Sunday 18 May 2014

NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption to explore links between Obeid family, Liberal Party fundraiser Di Girolamo, former NSW Resources Minister Chris Hartcher and Metgasco Limited?

The chairman of Metgasco's largest shareholder, ERM Power, is Tony Bellas, who is in business with Eddie Obeid's nephew, Dennis Jabour. Both are shareholders in the Queensland company Gasfields Waste Water and Services, of which Mr Jabour is the sole director.
Until March last year, Mr Bellas was also a director of Australian Water Queensland, a subsidiary of infrastructure company Australian Water Holdings, whose activities are the subject of current ICAC investigations.
Eddie Obeid jnr, the son of Mr Obeid, worked for Australian Water Queensland. The ICAC has heard that from 2009 Mr Obeid jnr led AWH's push into the Queensland market.
Among Mr Bellas's fellow directors on the Australian Water Queensland board were Mr Di Girolamo, a former lobbyist and Liberal party fundraiser who was chief executive of AWH.
Mr Di Girolamo's gift of a $3000 bottle of Penfolds Grange Hermitage to former NSW premier Barry O'Farrell led to his resignation after Mr O'Farrell gave false evidence about it to the ICAC.
Australian Water Queensland was shut down due to negative publicity about the involvement on the board of a Queensland lobbyist, Wayne Myers. A new company, Gasfields Waste Water and Services, was set up early last year.
Former Gasfields shareholders include Mr Obeid jnr, Mr Di Girolamo and the current director-general of the Queensland department of premier and cabinet, Jon Grayson, who only ceased to have an interest two weeks ago.
On Thursday, Mr Bellas said he was "incredulous" about the referral to the ICAC if its was due to his links with Mr Di Girolamo and Mr Obeid jnr.
"We have nothing to do with Metgasco's operation, we're just a shareholder," Mr Bellas said.
Asked about the nature of his association with Mr Di Girolamo and Mr Obeid jnr, Mr Bellas replied: "I'd prefer not to comment on either, because they are before the ICAC."
Metgasco's license to explore for coal seam and conventional gas resources in northern NSW was first granted to Carlita Holdings in November 1996, when the Carr Labor government was in power…..
In August 1999, the north coast exploration license, known as PEL 16, was transferred from Carlita Holdings to Metgasco, when Mr Obeid snr was Minister for Mineral Resources. Mr Obeid renewed the licence in 2000 and it was again renewed by Mr Macdonald in 2006.
The licence was most recently renewed last year, under former Liberal resources minister Chris Hartcher. Mr Hartcher is currently the subject of an ICAC inquiry involving Australian Water Holdings.
He and fellow state MPs Chris Spence and Darren Webber are accused of soliciting donations to an alleged slush fund, including from AWH, in return for political favours.

Metgasco Limited ASX share price at close of trading on 16 May 2014:

More budgetary bad news courtesy of Abbott & Co 16 May 2014:

With medical groups concerned the new $7 GP charge will deter patients from seeing a doctor, analysis shows the Budget will lift the patient charge for a specialist to $100 a visit.
The $100 charge is the result of the government’s decision to continue a freeze on Medicare rebates for specialists.
The AMA says its recommended fee for specialists is expected to be $170 next year while the Medicare rebate will remain $72.75 and this will leave patients facing a gap fee of $97.72….

Will asset-less single aged or disability pensioners who rent be forced onto the streets after 2017?

In May 2014 the full Aged Pension (single person over 65 years with no assets) or full Disability Support Pension (single person over 21 years with no assets) is $776 a fortnight, or  $842.80 when Pension and Energy supplements are included. This totals $21,912.80 per annum.

The Abbott Government’s 2014-15 Federal Budget Papers contains this table in Detailed household outcomes - Pensioners and CSHC holders:

The Abbott Government has stated in the budget papers that it will change how pension payments are indexed in September 2017 in order to slow the rate of pension increases.

The table above shows pension increases over three financial years, for a single person with no assets, will total $2,219.20 by 2017-18 or an est. $28.45 per fortnight.

The Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association of NSW has modelled this new indexation regime and, on the current base rate for single pensioners it would mean a difference of -$74.05 per fortnight on indexation in place now.

I am at a loss to understand how members of the Abbott Government expect the most vulnerable of pensioners - those who rent accommodation - to be able to house, feed and clothe themselves once current indexation is changed, given all the other budget measures which will impact on even modest household expenditure, travel or medical outlays between 2014 to 2017-18 and beyond.

Saturday 17 May 2014

Abbott Government 2014: the road to fiscal insanity

For the sake of multiple self-aggrandising media film and sound bites Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott committed Australia to an open-ended search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.

A commercial Boeing 777 lost at sea sixty-nine days ago, with no possibility of survivors from among the 239 passengers on board.

The recent federal budget papers show that in the 2013-14 financial year the Abbott Government will spend at least $36.3 million on the sea search and has committed a further $53.6 million in 2014-15.

That is $89.9 million in total. With $53.6 million of this being thrown away so the prime minister can continue to have a media diversion in his pocket should the weekly media cycle strongly run against him or his government.

Quote of the Week

Phase one of Tony Abbott’s strategy to sell the budget is to deny, point blank, that it is based on the deceit of broken promises made before last year’s election.
More than that, it is to assert – again point blank – that there were no broken promises and, in effect, that black is white.
''I stand by what I said before the election!'' a defiant Prime Minister told an incredulous opposition….. [The Sydney Morning Herald, 14 May 2014]

Friday 16 May 2014

Is Tinkler not paying workers ... ???

A remark by a commentator on Channel 9's coverage of tonight's  NRL game (Melbourne Storm v South Sydney Rabbitohs)ignited viewers' thought bubbles. It was suggested that about 20 employees associated with the former sparkie through his involvement with sport in the Newcastle area are not being paid. Fancy that!

Images of Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott listening to the Opposition's Budget Reply

I give you this commitment. Labor will never, never give up on Medicare. We shall fight this wicked and punitive measure to its ultimate end. That is a promise...
This Prime Minister’s cuts trespass against the nation’s covenants with pensioners...
I make this solemn pledge to Australia's pensioners. Labor will not surrender the security of your retirement. We will fight for a fair pension. And we will prevail...
This Prime Minister’s vicious, victim-blaming policy will create a lost generation of 
Australians—shut out of the workforce. And Labor will have no part of it. 
If you want an election, try us. If you think that Labor is too weak—bring it on. But remember: it is never about you or me, Prime Minister. It is about the future of our nation and the wellbeing of the Australian people. [Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, 15 May 2014]

Prime Minister Tony Abbott is a man clearly not liking what he is hearing. He maintained a defensive posture for much of Opposition Leader Bill Shorten's Budget Reply.

See Australian House of Representatives Hansard 15 May 2014 at 17:59 to 20:03 
YouTube video of Budget Reply at