Monday 4 November 2013

Metgasco Limited spits the dummy because it proceeded without a social contract with Northern Rivers communities and is suffering the consequences

There appears to be no end to the disinformation, excuses and complaints issuing from coal seam gas exploration, mining and wannabe production company Metgasco Limited.

This is the company’s latest in The Australian on 4 November 2013:

COAL-SEAM gas group Metgasco has called on the NSW government to compensate it for losses of millions of dollars after the introduction of new restrictions on drilling, which it says are "killing" the industry in that state.
Metgasco chief executive Peter Henderson also attacked the state Coalition government for failing to identify firmly which specific areas were off-limits to CSG wells in NSW.
"Nine months after the NSW government first came up with these knee-jerk (restrictions), we are still trying to work out where we can and can't drill," he told The Australian. "We have spent a lot of money in good faith and have established very healthy CSG reserves . . . Will the NSW government be compensating us?"
Last month, the NSW government confirmed laws, initially flagged last year, banning CSG wells within 2km of houses in urban areas.
Energy retailer AGL, which holds large exploration licences across Sydney city, and Metgasco were among the hardest hit.
Mr Henderson would not place a figure on losses from the new law but said "20 to 30 per cent" of the company's reserves were now "wasted".
The company had spent $77 million on exploration, suggesting losses from the new 2km buffer zone would be between $15m and $25m for Metgasco.
Metgasco's operations are centred in northern NSW and those reserves now off-limits are below the northern town of Grafton.....

Climate change denying according to Leunig

Annual Report of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission

On average it only takes 11.7 days to register a charity in Australia, according to the first annual report of the Australian Charities and Not‑for‑profits Commission (ACNC).

New charities registered in 2012-13:

In 2012–13 the ACNC received 245 complaints or concerns about charities. Of these, 199 were resolved by the ACNC and 46 were still in progress at 30 June 2013.....
Of the 245 complaints or concerns received by the ACNC, 56 were escalated for investigation....

Sunday 3 November 2013

O'Farrell Government identifies parks, reserves and conservation areas in which recreational shooters will be allowed during a three year pest control trial

Robyn Parker MP Minister for the Environment Minister for Heritage 
 Thursday, 31 October 2013

The locations of a three year scientific trial using skilled volunteers to boost pest animal control efforts in 12 of the state’s national parks and reserves have been announced today by the NSW Government.

Environment Minister Robyn Parker said the Supplementary Pest Control trial would be the first of its kind and the independent Natural Resources Commission will review the outcomes of the program in 2016.

“This trial will provide the first detailed scientific information on how volunteers can help reduce pest animals and protect native plants and animals,” Ms Parker said.
“Pest animals such as goats, pigs, deer and foxes cause damage to wildlife and agriculture and the NSW Government invests $38 million a year on pest control in national parks.

“Through a combination of trapping, baiting and shooting over the past two years, the National Parks and Wildlife Service has removed over 100,000 pest animals from national parks and reserves.

“This trial will utilise the expertise, skill and commitment of volunteers who have an equivalent skill and accreditation level to professional staff, under the supervision of the NPWS.

“It will be a true partnership between the community and the NPWS.”

The three year trial will be carried out in 12 national parks and reserves in Western NSW:

Cocopara Nature Reserve, near Griffith;

Yathong Nature Reserve and Nombinnie Nature Reserve and State Conservation Area, near Cobar;

Murrumbidgee Valley National Park and State Conservation Area, near Balranald;

Goonoo National Park and State Conservation Area and Coolbaggie Nature Reserve, near Dubbo;

Gundabooka National Park and State Conservation Area, near Bourke; and

Woomargama National Park, near Albury.

In all these reserves NPWS has existing programs to reduce pest animals and their impacts. The trial will aim to make NPWS programs even more effective, through planned and targeted volunteer ground shooting.

Ms Parker said the program procedures and safeguards will operate in the same way as existing NPWS pest control operations.

“All relevant areas within parks will be closed to other users on the specific days that planned shooting operations are underway – just as parks are closed during professional pest control operations,” Ms Parker said.

“No person under 18 will be allowed to participate in the program and only firearm types that are currently used in NPWS operations will be permitted.

“Supplementary Pest Control operations will be planned at least four weeks in advance. NPWS will provide final confirmation to neighbours and the public at least 48 hours ahead of any operation.”

The 30 day notification for the trial starts today, however the call for volunteers will be based on need and the advice of the NPWS.

The program will be administered under the National Parks and Wildlife Service Act.

