Tuesday 11 December 2007

Rodney Tiffen looks at the Murdoch media and those 2007 Clayton's editorial endorsements

While the likes of Pearson, Henderson, Windshuttle, Akerman, Milne, and Switzer turn themselves inside out searching for relevancy in the new Rudd Government era, Professor Rodney Tiffen looks back at the Murdoch media's close relationship with the former Howard Government.
"Two conclusions should not be lost sight of. Labor won this election without any help, and in the face of some hindrance, from News Limited, and so the government owes the company precisely zero. Second, the Murdoch press has exposed itself as being out of touch with public opinion, and with a more limited capacity to influence it than they might have imagined. Its senior ranks are so dominated by conservative ideologues that this colours all their views of politics. This long ago started to damage their professional credibility, but of more interest to their boss may be the fact that now it is also increasingly threatening their commercial performance."

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