Saturday 5 October 2013

The facts about the O'Farrell Government's October 2013 announcements as they relate to coal seam gas exploration and mining on the NSW North Coast

CSG exclusion zones are in force from 4 October 2013 for existing residential areas and areas zoned as villages across the state, and the North West and South West Growth Centres of Sydney.....
The CSG exclusion zones prohibit new coal seam gas exploration and development in and within a 2 kilometre buffer around existing residential and village areas in all 152 councils across the state, and the North West and South West Growth Centres of Sydney. [NSW Dept. of Planning & Infrastructure,4 October 2013]

More than 250,000 hectares in the Mid and Far North Coast regions have been identified as high-quality farmland as part of Government initiatives released today to better protect agricultural land from mining and coal seam gas (CSG) projects. [Minister for Planning & Infrastructure and Minister for Primary Industries,joint media release,4 October2013]

Pipelines associated with CSG development will also be prohibited within the exclusion zones, but are permitted within the two kilometre buffer zone, subject to development approval. [NSW Strategic Land Use Policy,FAQ sheet,October 2013]

Existing coal seam gas pilot/test and production wells in exclusion zones and within the 2km buffer zones are not affected by this announcement and, presumably any existing tenements which are under active exploration are also exempt from these provisions. It is also possible that current exploration licences per se may be exempt from these exclusion and buffer provisions.

High quality Northern Rivers agricultural land is not automatically exempt from coal seam gas exploration and mining – it must be assessed by the gateway panel against any proposed coal seam gas development application. This panel does not have the power to reject any development proposal and can only recommend further studies or modifications to the application under consideration.

Legislation has been drafted which makes it mandatory that the estimated economic significance to the state is to take precedence over environmental, agricultural or social considerations when a coal seam gas development application is being considered. 

No Northern Rivers agricultural land appears to be is within an identified critical industry cluster.

A limited amount of land on the NSW North Coast has been identified as subject to exclusion zones, as it has been classified by the NSW Government as future residential growth land.

None of the smallest rural villages appear to be formally in exclusion zones at this stage (with the exception of part of Goonengerry in Byron Local Government Area found to meet village criteria for exemption) and State Environmental Planning Policy (Mining, Petroleum Production and Extractive Industries) Amendment (Coal Seam Gas) 2013 is yet to passed by the NSW Parliament.

Metgasco Limited’s plans for an estimated 1,000 gas wells in the Casino district may be affected by these recent NSW Government announcements. This exploration, mining and production company has itself revised down its gas reserve potential by 20 per cent in anticipation of new legislation and industry regulations.

Whether the company's attempt in the Casino area to classify tight gas (which is highly likely to require fracking) as conventional gas survives scrutiny, should one or more local residents take any development consent to court, remains to be seen.

Metgasco’s ordinary share price has never fully recovered from the combined effects of the market’s knowledge of widespread community opposition to its commercial plan for the region, its cessation of mining activity and loss this year of yet another potential farm-in partner. 

Laughing at Abbott supporters

* Found on Twitter

Yamba Triathlon Festival, Friday 11 to Sunday 13 October 2013 - Event Schedule & Road Closures


The running of the Yamba Triathlon Festival by Elite Energy Pty Ltd will take place on Friday 11th, Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th October 2013 along River St, Wolli St, Yamba Rd, Angourie Rd, Deering St, Lakes Boulevard. The event will also affect access to the car park at Ford Park and the Whiting Beach car park and boat ramp. Residents will be given access to affected roads at the discretion of an Authorised Traffic Controller when it is safe to do so.

During this event, some roads will be affected by Road Closures and changed traffic conditions for short periods. These roads include:

Car Park Closures

Whiting Beach Car Park & Boat Ramp between 8:00 am Friday 11th till 6:00 pm Saturday 12th October.
Ford Park Car Park between 8:00 am Thurdsay 10th till 6:00 pm Sunday 13th October.

Road Closures

River St between the Ford Park Car Park and Wolli St from 6:00 am to 11:00 am Saturday 12th and 6:30 am to 2:00 pm Sunday 13th October.
Wolli St, between River St and Claude St from 7:00 am to 11:00 am Saturday 12th and 6:45 am to 2:00 pm Sunday 13th October.

