Tuesday 29 May 2012

The Coal Seam Gas Debate in May 2012

He said:
She said:
I might take Ian MacFarlane’s indignation a little more seriously - if his Statement of Members' Interests didn't show him accepting air flights and/or hospitality from mining groups, Chevron Australia, Beach Energy and EDI Downer.
Of course he's not alone in accepting the perks of industry lobbying.

What one voter thinks of the Member for Clarence

The email received by North Coast Voices was short 'n' sweet and produced a guffaw when passed around:

He wouldn’t have the faintest idea about this.  

How right this voter is.
I wonder if ‘Steve’ Gulaptis stands in front of the bathroom mirror to practice the words written for him? How many times does he have to rehearse each piece before he stops stumbling over sentences?

A smoking gun in the Thomson vs Media saga?

In 2009 then Victorian ALP state secretary Stephen Newnham was one of the first people to start accusing Craig Thomson of alleged
brothel creeping during his time at the Health Services Union.
After being forced to resign this senior Labor position in that same year, Newnham and former adviser to senior federal Coalition frontbenchers  Rick Brown later turn up as principals of a registered lobby group which had been contracted to provide political analysis (on the upcoming elections in Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia in 2010) to a newspaper in the News Ltd Group.
By 2012 both Newnham and Brown were writing articles critical of the Gillard Government for the Herald-Sun.
Does this set of interlocking relationships with Murdoch's minions go some way to explaining why large slabs of the meeja uncritically swallow whole Abbott & Co’s vitriol concerning this MP?
Might it also explain why the veracity of this 2011 2UE954 News Talk image of Thomson's alleged credit card details (showing a misspelled surname on the face of this card imprint) is not being questioned? A set of 1st-8th April 2005 documents which appear to have been eventually handed over to VIC or NSW Police by HSU officials as evidence of Thomson's alleged 'guilt', if the accompanying interview with Kathy Jackson is to be believed.

In the transcript of a 1st August 2011 2UE Michael Smith interview with Thomson this section stands out:

Michael Smith: "The card was also used to pay for escort agency services.
I have a copy of one of the escort agency credit card vouchers. It’s the old style one, where you put the card on the plastic slider machine, put the carbon paper voucher on top of it and swipe the slider over the voucher.
The carbon paper makes a clear embossed impression of the card. You can plainly see that the credit card that was present on that night had this on the front of it – Craig Thomson, Health Services Union."

At best this is sloppy reporting. At worst the information in red bolding is a bald lie. Thompson is not Thomson, no matter how you spin it, and any reputable credit card agency would reject the slip in question - rightly worried about the possiblity of identity theft.

Monday 28 May 2012

100% Ready Clean Energy Forum, 6 to 8pm at Lismore on 12 June 2012

The Nature Conservation Council (NCC) of NSW, as part of the 100% Ready campaign, is holding a FREE public forum on clean energy in Lismore on Tuesday 12 June  2012.

Showcasing real stories from the clean energy frontline that prove we’re 100% ready to start making the switch. Many stories are already out there about how renewable energy has the power to transform our lives, communities and society.  Followed by a unique one-hour workshop open to all attendees, with a specific focus on how we can reach 20% renewable energy in the local area by 2020.

Lismore Clean Energy Forum
When: Tuesday 12 June, 6 to 8pm (workshop 8pm to 9pm)
Where: Lismore City Bowling Club, Spinks Park, Molesworth Street, Lismore
Speakers: Paul Cruickshank (Office of Environment and Heritage), Jeff Johnson (Beyond Zero Emissions), Tim Barker (Permaculture Research Institute), Natalie Meyer (Nimbin Community Solar Farm), James Sturch (North Coast Energy Entity) and Warwick Johnston (Sunwiz)

For more information and to register, please visit 100percentready.org.au

Scoop Teh Northern Territory News Missed!

Has ‘Planet America’ been invaded by aliens?

L: Minature alien spaceship as it begins
approach to Chas Licciardello’s right ear

R: Same alien craft as it exits by
Chas Licciardello’s left ear

*Gasp* *Horror* Will Chas survive?