souls at heart

The Canberra Times,12 August 2012:

Only 5029 people have joined the federal government's controversial $466 million eHealth system since it was launched on July 1.

That means that despite the misleading advertising, there are at least 18 million other Australians who still recognise the intrusive nature of and digital security flaws in this federal Government attempt to grow a poorly designed national data base of information about them and their families.

A little bit of Tony in the air

Tuesday 21 August 2012

More jobs to go - this time at Lismore

9 News on 21st August 2012:
“Telstra's decision to axe jobs at its customer service centre in Lismore is devastating, the city's mayor says….
Ms Dowell said she had been personally assured that jobs in her city were safe after Telstra closed its Grafton call centre in 2011.
Most Lismore locals would know someone affected by the job losses, she said.
"I understand that at this call centre there are couples, a husband and wife who will both lose their jobs," she said.
"The ripple effect of this is huge."
So far Nats MP for Lismore Thomas George is keeping mum on the subject of 116 local jobs being flushed down the drain by a telco whose "net income climbed to $3.41 billion in the year to June 30".

Worried about mining in the Clarence River Catchment? Then read this before voting in the Clarence Valley Local Government Election 2012

Paul Parkinson, a candidate in the Clarence Valley Local Government Election 2012 apparently taking a pro-mining stance when he was a Kempsey shire councillor.

17-18 MARCH 1999

Howard as G-G? Over my dead body!

Little Godwin Grech – you known the right-wing leaning ex-Treasury bureaucrat who while on the job faked that email for the political benefit of the Opposition in 2009 and was brought undone by a Senate inquiry – well he is (a) writing for Granny Herald and (b) laying the groundwork for one of his alleged fellow-conspirators to make John Winston Howard Australia’s next Governor-General.
Jackboot Johnny as G-G? no and no and no and No and NOOOO!