Sportsbet online yesterday afternoon:
Liberal Leader At Next Federal Election 21 Jan 2010 Straight
Malcom Turnbull 1.60
Joe Hockey 3.00
Tony Abbott 6.50
Julie Bishop 21.00
Any Other 13.00
Andrew Robb 9.00
Peter Dutton 21.00
Pic from ABC News
Australia has a brand new federal political party - move over Family First!
Yes, your eyes didn't deceive you - it's the Australian S~x Party
Although born in November 2008 with Eros as midwife, it was only registered federally in glorious technicolour on 5th August 2009.
Giving it a comfortable amount of time to gear-up for the next federal election.
I don't know who will have apoplexy first; Family First's Senator Steve Fielding who if he gets re-elected in 2010-11 may find himself sharing his Senate play lunch with an ASP senator defending legal erotica, Federal Communications Minister Stephen Conroy who is determined to eradicate anything far-right Christianity disapproves of, or Teh DBCDE which must be privately wondering how a political party with such a name will fare if a national Internet filtering scheme comes to pass.
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