Monday 3 August 2009

Just a little question, Kev. Whatever happened to the Pacific Climate Change Alliance?

In July 2007 Federal Labor announced a plan for International Development Assistance and Climate Change.
In November 2007 it won government.
So Prime Minister, what is the state of play concerning the Pacific Climate Change Alliance?
With Oxfam Australia and the Australia Institute releasing
a report stating that up to 75 million people are likely to be on the move in the Asia-Pacific due to climate change over the next 41 years, the fate of the promised alliance is more than a trifling concern.
Many of the areas where climate change refugees will be first forced out are within easy sailing of Australia.
It's also hard to run away from the distinct possibility that a lack of food, water and land security will destabilise our region and that armed conflict will occur if land pressure intensifies.
Pacific Island Forum Leaders Meeting begins in Cairns this week, so perhaps I won't be the only one asking this question.

Want to find out what population displacement might feel like, Kev?
Then keep f**a**ing about just like the former tenant of The Lodge.

Sunday 2 August 2009

Talking about effluent in the Big Dry.....

Every few years it seems that somebody wants to turn one or another New South Wales coastal river inland against the wishes of the majority of coastal dwellers.
Well, for about 40 years there has also been an alternative idea doing the rounds under the radar so to speak - pumping treated effluent via a pipeline through the Great Dividing Range into the Murray and Darling river network.
So that this now almost potable water goes inland rather than into coastal rivers and the ocean.

Lower Clarence River resident

Guest Speak is a North Coast Voices segment allowing serious or satirical comment from NSW Northern Rivers residents. Email ncvguestpeak at live dot com dot au to submit comment for consideration.

Boy the Wonder Cat receives the ultimate Nigerian phishing scam?

This rather amusing email turned up in Boy the Wonder Cat's email inbox recently:

Good day,
This programme is awarded for all victims who were previously scammed by the internet fraudsters ,
The Financial Commitee of the UN-HABITAT Programme have deposited your Settlement Check Parcel of $500,000.00 USD with Reference Number UN013-0156/UPS-UN-HABITAT to the United Parcel Service of Nigeria(UPS)
You are to contact the United Parcel Service of Nigeria (UPS) with
your details for more information.
Tel: +234-7060-516-059
Accept Our regards.
Pathangery Latha
UN-HABITAT Senior Information Officer


Show me the money Mr. Crawford says NSW Industrial Relations Commission

The NSW Industrial Relations Commission has temporarily short-armed the North Coast Area Health Service's drive to shed another 300 jobs.
Chief Executive Officer Chris Crawford has been asked to show proof of current savings and outline savings anticipated by further staffing cuts.
Fractured fairytales coming up!