Monday 2 December 2013

Once upon a time strong criticism of Tony Abbott was generally confined to social media - not anymore

For the almost six years Tony Abbott and the Coalition occupied the Opposition benches in the Australian Parliament he encouraged, flattered and cajoled the mainstream media into accepting a negative view of federal government.

Now heading the federal government himself, he is reaping that which he sowed.

The Australian 30 November 2013:

The real danger for the new government, a danger enhanced by a far more hostile media than confronted the incoming Rudd government, is that an impression, true or false, created now, in just a few weeks, will determine how the Abbott prime ministership is viewed for years to come. This atmosphere is made worse by internal sniping and blame-shifting, bad polling, an attempt to overreach on management and a lack of recognition of the damage that can be done in the short term that will not be overcome in the long term.

Financial Review  29 November 2013:

The alarm bells about the Abbott government are becoming deafening. And they are ringing around the world. What started as a rumble in Jakarta is now echoing through the capitals of every nation which has any dealings with Australia.
And it’s not hard to imagine that the first question being asked about Abbott’s Australia is: “What on earth is going on?”
What is happening is that a dramatic re-positioning of the way Australia relates to the rest of the world is under way.
A new ideology is being applied by
Tony Abbott and those with most influence on his thinking. And it is now clear that Joe Hockey is not one of those people.

The Sydney Morning Herald 29 November 2013:

It's rare, maybe unheard of, for an elected political leader to set out to put his country into even worse shape than he found it.
If such a reversal occurs, it's usually the result of war, or recession or incompetence or exceptionally bad luck, or a combination of external circumstances.
Tony Abbott might not think this is what he is doing. It might not be what he intends to do, but he needs to be aware of the likely consequences of the course he has embarked upon. Because there is no doubt he is going to leave Australia in worse shape than he found it and this is going to be especially tough on the next generation. Babies born this week will, on average, live to around 2101 we learnt from reports a few days ago. But what will their lives be like?
Just looking at two of the Abbott government's policies – education and climate change – we can confidently predict the next generation of Australians will be denied the continuous betterment to their lives that their parents and grandparents have taken for granted.
Abbott's brazen backflip on the Gonski schools funding agreements and Christopher Pyne's extraordinary flirtation, later abandoned, with a return to John Howard's class-based socio-economic status (SES) system means today's generation will serve life sentences in whatever socio-economic group they happened to be born into.
And Abbott's bizarre notion that planting (even lots of) trees and paying polluters to be a little bit less dirty will arrest, let alone begin to reverse, the trajectory towards catastrophic climate change on which this planet is hurtling, borders on criminal negligence.

The Sydney Morning Herald 28 November 2013:

But inside the Abbott brains trust, there must surely be those who are wondering if the U-turn they've just made will come back to haunt them.
The flipside of Abbott's directness in opposition is that it makes any reversal in government stand out all the more clearly. Voters heard the promises of a new government that it would say what it means and then do what it says.
They warmed to the promise of adults being back in charge and of Canberra being straight and open with voters.
They embraced the prediction that there would be an instant fillip of business and consumer confidence. And they bought it.
Yet since the election, the reality has been decidedly less attractive.
Joe Hockey had told voters that the answer to debt is never more debt. Now he wants an unprecedented $200 billion hike in the borrowing limit.
Pyne and Abbott promised an independent speaker but installed one who has remained in the party room.
Scott Morrison promised to turn back asylum seeker boats and even buy fishing boats but has turned back none and bought back none.
And the whole thing has been cloaked in an absurd and contemptuous secrecy.

The Sydney Morning Herald 27 November 2013:

They promised before the election to be a “no-surprises” government.
But since winning power the Abbott government has lengthened its list of broken promises and policy surprises by more than one a week.