Interruptions to Traffic Flow

Traffic Controllers will be located along the course and will make every attempt to ensure there is minimal interruption to traffic flow.

We acknowledge the local community for their support of the event that will highlight Yamba to a wide audience, provide an economic boost for local business and employment. We thank you in advance for your patience with regard to change traffic conditions and will endeavour to limit interruptions where possible.

For further details contact 4423 7775 during business hours.

Registration Opens - 1000m Ocean Classic Swim
Registration Marquee - Ford Park, Yamba
Registration Closes - 1000m Ocean Classic Swim
Registration Marquee - Ford Park, Yamba
Race Briefing - 1000m Ocean Classic Swim
Transition - Ford Park, Yamba
Yamba Bay
Optional Registration Opens - All Events
Shores Tavern, 64 The Mainbrace, Yamba
Optional Registration Closes - All Events
Shores Tavern, 64 The Mainbrace, Yamba
Ocean Swim Presentation & Welcome Dinner
Shores Tavern, 64 The Mainbrace, Yamba
Registration/Transition Opens - Sprint Triathlon (inc Junior Series 16-19yrs)
Registration Marquee - Ford Park, Yamba
Registration/Transition Closes - Sprint Triathlon (inc Junior Series 16-19yrs)
Registration Marquee - Ford Park, Yamba
Lifestyle Expo Opens
Ford Park, Yamba
Race Briefing - Sprint Triathlon (inc Junior Series 16-19yrs)
Transition - Ford Park, Yamba
Yamba Bay
Registration/Transition Opens - Enticer Triathlon (inc Junior series 12-15 yrs)
Registration Marquee - Ford Park, Yamba
Registration/Transition Closes - Enticer Triathlon (inc Junior series 12-15 yrs)
Registration Marquee - Ford Park, Yamba
Race Briefing - Enticer Triathlon (inc Junior series 12-15 yrs)
Transition - Ford Park, Yamba
Yamba Bay
Registration/Transition Opens - MINIMAN 10-11
Registration Marquee - Ford Park, Yamba
Registration/Transition Closes - MINIMAN 10-11
Registration Marquee - Ford Park, Yamba
Registration/Transition Opens - MINIMAN 7-9
Registration Marquee - Ford Park, Yamba
Race Briefing - MINIMAN 10-11
Transition - Whiting Beach (500m from Finish)
Whiting Beach, Yamba (500m from Registration)
Registration/Transition Closes - MINIMAN 7-9
Registration Marquee - Ford Park, Yamba
Registration Opens - Fun Runs
Registration Marquee - Ford Park, Yamba
Race Briefing - MINIMAN 7-9
Transition - Whiting Beach (500m from Finish)
Whiting Beach, Yamba (500m from Registration)
Registration Closes - Fun Runs
Registration Marquee - Ford Park, Yamba
Registration Opens - Criterium Race
Registration Marquee - Fair Trader Drive, Yamba
Race Briefing - Fun Runs
Transition - Ford Park, Yamba
Transition - Ford Park, Yamba
Transition - Ford Park, Yamba
Registration Closes - Criterium Race
Registration Marquee - Fair Trader Drive, Yamba
Race Briefing - Criterium Race
Fair Trader Drive, Yamba
Fair Trader Drive, Yamba
Lifestyle Expo Closes
Transition - Ford Park, Yamba
Presentation - Triathlons, MINIMAN, Fun Runs & Criterium
Shores Tavern, 64 The Mainbrace, Yamba
Registration/Transition Opens - Classic Distance Triathlon
Registration Marquee - Ford Park, Yamba
Registration/Transition Closes - Classic Distance Triathlon
Registration Marquee - Ford Park, Yamba
Lifestyle Expo Opens
Ford Park, Yamba
Race Briefing - Classic Distance Triathlon
Transition - Ford Park, Yamba
Ford Park, Yamba
Lifestyle Expo Closes
Ford Park, Yamba
Presentation - Classic Triathlon
Shores Tavern, 64 The Mainbrace, Yamba

Friday 4 October 2013

"The call will ring loud from every hilltop and into every valley, ravine and gully in the Northern Rivers....Here comes Metgasco - Again!"

Metgasco Limited is about to stir the hornet’s nest again......