For more information on the trial -

Media: John McCormack 0467 731 806

Comparison doesn't show Tony Abbott in a good light

Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard: montage from Google Images

Expenses paid by the Dept. Of Finance during a period when Julia Gillard was Prime Minister of Australia and Tony Abbott was Leader of the Opposition:
Courtesy of @FrancieJones

Note: Overseas travel costs have been omitted from this list. 
These figures can be found at  (Abbott) 
and  (Gillard).

Saturday 2 November 2013

NBN: What Tony Abbott's digital illiteracy means for rural and regional Australia

Australian Minister for Communications Malcolm Bligh Turnbull, the man Prime Minister Abbott insisted (in a breathtaking display of digital ignorance) virtually invented the Internet, has ground the National Broadband Network rollout to a halt.

Leaving rural and regional Australia, its communities and businesses, on the other side of an ever-widening digital divide.

Financial Review 31 October 2013:

Construction firms building the national broadband network have told sub-contractors they will have to wait up to five months before receiving more work, as the rollout of fibre optic cabling grinds to a halt.
NBN Co revealed that in October a 10th of its standard workload was carried out. Small work crews physically rolling out fibre cabling along streets and into homes say they will need to cut dozens of staff if there is no further work.
The company managing the rollout revealed on Tuesday that just a third of the more than 900,000 homes it planned to pass with fibre over the next 12 months would finish construction. It would not issue contracts to construct the remaining 600,000 existing premises where network build had not yet begun, prompting criticisms from Labor and community groups....

Rather predictably Nationals MP for Cowper and Assistant Minister for Employment, Luke Hartsuyker, is attempting to deny reality - blaming the former Labor government for what the Abbott Government is doing.

According to him; "The Coalition is committed to being honest with Australians about the NBN rollout. We will implement the policy that we took to the election." [The Daily Examiner,1 November 2013,p3]

In March 2013 Hartsuyker stated on his own website that; Up to two million Australian households cannot get decent fixed-line high speed broadband...Regional Australia stands to benefit more than most from the rollout of high speed broadband...The Coalition’s broadband policy will put a priority on rolling out high speed broadband to those communities where it is needed most... 

Eliminating over half a million homes/businesses across the country from the fibre-to-the-premises high speed broadband connection rollout, with no indication if they will be included in any rollout of fibre-to-the-node, does not appear to be meeting the election promises made by the Nationals to NSW North Coast voters.

In the Clarence Valley alone, an estimated 51,346 men, women and children in 23,873 homes now have no idea if or when the National Broadband Network will reach them.

Nationals MP for Page, Kevin Hogan, is yet to make comment.

Hockey accused of punting with taxpayer dollars

Is Australian Treasurer Joe Hockey taking a leaf out of Peter Costello’s game plan and 'cooking' the nation’s books....

The Sydney Morning Herald 29 October 2013:

Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens has effectively confirmed that Joe Hockey is blowing several hundred million dollars in an attempt to make his performance as Treasurer look good. Never underestimate the vanity of politicians.
Forget a few thousand here and there on the cost of weddings and Cairns “meetings”, Hockey’s petty budget politics will cost tax payers about $300 million over the next 12 months and another couple of hundred million the next year....
The RBA certainly didn’t ask for Hockey’s $8.8 billion capital injection and didn’t think it was necessary.
That’s the extra $8.8 billion the government is having to borrow and pay interest on while blowing out “Labor’s” 2013-14 budget deficit by the same amount....
But don’t take my word for it. Here’s how Stevens explains Hockey’s borrowing binge:
“The high exchange rate has also had a significant impact on the Reserve Bank's own balance sheet. It led to a decline in the value of the Bank's foreign assets and hence a diminution in the Bank's capital, to a level well below that judged by the Reserve Bank Board to be prudent. This has been a topic of some interest of late. Our annual reports have made quite clear over several years now that, while this rundown in capital in the face of a very large valuation loss was exactly what such reserves were designed for, we considered it prudent to rebuild the capital at the earliest opportunity. It has been clear that the Bank saw a strong case not to pay a dividend to the Commonwealth during this period, preferring instead to retain earnings, so far as possible, to increase the Bank's capital. That rebuilding could in fact have taken quite a few years, given the low level of earnings......
So “Labor’s” deficit blows out to about $40 billion this year, but Hockey’s heroic efforts to reduce the debt in the years ahead will be enhanced by a rich stream of dividends from the RBA. The last time the Aussie had a sharp fall, the RBA paid the government a dividend of more than $5 billion. Trader Joe is playing the forex market with borrowed money.