Herald Sun 21 November 2013:
If it wasn't so serious, you'd think it was a rejected storyline for the spy-spoof TV series Get Smart.
Would you believe four years ago one of Australia's most secret spy agencies monitored the mobile phone of Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, his wife Ani and eight of his inner circle? And would you believe they then bragged about how clever they were in a PowerPoint presentation with the now laughable slogan "reveal their secrets - protect our own".
We share our intelligence with the US but our secrets have been revealed by security contractor and one-time CIA employee Edward Snowden, who gave 200,000 classified documents to the British press and then fled to Russia.
And it's all led to Tony Abbott's first real crisis as Prime Minister, as he comes under fire for his response to the spy bungles.
Indonesia has recalled its ambassador, halted military ties, stopped co-operation in the fight against people smugglers and frozen information-sharing on counterterrorism. Australia's most famous prisoner in Bali, Schapelle Corby, could even have her hopes for release tied up in this storm.
In Jakarta there are protests and the burning of Australian flags outside the our embassy. In Darwin, Indonesian troops taking part in war games with Australia simply walked out.
It is a disaster for Abbott, who is trying to regain control from chaos....... 20 November 2013:

IF the Government's determination to block information on asylum seeker policy hasn't reached a peak of absurdity it is must surely be just short stroll from that summit.
We now see Immigration Minister Scott Morrison refusing to confirm information released by Immigration Minister Scott Morrison.

* Photograph found at The Sydney Morning Herald

Sunday 1 December 2013

Australian Immigration Minister Scott Morrison just sent this small baby to Christmas Island detention camp

Scott Morrison loves secrecy so here's a photo of baby Erfan....sent to Xmas Island Detention Centre yesterday
10:38 AM - 30 Nov 13 

Abbott Government sets the clock back to the IT dark ages

Former Telstra CEO and Tony Abbott-appointee as NBN Co Chairman, Ziggy Switkowski, will earn a total of $700,000 on an annualised basis if he keeps the acting [NBN] CEO role for 12 months.

Apparently this amount of money may have purchased Prime Minister Abbott and Federal Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull a change of heart on the part of Mr. Switkowski.

This volte-face was revealed when.......

The Australian Select Committee on the National Broadband Network’s Inquiry into the National Broadband Network issued summons.

IT News 27 November 2013:

The newly-formed senate committee examining the NBN said it has been forced to summons NBN Co executives to appear as witnesses at planned hearings this week.
Kate Lundy, who chairs the Senate Select Committee on the national broadband network, said in a statement NBN Co executives including interim CEO Ziggy Switkowski, strategy head JB Rousselot, COO Greg Adcock, CTO Gary McLaren and CFO Robin Payne had been "reluctant to attend the committee in person".
"The committee is disappointed that NBN Co have taken this position," Lundy said.
"It is with regret that we have had to issue this summons, given the public commitment the Government has made to openness and transparency in all matters relating to the NBN."
The summons requires NBN Co to appear before the committee on Friday of this week.
Comment is being sought from an NBN Co spokesperson at the time of publication.

ZDNet 28 November 2013:

The membership of the committee is made up of three Labor senators and one Greens senator. The Coalition is allowed to appoint three of its own to the committee, but it is understood that the government didn't nominate any senators prior to today's hearing.

And those giving evidence at the Inquiry stated for the record what most bloggers already knew.

The Sydney Morning Herald 28 November 2013:

There are at least three reasons why the NBN Co expects to make less money from customers on the Coalition's network – which is expected to be about $17 billion cheaper to build than the previous Labor government's NBN.
First, businesses and families will not be able to buy the highest speed plans offered under Labor's NBN, which involved running fibre cabling to 93 per cent of homes around Australia.
The Coalition's alternative NBN, which piggybacks on copper telephone wires for about 70 per cent of households, could not offer “packages” of 250, 500 or 1000 megabits per second, government officials said on Thursday.
Second, it is likely Australians will download and upload less data across the Coalition's slower NBN, which would lower revenue forecasts.
And third, while Labor's NBN was essentially a government-owned monopoly, the Coalition's network will face infrastructure competition from telecoms companies offering other technologies such as HFC (hybrid fibre-coaxial).

The Australian 28 November 2013:

Under that new proposal the Coalition will connect nodes on street corners with fibre cabling and use Telstra's existing copper network to connect homes over the last few hundred metres.
Today the Department of Communications conceded that those changes would preclude the Coalition's fibre-to-the-node NBN from offering broadband plans above 40Mbps, which would hit revenue forecasts for both access costs and the increased data consumption which comes with the availability of faster download speeds.
Some 72 per cent of customers on the NBN are currently using plans that deliver download speeds of 25 megabits per second (or less), the same download rates promised by the Coalition's fibre-to-the node plan.