The Daily Examiner 3 October 2013

THE call will ring loud from every hilltop and into every valley, ravine and gully in the Northern Rivers.
From the top of the ranges, to the east, to the shady spots beside our swimming holes and creeks.
On every headland, in every bay, in every pub and at every dinner table.
Here comes Metgasco - Again!
The NSW Chief Scientist acknowledged in a report to the State Government that the coal seam gas industry lacks community support and a social licence.
When Metgasco fracked off last time many people breathed a sigh of relief.
But very few in the know believed the claim Metgasco was withdrawing because of actions undertaken by the NSW State Government.
And here we are, less than 12 months after the Northern Rivers celebrated the company's withdrawal, facing its imminent return.
The Liberal Party needs to ask itself, is lowering the price of gas worth losing the seats the Nationals just won on the North Coast.
Because rest assured, come the next Federal Election, if Page is dotted with gas-wells a large chunk of the population won't be happy.

The new Nationals Member for Page needs to act quickly if he is to get a decent slice of the regional funding pie

This was the new Nationals Member for Page Kevin Hogan in the local media:

The Northern Star

A CHANGE of government has brought uncertainty to the upgrading of the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange.
The Labor campaign promise of $3.5m to go towards the renovation of the Casino Saleyards has fallen by the wayside with the Coalition now in power.
Newly elected Nationals MP for Page, Kevin Hogan, said all was not lost.
"We didn't make that promise but I really like the idea, as I see the value of contributing to the upgrade of the saleyards," he said.
While Labor's Regional Development fund has been disbanded, Mr Hogan said it would be replaced with the Coalition's Stronger Region fund.
"As soon as their door is open I will have the application on their desk," he said.

However, Member for Page Kevin Hogan is good at multitasking, yesterday packing up his old office while being interviewed for this story simultaneously.
The poll will be officially declared today and he will get the keys to his office.
For his first 100 days of office he has set himself some big goals.....
He planned to roll out funding for the Pacific Hwy upgrade and work toward fulfilling his campaign promises to provide more than $4 million to Ballina District Hospital as well as making installation of CCTV in Casino a priority....

It would appear that Kevin Hogan is very optimistic about his chances of securing funding under the Stronger Regions Fund and is patiently waiting for it to open its doors before acting.

Because under Stronger Regions what will be created are finite area funding pools from a budget of $400 million (with no funds distributed before 2015-16), Mr. Hogan actually needs to be vigourously lobbying now if he is to deliver a local funding arrangement capable of delivering the $3.5 million required for the Casino Regional Livestock Exchange upgrade as well as the many other infrastructure needs of local councils and communities.

Until then, the only money coming into the Page electorate for regional development will be that former Labor Government funding which Treasurer Hockey has been unable to claw back.

As for Ballina Hospital, well that is a costed $5 million Coalition election promise due to be delivered in this financial year. Again Hogan needs to get his skates on and see the hospital funding signed off on as soon as possible because there is a clear intention in the Coalition costings that this financial year it will only be spending $35 million in new funding nation-wide.

When it comes to the $3.6 billion Pacific Highway upgrade funding which Kevin Hogan promised to release and the promised $2.1 billion in extra funding – one has to wonder where it is all coming from.
Coalition election promise costings make no mention of this $5.7 billion and, it appears that for the next three years the Abbott Government will only be spending the same total amount outlined in the former Labor Government’s upgrade plan. In other words no more than $2.5 billion in total.

One also has to wonder where Mr. Hogan’s promise to obtain $463,969 in funding for 55 CCTV cameras in Casino CBD is leading, for the Abbott Government’s Safer Streets Program will not be releasing any funding until the 2014-15 financial year and how much money it holds in hand will likely rely on how much is received by government under Proceeds of Crime legislation.

Abbott's candidate may turn out to have questions to answer in NSW ICAC corruption investigation

The Sydney Morning Herald 21 September 2013:

Mr Hartcher's preferred candidate, Karen McNamara, was installed after intervention by Prime Minister Tony Abbott, then the opposition leader.
Ms McNamara was elected to parliament at the September 7 federal election....

