In November 2007 it won government.
So Prime Minister, what is the state of play concerning the Pacific Climate Change Alliance?
With Oxfam Australia and the Australia Institute releasing a report stating that up to 75 million people are likely to be on the move in the Asia-Pacific due to climate change over the next 41 years, the fate of the promised alliance is more than a trifling concern.
Many of the areas where climate change refugees will be first forced out are within easy sailing of Australia.
It's also hard to run away from the distinct possibility that a lack of food, water and land security will destabilise our region and that armed conflict will occur if land pressure intensifies.
The Pacific Island Forum Leaders Meeting begins in Cairns this week, so perhaps I won't be the only one asking this question.
Want to find out what population displacement might feel like, Kev?
Then keep f**a**ing about just like the former tenant of The Lodge.
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