Including facts rural and regional bloggers knew only too well

Then a media leak gave Internet users more bad news
SBS News 29 November 2013:

The government's 2016 delivery deadline for the national broadband network looks likely to be blown out, according to a leaked internal NBN Co document.
The coalition has promised to deliver 25 megabits per second (Mbps) broadband services to all homes by 2016, but a brief to the incoming government, obtained by Fairfax Media, says construction and technical issues mean that may not happen.
"There are a number of conditions that will impact on NBN Co's ability to undertake a volume (fibre-to-the-node) network rollout," the report says.
"Given the complexity of these conditions, it is unlikely that NBN Co will meet the 2016 deadline to upgrade the fixed network to enable Australians to have minimum download speeds of 25Mbps."
In addition to raising issues about timing, the document also cuts revenue projections by up to 30 per cent by 2021.

To add to the old and very old bad news
Financial Review 29 October 2013:
Some potential bottlenecks remain for Telstra’s network, however. Both global and local technology experts acknowledge the carrier’s decision to use thinner copper wiring in newer suburbs could reduce the maximum potential speeds by up to 10 per cent.
Others have criticised poor maintenance on the network, too, after years of patching the ageing telephone network with tape or plastic bags.

The Sydney Morning Herald 11 December 2003:

A month ago, before a Senate committee inquiry into broadband competition, Telstra's Bill Scales and Tony Warren rather let the cat out of the bag.
Warren, group manager, regulatory strategy, told the committee: "I think it is right to suggest that ADSL is an interim technology. It is probably the last sweating, if you like, of the old copper network assets. In copper years, if you like, we are at a sort of transition - we are at five minutes to midnight."
A few minutes later his boss, Bill Scales, attempted to bury this bit of candour: "The only point of clarification, just so that there is no misunderstanding, is that when we think about the copper network, we are still thinking about 10 years out. So five minutes to midnight in this context . . ."
Dr Warren (chiming in): "Doesn't mean five years."
Mr Scales: "It does not. It could be 10 or even 15 years, just to get some context into that."

Saturday 30 November 2013

How old is DEX's oldest reader?

Readers of The Daily Examiner are invited to submit online entries for its Christmas competition.

Readers are required to provide their date of birth and to facilitate that requirement a drop-down menu is provided. DEX, being ever so thoughtful, has made provision for readers whose DOB goes back to 01/01/1885.

Images from

What If All The Ice Melted?

In its November 2013 issue National Geographic plays at worst case scenario with What If All The Ice Melted? with a resulting gobal sea level rise of 216 feet:

The northern NSW coastal region virtually disappears.

Friday 29 November 2013

How the Anglican Church and its Grafton Diocese failed Northern Rivers communities

The Anglican Church North Coast Children’s Home has been the subject of eight days of evidence before the Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses To Child Sexual Abuse.

Most of this evidence points to a manifest failure by the Anglican Church, its clergy and Grafton Diocese's administrative body to protect those children in its care and under its protection.

It comes as no surprise then to find that to date, despite his history while an active member of the Anglican clergy, now retired priest Allan Kitchingman’s name has never been entered onto the church’s own national register of all clergy against whom a notifiable complaint or a notifiable charge has been made.


Newcastle Herald, 6 August 2002, Page 7:

Judge Coolahan said he accepted that Father Kitchingham assaulted the boy during a 12-month period and had been of good character before and after 1975.
Newcastle Anglican Christ Church Dean Graeme Lawrence had spoken in support of Father Kitchingham [sic] in court.
References on Father Kitchingham's [sic] behalf were tendered from Bishops of Brisbane and Bathurst, which were not publicly available......
Anglican year books show Allan Kitchingman was at Singleton from 1963-66, Wallsend 1966-68, Lismore 1969-70, Eureka/Clunes/Dunoon 1971-72, Lismore 1973-76, Mullumbimby 1976-81, Tweed Heads 1981-88, Tamworth 1988-97, and Darwin 1997-2000 until he retired.

Newcastle Herald November 14 2010:

The names of a number of other former Newcastle Anglican members will be entered on the church's national professional standards register according to the terms of a church canon in 2007.
They include Robert Ellmore, jailed for nine years for offences against children over more than four decades; trainee priest Ian Neil Barrick, jailed for two years for offences against a 14-year-old in 1998; Allan Kitchingman, jailed for offences against a 14-year-old in 1975; and Stephen Hatley Gray, 68, a former rector of Wyong given a good behaviour bond after sexually abusing a juvenile in 1990.