The Sydney Morning Herald 23 September 2013:

The new federal Liberal MP for Dobell, Karen McNamara, has been drawn into controversy about political donations on the NSW central coast due to her role as campaign manager for a state MP whose office has been raided by corruption authorities.
The electorate offices of NSW MPs Darren Webber and Chris Spence were raided by the Independent Commission Against Corruption on Friday. Mr Webber is the member for Wyong and Mr Spence for The Entrance.
The raids are believed to be linked to revelations by Fairfax Media last year that two staff members of state Energy Minister Chris Hartcher, who holds the central coast seat of Terrigal, had been referred to election funding authorities by the Liberal Party.
The Liberals alleged the pair -policy adviser Tim Koelma and Mr Hartcher's electorate officer Ray Carter - had breached election funding laws shortly before the 2011 election. Ms McNamara was Mr Webber's campaign manager for the 2011 campaign.
Fairfax Media can reveal that during her preselection interview for Dobell, Ms McNamara said that as campaign manager she had raised up to $100,000 for Mr Webber's campaign.
But the claim was questioned by a member of the NSW Liberal state executive, Hollie Hughes, who said she had been advised party records indicated official receipts were far less than that - as little as $50,000.
It is understood the Liberal Party finance director, Simon McInnes, confirmed to Mrs Hughes that the official fund-raising figure was far less than that claimed by Ms McNamara.
Ms McNamara said in a statement she had complied with her obligations as Mr Webber’s campaign manager ‘‘to the best of my knowledge’’.....

Thursday 3 October 2013

Why weren't the Northern Rivers' Page and Clarence electorates represented at the NSW Energy Security Summit on 26 September 2013?

Snapshot of petroleum titles & applications which cover predominately coal seam gas exploration, 30 September 2013

The new Federal Nationals MP for Page, Kevin Hogan, is fond of telling voters that he will stand with local communities against coal seam gas exploration and mining in the Northern Rivers region.

This was Mr. Hogan in The Northern Star, 30 September 2013:

Newly sworn-in Page MP Kevin Hogan says he won't be pressured by Federal Resources Minister Ian Macfarlane to support CSG in the Northern Rivers, while Metgasco chairman Nick Heath has declared the NSW Government 2km exclusion zones "arbitrary" and "illogical".....

Then in The Daily Examiner, 1 October 2013:

KEVIN Hogan says while he can see where the Coalition's pro-CSG Minister for Industry, Ian Macfarlane, is coming from, he remains opposed to unconventional gas mining in the Page electorate.
Mr Hogan was asked to give his position after the Minister for Industry told an energy security summit of gas industry stakeholders he wanted to see more CSG rigs in place "by Christmas".
He also advocated for a "one-stop CSG shop" streamlining Federal and State regulations....

Finally in The Northern Star, 2 October 2013:

New Page MP Kevin Hogan says he is "exceptionally disappointed" at Metgasco's decision to return to the Northern Rivers. In a statement, Mr Hogan says he has arranged to meet with Metgasco chief Peter Henderson next week to "convey my belief that there is currently not community support for CSG within the Northern Rivers"....
However, despite being sworn in the day before, Kevin Hogan apparently did not attend the NSW Energy Security Summit on 26 September 2013, where coal seam gas industry regulations as well as ways and means to counteract community opposition to coal seam gas exploration/ mining were subjects for discussion.

Neither did NSW Nationals MP for Clarence Chris Lazybones Gulaptis attend. One of his staffers cited the usual trite excuse - "commitments in the electorate".  Whatever these alleged commitments were they did not appear to rate a mention in the local online media.

The Northern Rivers region and, residents in the Page and Clarence electorates, should be key stakeholders in any discussions and one would have thought both Hogan and Gulaptis would have arranged to attend this summit as observers even if one or both may not have received a formal invitation.

The bottom line is that Metgasco Limited and other coal seam gas miners had a seat at the government summit table but Northern Rivers communities did not.

While Hogan and Gulaptis stayed meekly in their electorates,  Metgasco used its presence at the summit to lobby both federal and state government representatives/agencies.

Then announce on 2 October its intention to renew exploration at an unspecified date and its plan to proceed with the Rosella EO1 well approximately 12kms north-west of Casino township - a well site which may require drilling through aquifers to reach the gas and possibly also fracking to release this gas which has a hydrocarbon mix that includes methane.

These two politicians should be ashamed of themselves. Though on past performance by Nationals MPs on the NSW North Coast, I'm sure that they will not give their manifest failings so much as a passing thought in their eager rush to reach those golden parliamentary perks.