Newcastle Herald, 8 November 2013:

THE late Newcastle Anglican Bishop James Housden kept a ‘‘very careful watch’’ on Allan Kitchingman when the former ‘‘nightclub entertainer’’ and major record company public relations officer studied to be a priest at St John’s College, Morpeth, from 1960.
That was because of Kitchingman’s ‘‘earlier background and associations’’, the bishop said in a letter in 1968.
But when Kitchingman was charged with a ‘‘child sex matter’’ in 1968, the bishop offered his immediate support and pledged to keep him in the ministry ‘‘under a bishop who would be fully informed of the circumstances’’.
Two weeks later, in late December 1968, Kitchingman was interviewed by a Grafton Bishop and appointed to Lismore parish, which included the church-run North Coast Children’s Home.
In a letter to Kitchingman in January 1969 Bishop Housden wrote that he was ‘‘glad to know that the Bishop of Grafton was so kind and understanding’’.
‘‘I ... believe that you can and will have a happy and fruitful ministry there,’’ Bishop Housden wrote.
In 2002 Kitchingman pleaded guilty to five charges of sexually abusing a North Coast Children’s Home youth, 14, in 1975 and 1976. He was jailed for 18 months.....

Newcastle Herald 22 November 2013:

HISTORICAL Newcastle Anglican diocese files alleging ‘‘falsification of records’’, including those of child sex offender priest Allan Kitchingman, were found this year and referred to police, an explosive statement to the royal commission into child abuse has said.
Diocese professional standards director Michael Elliott has told the commission about an anonymous 2002 letter which said the ‘‘disappearance’’ of Kitchingman from a clergy list in 1968 and his subsequent move to the Grafton diocese ‘‘could today be construed as a type of cover-up’’.
‘‘This ‘disappearance’ was deliberate,’’ the  letter said.
In 1968 Kitchingman was convicted of an indecent assault on a male, although the commission heard on Monday ‘‘such an act is no longer a criminal offence’’.

Reverend Kitchingman was convicted in 1968 of one
count of indecent assault of a male while he was a priest
in the Diocese of Newcastle. He was sentenced at the
Newcastle Court of Sessions, placed on a recognisance and
given a two-year good behaviour bond. The Bishop at the
time wrote a reference for him, which he sent to the judge.
The offence did not apparently concern his priestly duties
and today such an act is not a criminal offence.
Nonetheless, Reverend Kitchingman was removed from his
position in the Diocese of Newcastle and the bishop
assisted him to find a place in the Diocese of Grafton.
The then Bishop of Grafton accepted him in the knowledge of
the offence and undertook to place him with an archdeacon
who understood the situation. Reverend Kitchingman then
moved to Lismore in the Diocese of Grafton where he became
assistant priest.
By 1975, he was the chaplain of the North Coast
Children's Home and had conducted evening services there
for several years. He had also had frequent access to
children in the home, teaching them music, drama and
performance, as well as in his pastoral duties.
In 2001, Reverend Kitchingman was arrested and charged
with a number of counts of indecent assault on a 12 and
13-year-old boy who was under his care at the time. The
indecent assaults involved Reverend Kitchingman
masturbating his victim and performing oral sex on him on
numerous occasions over a 12-month period.
He was sentenced on 5 August 2002 to periods of
imprisonment of 9, 10, 11 and 12 months for the first four
offences, to be served concurrently, and a partially
concurrent sentence of two and a half years for the fifth
and most serious offence. His non-parole date meant he was
to serve a maximum of 18 months' imprisonment.
At the time of Reverend Kitchingman's conviction the
then Bishop of Newcastle, Roger Herft, now the Archbishop
of Perth, was informed by an anonymous source that the 1968
conviction had not been put before the District Court. The
evidence is likely to reveal that he raised the issue with
the Office of Public Prosecutions.
The primary question for this public hearing with
respect to Reverend Kitchingman is whether steps were taken
to discipline him in the Diocese of Newcastle and in
Grafton after the conviction.
Reverend Kitchingman was resident in the Diocese of
Newcastle up until his conviction and then after his period
of imprisonment. Evidence will be adduced that during the
period 2002 to 2007 his name appeared in the Anglican
Directory as a member of clergy.

Q. Ms Cosenza has just received an email from your office
annexing, in relation to the national register, what
appears to be a national register report. I will just hand
up three copies for the Bench and one for Mr Drevikovsky.
The email we have received is from Ms Mary Phipps-Ellis.
Is that your executive assistant?
A. Yes, it is.
Q. You will see that this is a national register report
with respect to Reverend Kitchingman?
A. Yes.
Q. There is a note at the bottom there that says:
There is currently no information on the
National Register for a person with the
name ...
Do you see that?
A. Yes.
Q. The information we had from Bishop Stuart was dated
14 November.
A. That's right.
Q. So do I take it that it is correct to say that
notwithstanding that communication from Bishop Stuart,
there does not appear to be an entry in the register for
Allan Kitchingman?
A. That is technically a correct conclusion, but I don't
know that it addresses the substance of what Bishop Stuart
has said.

Dangerous decisions by Clarence Valley Council


Letter to the editor published in The Daily Examiner 26 November 3013:

Dangerous Decision

FROM 1983 to 2003 a very large part of my life was dedicated to managing and growing tourism services within the Clarence Valley. It wasn't always easy as the Clarence River Tourist Association (CRTA) had a chequered history up until 1983 and there were five sceptical councils and hundreds of business operators to win over.
It was a long but exciting journey and with some wonderful staff, excellent CRTA management boards, highly co-operative councils and many highly supportive business operators we built one of the best tourism authorities in Australia.
The recent decision by Clarence Valley Council to terminate a current MOU and all future arrangements with the CRTA and then close the South Grafton visitor information centre within three years is alarming and fraught with danger for our local tourism industry, which has become our biggest local industry.
I cannot understand why the recently completed consultant's report was not released in draft form to allow general community input before adoption by the council. There are so many items in this report that are not accurate or not relevant to tourism in the Clarence Valley.
I cannot understand how councillors can adopt this report without so much as a question or a comment. I guess when you don't understand something it's hard to question a consultant's report that cost $30,000.
I can't understand how the council considered this matter without the input of the councillor with the most experience at the front line of the tourism industry, Karen Toms.
If this was the State Government she'd be Minister for Tourism. Within the CVC she feels she'll be in trouble if she offers guidance to other councillors and staff who have such little experience within the tourism industry.
One of the great tragedies of the consultant's report and CVC consideration of its content is that there is no appreciation of the history of many critical issues.
The first of these is CVC claiming the Commercial Rate Levy of $170,000 per annum to the CRTA is a council cost.
This levy was adopted by three councils in 1989/90 to replace CRTA business membership fees as a more effective way for local businesses to contribute to the running costs of the visitor centre at South Grafton.
If CRTA had not engineered this levy and the local business community not agreed to it, it would not exist today.
The second is the total disregard for the history of the purchase of the land and the construction of the South Grafton visitor information centre.
The CRTA selected the site, assisted with the land purchase from the NSW Government, and helped co-ordinate community and government contributions to the building costs.
Subsequently a section of this land was leased to McDonald's, but the rent paid by McDonald's is never credited to the CRTA while the costs for mowing and maintaining this front door to Grafton is inevitably allocated by CVC, in full, to the CRTA.
I have read the consultant's report and so much of it has little relevance to this area. There are great dangers in the direction CVC has taken. Of course there are ways to do some things better in future and save money - no-one should deny this.
It's not too late to revisit the council's decision and many people, including me, would be happy to work with CVC for the best possible outcomes.
Bill Day,
former CRTA manager

The Daily Examiner 26 November 2013:
Clarence Valley Council is having a workshop about its meeting structures, which could see committee meetings scrapped in favour of two ordinary meetings a month.
At present the council holds one day of two committee meetings. With five councillors on each committee, they discuss and vote on matters that are then brought to the ordinary meeting for a final decision.
In a report presented to councillors at the last ordinary meeting, general manager Scott Greensill wrote that there were a number of issues with the current format, including double handling and delayed decision making.
Before each committee meeting, the public is allowed to make deputations to the council.
"This 11th hour information can often cause problems as the person giving the deputation can introduce new information that neither councillors or officers have had time to appropriately consider," the report said.
"Many council reports are the result of months of work and the receipt of late information, often without time to allow for factual verification, is not conducive to good decision-making."
Deputations would therefore need to be held at a different time.
The council will workshop the issue before making a decision.